Apr 29 2011 Friday, 9:00 am
Soft Launching of World Bloggers Summit and Social Media 2011!
sibuk nau ada yang tanya bila Nuffnang twitpic my photo ‘apesal takde kaler merah?’
sebab handbag hakak merahhhhhhhhhhhhhh!
n kenapa kak red looks so official one at the soft launching of World Bloggers and Social Media Summit?
Coz i just finished work liao!
We do have bloggers from #gplusmy of Nuffnang too, they are super famous ordy, ko pusing kiri nampak depa, pi sana sini nya event pun depa mesti ada
The soft launching was held at the Luna Bar,with models, medias, bloggers, VIPS, corporate people, speakers and everybody dalam satu Luna Bar. Finally launched and there were games too, which i tak participate, bagi chance kat orang lain ler masuk. btw, for the #gplusmy bloggers, semua orang boleh participate yer, you kena rajin je lah adap Nuffnang’s blog and twitter to check apa yang korang boleh join. The more active you dalam events, dapatlah slot sama :).
N again, pls dont ask me bout the #gplusmy, you kena tanya Nuffnang
Amber Chia was there too, she s superhot and camne le dia baru pas beranak boleh kurus gini yek. kurus sekurusnya. yang sebelahnya tu pun kurus gak…perut dah naik tu bang.
An interview session with TV3, for Redmummy and Beautifulnara. Dah appeared in the Buletin Pagi TV3 on Thurs 27th but i missed the show, as usual between 7 – 8am tu memang waktu aku ngah sibuk bangat bersiap ngan Gegirl, mana ngan nak anto dia ke sekolah lagik. so memang takpek ler nak nengok. kalau lambat sah Gegirl jeling2…she doesnt like to be late at school.
World Bloggers and Social Media Summit 2011 will be held on 15th and 16th June, RM and Beautifulnara together with Kennysia will be the speakers too as well, among the invited speakers of coslah Tun M, and the speakers are from all over the world. For the Agenda of the program, boleh tengok kat sini yer, from the World Bloggers and Social Media Summit’s website.
but pls pls pls….dont ask me for complimentary seats, i dont have the access for that yeah. Nuffnang is also one of the media partners for the event. Without Nuffnang i wont be sitting and standing there. Interested to register, ada early birds. Follow the World Bloggers and Social Media Summit 2011 ‘s twitter @wbloggersummit and the Facebook as well.
Three of us will be talking about the Lifestyle Blog – Imagine If There Is No Facebook or Twitter or Travel & Fashion Blogging?
Korang nak sama2 share apa yang korang nak ‘jeritkan’ if you dont have all the FB, Twitter and Travel/Fashion Blog?
Apr 29, 2011 @ 09:08:14
Wah.. Menarik..macam berminat nak join..
madammondoq recently posted..Birthday Party Paling Happening – episode 2
mummy wana
Apr 29, 2011 @ 16:05:36
@madammondoq, join ler..memang seronok..:)
mummy wana recently posted..Jenis-Jenis Suplemen
Apr 29, 2011 @ 16:20:28
kalau sempat kejar i joinlah..kalu tidak hanya menyaport siapa yang join jek lah..
madammondoq recently posted..Terburai Isi Perut Ngeri!!
Apr 29, 2011 @ 09:28:53
bila lagi nak g event2 mcm ni.. peluang keemasan ni…
zakiah recently posted..lama menghilang
Shawls 4 Us
Apr 29, 2011 @ 18:12:59
@zakiah, betul3!
Shawls 4 Us recently posted..Floral Lycra RM38 Free postage
Apr 29, 2011 @ 09:51:52
Great event. Get to know bloggers real personalities. Macam I kalu kat blog tulis merapu-rapu. Bila in person senyap jer macam tengah malam.
adisarah recently posted..Pelajar praktikal dah nak masuk sekolah balik
Apr 29, 2011 @ 11:24:38
nampak redmummy kuar tibi di intebiu pagi smlm mase berita pagi tv3!! hehe…
mynameismy recently posted..My Lifes Story Blog First Giveaway is ON!!!!
Shawls 4 Us
Apr 29, 2011 @ 18:13:26
@mynameismy, alaaaa rugi xdpt nengokkk!!
Shawls 4 Us recently posted..Floral Lycra RM38 Free postage
Apr 29, 2011 @ 11:32:01
gosok2 bahu
nak pergi
joegrimjow recently posted..Video SEX – Kenapa Sumpah laknat memalukan agama kita
Apr 29, 2011 @ 11:54:04
cane nk join ni kak??
farahdiba recently posted..Cuti 3 hari
hazman aka species1980
Apr 29, 2011 @ 12:27:53
Hi Red Mummy…. saya la the new guys tempohari… selamat berkenalan la yea…. harap2x dapat jumpa lagi for the next event…. ;-p
Apr 29, 2011 @ 12:35:34
event?? nak join…ok ill join the twitter now..huhu
asya recently posted..Farewell Party edisi ke TIGA
Apr 30, 2011 @ 21:41:51
@asya, i pun dah join twitter n FB tu.. :)jom sama-sama join event dia..
Jom baca ni: Jom Dapatkan Perfume dengan harga runtuh!! Temptations MAS Staff Sale..
hanani recently posted..Penjimatan yang banyak dengan PETRONAS RON 95 EXTRA
Apr 29, 2011 @ 12:48:52
wow. kak red ngan abg nara pun jadi speaker utk WORLD bloggers summit? ade class lah. tahniah untuk kak red.=) please be SUPER RED ok on dat day ! n best of luck!
mek norfa
Apr 29, 2011 @ 13:00:11
cm best jer.. k.red in blck & white.. nampak lain jer.. tapu merah ttp adoo na
mek norfa recently posted..PRE ODER BATCH 1 VCO
Apr 29, 2011 @ 13:17:57
bagus ni.. blogger2 br leh join ker?.. tgk akak kt buletin pagi, dah agak mesti akak kluar tv punyer..! kt ulang thn tv9 pun nmpak akak, tgk amik gambar anuar zain..mn gambarnye kak?
rosmaini recently posted..Resepi simple – rempah kari buat sendiri
Apr 29, 2011 @ 13:18:52
both my sis tengok yg kek red keluar kat tv3..menjerit2 dorg kejut sy bgn tidur..tp xsempat..huu
Anis Czaj
Apr 29, 2011 @ 14:20:57
kalo saya xdapat benda2 tu sume boleh gelisah kak.. mcm orang putus cinta pon ada… xsanggup2..
Mr Info
Apr 29, 2011 @ 20:35:17
wuahh!! interview tv3 rupenye.. igtkan tengah menyanyi td he3..
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Mohd Zaid
Apr 29, 2011 @ 23:10:43
kak RM cantik malam tu..
Mohd Zaid recently posted..Soft Launch World Bloggers & Social Media Summit @ Luna Bar
Apr 30, 2011 @ 21:41:09
@Mohd Zaid, aah kan..diapit oleh kumbang..bunga sorang je.. hehehe
bestnya kak Red. Femes tul
suka suka
Jom baca ni: Jom Dapatkan Perfume dengan harga runtuh!! Temptations MAS Staff Sale..
hanani recently posted..Penjimatan yang banyak dengan PETRONAS RON 95 EXTRA
Apr 30, 2011 @ 12:20:26
Bloggers summit ni boleh ke kita sumer ikut?
Saya nak pegi gak nih
Apr 30, 2011 @ 14:08:33
mau pengsan kalu xde internet..haha
Apr 30, 2011 @ 21:40:21
@tiefazatie, uish..dasyatnya sampai pengsan..
Jom baca ni: Jom Dapatkan Perfume dengan harga runtuh!! Temptations MAS Staff Sale..
hanani recently posted..Penjimatan yang banyak dengan PETRONAS RON 95 EXTRA
Apr 30, 2011 @ 21:32:27
wah,seronoknya… nak join lah the event..kalaulah tempat event dekat dan masa sesuai,memang saya nak join ni.
Jom baca ni: Jom Dapatkan Perfume dengan harga runtuh!! Temptations MAS Staff Sale..
hanani recently posted..Penjimatan yang banyak dengan PETRONAS RON 95 EXTRA
Lyn Yusoff
May 02, 2011 @ 22:18:09
owh lyn pun terlepas sama slot kat TV3 tuh..
tak dpt nak tgk..
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