Kelabu asap…

sapa ke tuan punya necktie ni ek…lupa dey!

Seman – dia tunjuklah aku brand necktie dia ni, naik tergeliat nak menyobut, so ai tot it comes from london ke, paghis ke….

before he callo ‘red, credit to beli kat JJ jer lah

citt ko!

6 months pregnant mom, she s currently based nun jauh kat sinun, ai like her sweet smile, my very good chit chat buddy…cantikkan kasut dia, sahlah beli kat negara tu, kat sini mmg takde

talking bout shoes, yes i ve bookmarked my calendar for Charles & Keith’s opening kat Pavillion this Friday. insyallah, i will be there with my usual chinatown gang! yeszaaa!! semua excited nak pergi ni. tu pasal aku cam ala2 sombong sket nak menjenguk Eclipse, aku nak merendek kat CnK lah…

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