Jan 17 2010 Sunday, 3:00 pm
In Church and Gala Wedding…
This is inside of a Church. I attended my 2 bestfrens wedding. Momo and Baby G’s wedding reception. 16th January is always be reminded by my 2 frens.
Red, u come kay
i m coming lerrrrrrrrrrrrrr
but i woke up late for the church’s reception hadoiiiiiiiiiiiiii!
we were among the last couples yang sampai lambat. dahlah pintu entrance kat tetengah church, majlis ngah berlangsung kedek2 carik seats kosong hikss…dapatlah lari duduk belakanggggggggggg sekali. my first time entering church btw.
I hope the muslim readers tak buat issue aku pergi church sebagai isu besar. I came here to respect the invite by my 2 lovely frens, so tak yah lah nak kata aku dah jadi apa pulak. I did questioned bout apa dosa kita masuk church yer dalam dulu2 nya entry if korang ingat lah lagik.
This is the reason. i missed their Hindu’s reception, i didnt attend to their Chinese tea reception, but i came to their wedding in church oso at the gala wedding.
since duduk belakang sekali, ha dapat zoom dari jauh je lah. rasa nak nangis je bila tengok majlis depa kawin. I ve been knowing Momo since i joined the current company (5 years ago) then followed by Baby G. Momo is not only a good boss to me but oso my fren.
They hosted a birthday and farewell party for me, they make sure i came to all events yang depa buat. sampai aku pi spore pun Momo make sure aku jumpa dia. Yes Momo is working in spore, tu pasal aku x leh nak ngekor cik von dia. i think by attending 3 dari weddings dia pun korang dah tau betapa closenya aku ngan laki bini nih.
1 is going to be a father, and 1 is going to get married this year. another wedding yang aku kena attend huhuhuuuuuuuu!
Damn you Red, we ve been frens for so many years, n we used to work together but u never tell me that u hv a very popular blog?
then camne plak ko leh tau?
i read Wendy xiaxue’s blog!!
bluekkkkkkkkkkkkkk!! why shud i tell ppl in d office but my blogging life yet i tak suka cite hal kerja opis i pun dalam blog. That s my 2 different life kay…
They are all my frens, tapi tiap kali diorg nampak aku pegang camera, mostly these ppl will cabut away from me. They dont like to be featured in RM. So if i dont tell bout it, that doesnt mean i dont have good relationship with certain ppl lah kan.
But dedulu kat blogspot sblm depa tau aku ada blog, depa rela je tadah muka diamik gambo.
this guy oso my fren from the place where i work, at that point of time aku ni jadi kuli utk 5,6 or 10 orang. but eversince i was promoted as an Executive Secretary, 3 years ago in the big company, i only serve 1 ED but we still frens to each other. GK oso used to be appeared in RM, just that now he s seconded to another company but we keep in touch via BBM.
ni aku cite ni sebab ada mangkuk yang tah mana2 fitnah kata aku sombong tak nak berkawan ngan ppl at my work. Hallu, yang kuor lam blog ni apa ngong?
Liza 365 tu bukan kawan aku dari tpt aku keje ke? good fren lagi!
yes i m so choosy dalam berkawan, out of 300 ppl yang working together, aku berani cakap 30 orang je kawan aku hahahahaha….yg lg 270 tu we just say hi hi jer lah. out of thousands of readers lam RM nih…pun tak semua yang aku kenal kan? sah2 dah tentu sapa yang rajin bagi komen tu yang paling aku kenal sangat!
both of them are chindian, but sorang more to indian sorang lagi plak more to chinese….
Baby G looks so gorgoues and beautiful,ok now berdiri depan diorg tak nampak sangat dengan Tower 1 and Tower 2 hehehehe..
the wedding gown tu wuii lawanya siot….in between tu ada macam rantai. nanti aku bbm Baby G sapa designkan yek..kot lah korang nak tiru2 ker. ai x leh dah….i dah pengantin kertuuuuuuuu!
enaf wt the church wedding, balik rumah terus, gegirl just got back from her violin class, abang just finished his homework and aku terus attack katillllllllllllllllllll! selera sungguh dapat tidur petang akhirnya.
btw kat church nih bapak Baby G dah engaged police so memang security is very tight lah.
on the nite, we went to Shangri-La for their Gala Wedding.
the arrival of the bride and groom….
but the wedding planner sblh Baby G tuh pun mengancam gak gayanya
i like their wedding style, takde protokol, takde rasmi2 sangat, very cozy macam kita pi Annual dinner sahaja. sangat syok and cool. even waktu depa masuk ballroom pun, the group of frens yang nyanyi atas stage, and depa jalan pun memang fun sangat. as u can see in this photo, Baby G is like walking and ada gaya nak berjoget sambil jalan hahaha…Momo oh Momo…u hv to live with it lor hahahaa
Yes Mo, I datang hahahhaha, nak jugak tu make sure muka aku ada idak.
The food memang sedap fantastic, apa ke Sirman mata stim tuh…he didnt bring the DSLR camera lor…ni bukan blogjob, tak kuasa dia nak huhara bawak. itu pun pemalas nak pakai bowtie ke necktie pakcik nih, katanya bukan dok meja VVIP. oh KJ pun ada malam tu but i didnt see him, aku nampak Nori sahajor.
anw banyak gambar aku terpaksa buang tak letak lam nih specially gambar YAM, our fren too, sebelum dia naik jadi YAM aku berani letak, tp la nih bila dah naik jadi YAM, mak takut dik wpun dia x kisah pun aku amik gambo dia so better respect lah.
bila depa show the slides of the frens, i was so honoured to see my face was in there too! tapi gambo tu taun bape lah si Momo and Baby G ni letak. walaweii…entah masa event party mana tah, sah masa tu aku tak geti make up lagik hiks…
anw in our same table pun dari kawan2 yang sama, tapi sirman pemalas nak bangun amik gambo. ciss….!!
fyi, saya tidak suka letak my frens real name or apa2 nama depa dalam RM, dari zaman dulu pun aku hanya letak nama samaran sahaja. lagilah pula those yang kuor kat sini ramai yang dari golongan VVIP so baiklah saya merendahkan diri utk tidak meletak gambar2 yang enggak bisa.
he was my previous boss…Momo
n this is my current boss since Momo left me…
Honeybossy is also myvery very good boss and fren too, his wife asked me during this wedding:
Red macamana u boleh tahan dengan boss you ni ek?
oh by having a big big big B, tu pasal i boleh tahan hahahaha
just to let u know, my honeybossy knew bout RM, everytime i have a blogjob, he gave his morale support, he knows Redmummy kay, he knew i always travel and away too. so x yah risau lah pasal hal2 kerja dalaman luaran aku, he s the guy who knows me well at where i work. Kalau tak perform mana boleh naik pangkat paham….tu pasal aku time kerja, kerja, time blogging memalam buta ngeng
it s not easy for me to put his photo in RM, this will be the last lah…he s a VIP lol
another tribute entry to my good frens, Momo and Baby G. Cepat2 yek buat anak, sure anak2 korang cute giler kay….either handsome and tall cam Momo or bak puteri kayangan ala Baby G. lepas tuh nanti kuor lah entry depa nya anak pinak plakkkkkkkkkkk
by midnite, we went back home to our lovely kids. akhirnya terbalas sudah janji aku nak hadhir wedding depa, wpun dengan bangun lambatnya, make up lam keter jer, wpun dengan baju main rembat tak sudah, wpun dengan ucapan to abang..
abang mommy nak pi wedding nih, nak ikut tak?
eii wedding? tak nakkkkkkkkkkkkk!!
ajak2 ayam pun dah geleng kepala.
Very nice wedding, a 1 Malaysia wedding i could say.
Jan 17, 2010 @ 15:22:45
banyaknya wedding recently..my cousin pun ngam ngam got married..
year 2010 special ke?
.-= Dylan´s last blog ..Do You Subscribe To Comments? =-.
Aishah Noordin
Jan 17, 2010 @ 15:28:20
I pon penah masuk church mase tour Europe. Masa tu kat Switzerland and Paris. As long as ur iman kuat…thats ok…mcm org kristian or hindu masuk masjid kite gakkan.
But, mase masuk dulu…i rase pening and xselesa..haha…so cepat2 kuar…rase cam ventilation dia xbgs kot…
Jan 17, 2010 @ 16:09:40
wah byk org kawen lagi kan skang..pe2pun moga berbahagia
.-= comel´s last blog ..Tengok orang main???jeng…jeng…jeng..!!!! =-.
Jan 17, 2010 @ 19:02:11
You look very stunning RED…. Suka sgt lahh… :love:
.-= cathj´s last blog ..Interesting Stuff I found =-.
Jan 17, 2010 @ 19:22:18
bleh tahan juga wedding tu….
bila la nk kawen ni..
.-= mie´s last blog ..:: seri anggun (chapter 5) :: =-.
Jan 17, 2010 @ 20:01:55
Nice!…kak Red, memang u the best…mana2 pun Kak Red boleh bergaul..sapa kata Kak Red sombong tue lah manusia yang paling bodoh …
Jan 17, 2010 @ 20:37:02
uii kak red, u nampak gorjes la dalam gambar bersama sirman di meja.. sebab anting-anting itu kah? btw, i loike…
.-= Kancilbiru´s last blog ..I’m Sorry… =-.
Jan 17, 2010 @ 21:10:02
if you see them again, pls extend my congrats wish to this lovely couple, and baby g is more lovely than the last time i saw her!
Jan 17, 2010 @ 21:34:18
by reading this post, we shud know that how lovely person u are.. mudah mesra dgn semua org/ pelbagai lapisan.. one of my fav post.. hepi tgk red hepi..
Jan 17, 2010 @ 21:52:26
canteks gler pasangan pengantin ituhhh..eh pasangan merah pn cantek juge….:)
.-= Alamfanacinta´s last blog ..Happy birthday dear Alif~ =-.
Lyn Yusoff
Jan 18, 2010 @ 08:57:49
Baby G ada iras2 cheryl samad ler.. heheh
the bride & groom look stunning..
Red couple.. u look so gorgeous…
.-= Lyn Yusoff´s last blog ..I’m Happy
Jan 18, 2010 @ 09:17:53
for me…no big deal pergi invitation wedding dalam church..saya pnh kene dilema samada nk pg ke tak wedding dlm church tuh..then ayh saya ckap boleh..sebab bile dah dijemput..kiter wajib pg..cume jgn ikut perbuatan diorang jer..
.-= sofia´s last blog ..Selamat Tinggal =-.
Jan 18, 2010 @ 09:45:30
dah mcm artis lak nengok pengantin pompuan nie..cantiknya body mcm model je 8)
.-= farra-eng´s last blog ..Raja Lawak Musim Ke4 Minggu Ke3 =-.
Flo Alfera
Jan 18, 2010 @ 10:19:13
100% agreed with u Kak Red…that’s what we called 1Malaysia.
Jan 18, 2010 @ 10:21:31
k.red awat gmbar blur2. xgune dslr ke.
lily lotus
Jan 18, 2010 @ 12:13:54
selalu tengok kat movie jer omputih kawen dalam church. masa tang kiss2 tu akak tengok ke. haha..
.-= lily lotus´s last blog ..menumpahkan ilmu di McD =-.
Jan 18, 2010 @ 12:39:17
terjumpa GK di sini? keciknya dunia ni…K. Red nih disayangi ramai sungguh!! best best..
.-= Ekin´s last blog ..Idola Kecil =-.
Jan 18, 2010 @ 12:44:17
sama cantik sama padan pengantin nye pn..
baju bby G cantikkk..
kena lar ngan dia yang tinggi tue..
ada ank t sure comel2..
.-= yaty´s last blog ..Restoran Upin Ipin.. =-.
Jan 18, 2010 @ 13:03:18
wah…satu pengalaman bru ni..
.-= lieza´s last blog ..~berfoya bersama en.suami~ =-.
ayu the sun
Jan 18, 2010 @ 16:09:45
i prefer dress gala wedding tu kak..
very theeeeee.. PHHEEWWIITTT!!!!!
isk! cantiknya pengantin tu..dengan tinggi.. dengan sweet..
Jan 18, 2010 @ 16:12:56
majlis kt church pic no. 2 tuh..kelihatan pipi kak red mengebu membulat jerr..nampak tembam & cuteee jerrr
.-= Nur´s last blog ..Pak Tam R & R Ulu Bernam… =-.