Dec 4 2014 Thursday, 10:00 am
Stay Beautiful with dUCk scarf…
This is 48hours sponsored post, kindly scroll down for my latest entries.
- Stay Beautiful Video (
Sama ada kita ni ibu yang bergelar surirumah atau bekerja full time / part time, apapun kedudukan kita, bila tang hal anak2, kitalah yang melompat dulu. Am I right? Mak is always like that, tu pasal being mak aku monitor anak2 aku a to z, maybe a bit possessive but we just want to protect our children.
Cuma masalahnya, kalau kita terlampau obses dengan hidup anak2 sampai takde masa untuk diri sendiri, pun kesian jugak. Being Mak dan isteri, kita kena ada our some personal time sikitlah. Macam aku recently I took the blogjob offer in Sabah coz selain bekerja I can have my own single time. 1 malam je pun tanpa family, it helps (wpun of cos ler kita akan rindu gila ngan suami dan anak2 kan). Itu yang short trip, adakalanya few hours pun dah ok to me, ada jugak yang trip few days tanpa anak2.
Watching this short “Stay Beautiful” video , bagaimana kita cuba dalam dunia kita tapi terus melompat, mencari anak2 yang sedang menangis tak keruan. That s mak.
I would like to encourage all of you, tak kira anak dara, suami, ibu bapa dan siapa sahaja to support the Stay Beautiful Campaign coz saya percaya dan menggalakkan yang mak mak ni patutnya ada masa untuk their inside and outside of the beauty. On top of that, for the kempen, my dear fren Vivy has actually designed the exclusive dUCK scarves untuk the mothers out there. She s very happy to share the little joy to every woman/mother macam kita ni.
Kalian perlu to to know more about this campaign and Buy RM40 worth of Pantene or Head&Shoulder Shampoo and Conditioner to Get a FREE Limited Edition dUCk scarf
Join the contest at to stand a chance to WIN a Premium Basic Collection dUCk scarf worth RM120.
Happy? Good luck dear mothers
Khidmat pesanan masyarakat PG Beauty dibawakan oleh
hafiz hafizol
Dec 04, 2014 @ 11:33:32
Dah kenapa la kak Red nie makin hari makin cantik & hot nie.. Cucuk botox ke pa.. haha… just kidding kak..
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Dec 05, 2014 @ 09:07:09
duck scarfs…. yes
vivy best
Ena Mama Kids
Dec 05, 2014 @ 09:53:51
setuju dgn hafiz hafizol!!
Cik Iman
Dec 05, 2014 @ 13:56:47
memang penat jadi mak orang nie kan
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Dec 07, 2014 @ 07:50:12
cantik Red Mummy pakai scarf tu… terasa macam nak jugak.. heheheh Ah well.. let’s try our luck…
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Lyn Yusoff
Dec 08, 2014 @ 15:37:22
nnti nak pi beli.. asyik lupa jer..
cantik mu kak
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