Feb 22 2010 Monday, 12:00 pm
Those kat oversea tolong quotekan pls…
cantik dok yang wa pakai tuh? guccissima leather in black, kat sini takdak brown rasanya. the one yang im carrying pulak is D gold off white guccissima leather. i had to try that, mms to my reader, now mak jadi designer handbags nya Personal Shooper plak hek. ai suker jer, x pat beli amik bau pun sodap.
kalaulah aku boleh share ngan korang the good news pasal RedGlow nih….ada 2 projects actually. tapi paduka telah bertitah untuk hold it for a while…
aku tak leh le pakai gini, putih2 lagi lah x leh memang cepat je lah kotornya wpun leather….
so anw boleh tak hangpa yang kat overseas tolong quotekan the price for guccissima leather in black or brown nih? yang hok white tu korang nak quote pun boleh gaklah, tp takdak sapa tanya pung. my client, eh ceh my client konon….my special reader, very shy2 one mintak tlg quotekan. i think the price in kl is around RM3,200. so kat europe ke mana mak tak tau lah korang yang ada contact kat sana tlg hek…
oh tak yah lah recommend mana2 shopping online selain PP hek, coz yang lain tu aku tak tau how strong and reliable diorg tuh. kalo korang reader aku ni mak leh caya sket kot…sket jer ler. as usual nanti Contact Red yek…
Feb 22, 2010 @ 12:19:19
hermmm.neo rasa Purpleplum nyer bag mahal jugaklaa..sbb dia kan kt UK so the price is moreless kat KL jer…ermmmm ohh gucci tote putih yg neo nengok arituu..asyik mimpiii je heheheh
Feb 22, 2010 @ 12:19:51
Gucci…bila la aku mampu nak belikan untuk isteri?
.-= eyriqazz´s last blog ..Sambil Menyelam Sambil Minum Air =-.
Azhar Ramli
Feb 22, 2010 @ 12:39:37
Abihlah RM..eyriqazz nak beli Gucci pulok..hehehe..apa kata bagi free..SPANX satu kat dia..ahaks..ahaks…
.-= Azhar Ramli´s last blog ..AKHIRNYA AKU MENANG…… =-.
Feb 22, 2010 @ 13:50:44
saya tak tgk sgt gmbar2 beg tuh..tp saya tgk gmbr akak..cantik sgt tgk akak pakai baju kkurung…lebih ayu, sopan, manis jer…ikhlas dari saya..saya suka tgk akak pakai mcm ni dari pakai seluar or skirt….hehehh
Feb 22, 2010 @ 23:14:43
itu bukan baju kurung
itu blouse ngan palazo beso
bila jalan baru nampak ala2 suor
Flo Alfera
Feb 22, 2010 @ 14:17:54
I like the white colour one..but bila tgk harganya..jawabnya aku kena ikat perut dlm 2-3 tahun baru dapat beli handbag mcm tu..ahaks!
.-= Flo Alfera´s last blog ..Yes i did it!! =-.
Feb 22, 2010 @ 14:57:06
OMGucci, sgt cantik okeh!
.-= ninyUK´s last blog ..Jakun dengan escalator. so what? (Frankfurt-part 2) =-.
Feb 22, 2010 @ 16:41:44
wowowowowww [tu jer mampu terucap]
.-= sWeEtDaRLinG´s last blog ..Pagi2 Dah Kena Paw KFC =-.
Cik Amoi
Feb 22, 2010 @ 19:25:06
the last pic…off-white guccissima tu harga lebih krg RM2,100-RM2,300 bergantung pd currency skrg. Harga tu dah multiple dgn 5.4. kalau ikut pound, 391 pound je…cek dekat sini
Feb 22, 2010 @ 19:26:58
@Cik Amoi,
kat site tu mmglah tau harganya
skang nak sapa2 yg leh buy kat paris or london mar…
Cik Amoi
Feb 22, 2010 @ 19:30:13
rsnye same je harga…nnt i try cek di house of fraser. will be out to town lepas ni.nnt i tlg tgk kan..
Feb 22, 2010 @ 20:48:39
@Cik Amoi,
tengokkan pun best
belikan pun lagi besstttttt
Cik Amoi
Feb 23, 2010 @ 04:32:00
hehe..belikan??sendiri pon suke tgk tp jenis xmampu beli=p…
dah tgkkan tapi yg design off-white tu xde.yang ade cume warna hitam tu je. according to the promoter td, harga di kedai n website same…so, i just assume dekat london mungkin harga sama jgk..
Lyn Yusoff
Feb 22, 2010 @ 21:05:45
cantik nyer handbag gucci tuh…
klu lah ada duit.. dah lama Lyn rembat satu..
huhuhu bila lah leh pakai ni kan.. cuci mata je ler…
.-= Lyn Yusoff´s last blog ..Heavy Lunch =-.