
aisay gegirl bedak bercapuk la…sib baik rantai ala2 emas mu menyinari wajah capukmu …

a gift from my menara’s fren yang baru sahaja pulang dari umrah. sib baik aku ada anak dara, nak suh aku pakai…wuiiiiiiiiii!

kebetulan plak dia pakai baju jubah yang mak aku beli dr mekah gak…sesuai la sedondon gitu.

Comment: 8

Red Memory…

……I just want you to know that I do and always cherish you as my good friend, be it now and back then, the memories are there and will be there forever….However, I do realize if things are patch again, we both know that it wont be the same.I am happy to see that you have a good life now and my doa will always be there for you.

This entry is specially dedicated to someone. the above quote was published in my old blog almost a year ago sent by someone to me. I quoted back here, for this special entry.For more than 10 years, for the special relationship that we used to have, I brought her into my life, I brought her from nobody till she becomes somebody and someone right now.Last week, I received a very short note from her through MissName, and I refused to acknowledge that message. You are reading this blog, to you over there staying in the country that I used to visit, my red heart is still broken.

I have to clear up my workstation, aku terjumpa gambar lama ni…taken like few years ago. some of the photos reminded me to something…

Ok..more to dig n let see, apa lagi akan aku jumpa pasni…

Comment: 0

An email from him…

Dlm hati tuhan je tahu betape pilunye hati ku.. Mcm hilang gefren.. But its for the best for u !

bukan aku x sudi, tapi jodoh kita setakat di sini…

i just wanna get my smile and happy mood back. you may get my replacement, sooner or later, and she is definitely better than me…

….aku dok kira hari tiktoktiktoktiketiketok. 🙂

Comment: 10

I have to stop commenting…

sian la..

sian kat korang sesangat.

tak tau dah camne aku nak make frenly in your blog anymore. sebab aku hardly leaving comments in your blog pasal tu lah..korang mesti dpt tempias. aku ni banyak musuh dalam blogging world, they wont be sending harsh comments in my blog anymore coz aku ada tracker.

so these sick ppl, they went to blog yang ada bagi komen kat sini, and carik kot2 aku ada letak komen kat blog korang. so when they saw my comments in your blog, they send harsh stupid vastardvavi comments in your blog.

i think to be safe, nak selamatkan korang, let me just rest in peace from your blog. ngapa le bangsat sangat perangai manusia macam ni yang tak henti2 tak putus2 nak make war wt me.

aku mmglah dah kalis peluru kebal wt the stupid comments but when it comes to my frens blog, i dont think my frens like all of you deserve to get that.

hallo lalats – tuju kat aku sorang dahlah. bape kali mahu kubilang? belum ada org register yet. kalo x mampu nak bayo ko bukak ihateredmummy.blogspot / pun boleh.

my 2 cents, take it pls!

Comment: 21

Geng Bas Sekolah…

sibuk aku driving membontotkan bas sekolah ni, budak2 dalamnya over mesra la pulak siap melambai-lambai. aku layan la gak berlambai, senyum2 siap bg flying kiss kat budak2 sekolah rendah ni.

bila aku amik camera, sorang tu cepat2 menyorok..tapi lelain maintainnnnnn..

anak sapa la ni…

Comment: 6