The blue and the black…

my new blue top is from spore too…apa lak nak jadi ngan aku kan, hehehehhehehe..aku membuta lunch hour siang tadi. aku x de mood nak keluar turun bawah, konon. a fren asked me to join her to town naik lrt, oh macih la dik, x larat akak nak ketuk ketak ke sana. so while waiting for her to come back to office wt our lunch, kena tumpang lunch kat dia since i still dont buy any fruits to munch yet…ms chocho ajak keluar pun aku enggak ada mood deii…sian ms chocho kuor sorang2.

nak balik tadi, there s a young boy, my colleague lah asked my age. sebelum aku nak jawab, he made a guess, 28yrs old. hiks…not a good try. i m gonna be 33 this july darling.

sebelum aku membuta lunch hour tadi, aku buang tebiat jap amik gambo charles n keith shoes again … same design wt the grey’s one .

just to share some tips: utk kasut baru takut kena gigit kat tumit, sebelum first time pakai i mean lepas u belilah, gigit belakang kasut tu sambil cakap ‘aku gigit engko, engko jgn gigit aku’ say it 3 times, to both sides. i applied that mandrem ahahhahaha katanya mandrem kan, for bangsar’s shoes and this CnK. my main shoes are all from eclipse, yang tu aku x penah letak mandrem..donno why mbe dah tau quality nya is better. this is only my 2 cents tip, so far tak penah lagi kaki tumitku digigit..insyallah.

im red diva but it doesnt mean i dont wear any other colours. ari2 pakai merah pi opis, sakit mata gak member2 aku kang.

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