The power of fake eyelashes…


close eyes to see the proper make up plus eyelashes….


the power of wearing eyelashes, it makes your eyes look bigger, ye ke big hek? or lebih terserlah lah yer…compare ngan cikgu2 aku nya mata yang maintain with their original lashes. so mak menang. hehhehehehehe…


Diana did her make up touch in MAC…


i love my red batik dress, it s sponsored for so many months and baru berpeluang aku nak pakai. i had an event on the nitenya so malas nak tukar2, aku sarung je untk pergi kerja gak. ramai my colleagues puji this batik dress. in fact RedGlow pun minat giler ngan batik ni. well, the concept of batik, aku commercialkan coz tak semua event aku sesuai berbaju kurung, so takkan batik nak dok konsep gitu jer kan.

i love it………… blog bout the red batik dress soon.


n back to office, gatal tangah ter touch up sampai tercaubt on the right side. so u see the difference between with eyelashes and the ori. saya takdak

to learn on the eyelashes and make up for personal or professional, may visit RedGlow’s site.

if you pergi under the flag of RM, mungkin ada yang special menunggu kamu 🙂

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