Catch up…

ai love my current job now. but to tell u the truth, ex boss kat nusajaya and ppl kat sana ari2 kaco aku mintak tlg aku itu ini..yes x kan aku nak zalim x nak tlg kan. setakat yang mampu je lah aku tlg, kesian gak kat depa. Tonite, i read through again the 2 short notes that they sent on my last day in Nusajaya’s office, a few wks ago….

I must say that it was a pleasure having you especially in the trying times of ABC. You’ve brought “colour” into ABC and a lost to us that you had to leave. Nevertheless, I’m pretty sure that we’ll be bumping into each other. Last but not least, all the best in your undertakings and whenever you’re down south, don’t hesitate to give us a tinkle.



Ape ni? Jual mahal ke nak buat farewell lunch?Will pray for your mom’s health, insyaallah she will get better (i do believe in divine intervention).

It has been a pleasure for me to know you and work with you although it has been a roller coaster ride (more for you than me, I suspect). We (ABC) come from a different pedigree altogether, hence, it is not an understatement to say that we did not fit in with the folks at XYZ, during the transitional times at the on start of things. We are Project Managers, day in and day out.

I will remember and cherish your outstanding assistance before and after we came on board in rather unconventional fashion; where no one was able to help us start our day on Sept. 15 2007 at T2. You did more than what you supposed to do, I will not forget that.

I apologize for any grievances that ABC has caused you between the “Reinassance” period but it was in more ways than one, enlightening for us. As Lionel put it, you are the COLOR amongst the grey of ABC !! I hope we have given you something in return as well.

We will certainly miss you !Dont worry bout keeping in touch; We will bump into each other again more often than you can imagine.



mengantuk tol mata aku sejak balik petang tadi. skang aku managed sket sebab sirman ada. tu dia ngah check buku sekolah anak2…gegirl yang lom mandi, menyelongkar barang sekolah abang.

nak jadikan cerita pagi2 buta aku ingatkan dah 6 pagi, abang kejut aku nak tidur kat lantai bilik aku, ngan mamai2 aku ckp pi mandi bang, dah pagi. tup2 sirman menyampuk baru pukul 4 pagi lah! wuii, meh bang meh, tido sebelah mummy. mata mak ko ni mana le nampak jam bagai, dah tentu rabun. so 4 of us slept in the same bed. abang terjaga kol 4 pagi tu pasal nak kencing, tu yang dia msk bilik aku.

lepas tu 6 lebih kelam kabutlah aku masuk dapur masak cam biasa. bunyik mmg penat, tp menda benda yg aku buat ni sume sama je ngan benda sume mak kita buat, korang2 pun buat sama. so x de nak herannya lah terrer ke idak. that s we call responsibility. u choose to do it. proses pagi siap cam biasa, aku pun anto abang ke sek agama. gegirl was sent by her dad, a bit later after that.

lepas aku drop off abang, aku guna short cut kat hukm tu, ada kereta dok parking minum tepi2 jalan tu, so aku terpaksa makan jalan opposite of the road, tiba kat selekoh ada satu motor dungggggggg laju menderu. mencilok aku ke kiri, motor tu pun ke kanan. aku berajat nak berenti minta maaf coz sebab aku dia tergapai2 atas motor, but from the side mirror aku tengok dia berenti siap angkat2 tangan gaya maki hamun ai. huh..takut ai. terus aku pecutttttttt pedal minyak. what a morning tuesday!


ok i have lots of shoes photos to be posted stay tune!

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