Feb 16 2008 Saturday, 8:00 pm
Red in the red house…
redmummy menyinari dan memerahi hidupmu…
bley pakai x tagline tu?
i m not good in decorating the house, tanganku suami isteri mmg x pandai menghias rumah. but after so many years living together, sirman has adopt my red craziness…so we present you some of the collections.
i wanted to post more, the whole house red docorations, red collections, red and red, but i have to respect the TV3’s people.
Take 1…the shooting begins…
Feb 16, 2008 @ 20:05:32
best tagline
dh shooting ke kak?
Feb 16, 2008 @ 20:16:55
Kak…nak masuk TV3 ke cerita pasal red??? Klo ye…when ah ke-udara??? Tak leh jmpa dpt nengok lam TV pun jadik le…Agagagaga…
Feb 16, 2008 @ 20:58:13
ni mesti nak masuk tv lagi ni kan.. tu beli sofa merah kat ikea ehh..hehehe.. cantekkk.. keep on redding kak red!!
mischa barton
Feb 16, 2008 @ 21:18:36
wahhh bestnyer kalau org support idop merahmu
ade sorg tu ckp..red is universal…greeen is like katak pisang
Feb 16, 2008 @ 21:45:53
masuk majalah tiga ni..
ke WARNA wanita inspirasi?
kalo WHI kebarangkalian kurang..
MHI lagi la kurang..
kasi hint la akak sayang!
Feb 16, 2008 @ 22:13:31
merah sana sini…
jgn jumpa mata merah dah… opsssssss…………….
Feb 16, 2008 @ 22:14:56
woweeee..kak red masuk TV..sure makin famous amos nanti
Feb 16, 2008 @ 22:27:15
Kak Red,
Whenever u appear on Malaysian channel, please spare a thought for me in Singapore. I don’t have TV3, TV1 or even TV2. So please please please…
Record kan? Heeeeee… and youtube!
Feb 16, 2008 @ 22:49:22
mesti majalah 3 nih! takpun apa2 yang berkaitan dengan deko ke apa ke!
tapi akak… jangan 3:60 sudahler… hik hik hik
gurau2 je ye akak…
cantik karpet merah. i also have one red’s, tapi bukan karpet le, only a rug… anak suka mengemas, jadi takleh pasang carpet…
Feb 17, 2008 @ 02:47:14
girls and boys
when the time comes, i will blog about it…
you will be the first person to know. that s the power of blogging.
Feb 17, 2008 @ 03:25:59
kak reddddddddddddddddd….bilaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa?????? not on sunday rite?….isk isk……..