Are you the You:nique winner?

24hours sticky mode for Alliance, scroll down for the latest entries pls…. 🙂

You all still remember the You:nique contest that I posted a while ago. Ala yang hadiah dia Digital Camera, iPod Shuffle & RM50 Cash Reward tu? Sure ingat kan. Korang ade masuk dak contest tu? Rugilah korang kalo tak masuk…


Sebab now its time to announce the winners yeyyyyy!! Sebelum tu, mari kira ucapkan congratulations to the   winners, kepada yang tak menang, jgn putus asa, cuba lagi lain kali ya :), banyak lagi contest coming soon kat RM nih.

ok let’s see how You:nique & creative they are…

For the Grand Prize, it’s tie between these two, hence Alliance Bank decided to have 2 winners instead. They brought home digital camera Nikon COOLPIXS650 each ya. Bestnyaa! Dapat camera percuma2 jer….


For the 2nd place winners, 10 of them are…



They got themselves an iPod Shuffle 1GB. Perkhhhhh. Ada tak among winners ni baca RM? Mesti ado kot? Surely nya lah. Kenapa aku tak masuk ek contest nih? Bukan tak nak masuk oi, kang kalo aku masuk, kalo aku menang, jadi issue lak.

So biarlah aku redhakan sahaja orang lain masuk contest2 gini… not my rezeki 🙁

And for the 20 of them who got the 3rd place which entitle RM50 Cash Rebates are…





Once again congratulations to semua korang yang menang!!! 🙂

Kepada yang tak menang jangan la bermuram duka. Good news is there will be upcoming contest, but do check up on their You:nique facebook from time to time ya or better become their fan to get the updates 🙂

and btw, do check up their benefits as well. Firstly their Great Rebates which give you Cash rebate up to 2 % for all retail purchases

Secondly Great Rates which is Flat finance charge of ONLY 9% p.a. and last but not least Great Rewards which entitle you to get 2x reward points for ALL local & oversea purchases.

On top of that you can be You:nique as you wish 🙂


Be You:nique with Alliance

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