Aug 4 2008 Monday, 1:00 am
Levi’s® 501® – Live Unbuttoned
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My new model!!!
Sirman is wearing his new Levi’s® 501® ‘Live Unbuttoned’, courtesy by Levi Strauss Malaysia
Apa yang best ek ngan Levi’s® 501® Live Unbuttoned nih? Ha meh akak tunjuk skill sket some more Sirman pun dok pakai jeans baru dia yang cung itu kan…korang tengok jeans tu, very the straighter waistline kan…
Seblum tu sejarah The Levi’s® Brand a bit lah ye, it was invented in 1873 by Levi Strauss & Co…adalah original, authentic jeans. Means sudah more than 150 years, Levi’s® telah menjadi jeans-wear innovation. Even YSL used to his legendary, yang benda yang diamat kesalkan dalam dunia career 40 tahunnya ialah menginvented jeans!
The Levi’s® 501® jeans model terbaharu akan mula beroperasi di mata khalayak umum pada awal August 2008, the finishes ranging from minimally-to mid-worn and in mid to dark tones. The one Sirman pakai tu is like the dark tones, ada rabak2 sket kat kaki, stylo gitu…
Sirman adalah peminat setia 501®, I think ini adalah koleksinya yang ke 6, best bila every time dia pi US, he borong je dari sana…ada gak sejarah pertama dia beli Levi’s masa dia bujang belia dedulu, accident abih rosak, kesian…n mana nak tau, after more than 15 yrs, Levi’s® gave him the new Live Unbuttoned, lom ada kat market lagi ye tapi dia dah dapat satu!
Mesti bila korang tengok Sirman pakai ni ala2 cam model bujang belia je kan. Cis! Anak dah 2 yer…kalo setaun satu ai beranak kompem dah 5,6,7 orang anak, which means the 501 makes him more younger than his current age, soon to be 35 yrs old.
Wah gitu kan, dia ada nampak sexy tak wt 501® Live Unbuttoned! ??
FYI, 501® jeans are made wt XX Cone Denim, constructed wt traditional ring spun yarn to preserve the strength and character of its 501®. N tau x yang this material is an exclusive fabric that has been used since late 1920s, itulah dia brand’s commitment to quality and authenticity!
Apa ada lagi dalam the new 501® yang sexy ni? There s inside waistband label, pocket flasher, dollar bill print and leather patch.
Sirman ada buat demo tapi aku x leh lah nak youtube kan kat sini, dia bukak the button tu very the pantas selaju, wah kelassssss, sangat tidak tercabut ye itu buttons!
This new Levi’s® 501® will be introduced worldwide starting bulan August ni, Merdeka month along wt the global ‘Live Unbuttoned’ integrated campaign! The price is ranging from RM275 to RM345.
Please get your fingers to click for more details, oh if u don’t know, the Levi’s® 501® is the first jeans invented, bukan dari brand lain, but it comes from Levi’s® itself. Great news for redmummy’s readers, selain dari dpt tau the new 501 from here, I m also announcing there will be Levi’s® 501® Launch Party, on 23rd August AND I m gonna tag along 10 of my special readers to this launch party. On this, to blog detaily later.
Khidmat masyarakat Levi’s® 501® is brought by !
Aug 02, 2008 @ 01:41:24
sesuai..sesuai…mmg sesuai jadi model, muahahaha. sporting betul sirman jd model ek.
Heartless Devilish @ Reen
Aug 02, 2008 @ 05:31:32
wahhh,,,ada gaya jadi model la incik sirman nie…
nampak cun… my brothers & i wear only levi’s..
i hv 3… but 2 skrg nie sendat tang montot… tinggal 1 yg sgt lusuh sampai tag pun tanggal..
Heartless Devilish @ Reen’s last blog post..Assignments Taim
Aug 02, 2008 @ 07:43:30
hahahaha montot power laaa pakcik seman!!!!
Aug 02, 2008 @ 09:20:33
ya ampuuuuuuuuuunnnnn!!! ini exclusive enchik sirman posing nih…tak bley di dapat di mana2 entry ribu ribu redmummy!!!! ehem ehem…general question untuk enchik sirman di sini buleyh tak??? apakah perasaan enchik sirman semam memosing 360 degrees ini???? adakah enchik sirman terasa kenikmatannye dan akan terus memosing untuk gambar2 lain? hehehhehehehe
gambar fiiirrrsst belah kiri…kalau lentok sket je….confirm….CONFIRM!!!! dan gambar last sekali sekali dush debabom…confirm SEJIBIK SEJEBON GEGIRL!!! satu cop hokey!!!
Aug 02, 2008 @ 09:27:02
hiks… mmg boleh jd model u…
huhuhuhuh senyum dah manis dah
viruspadu’s last blog post..plan yang last minit
Aug 02, 2008 @ 09:31:02
pandai model nih pose ehhh….hehehehehehe, nice jeans!
Aug 02, 2008 @ 09:31:42
Aug 02, 2008 @ 09:56:41
ooo ni la project kak red pakai comey2 aritu…nice jeans…pandak lak en sirman posing eh..mmg simpan utk jd model la mahal sket hehehe..tu yg payah nk amik gamba dia elok2…skali bposing… gegirl hehehe
Aug 02, 2008 @ 10:07:19
peewwittt laaaa abg sirman….. cayaaa laaaa…
Diana-k’s last blog post..My angels..
Aug 02, 2008 @ 15:48:37
levi’s mmg jeans fav kiter dari zaman anak dara sampai lah mak dara..selain dari comfortable, levi’s ada gak saiz untuk orang badan gebu macam saya ni kak red. saya mmg susah nak pilih jeans brand lain sbb takde saiz n pattern yang setiap kali nak cari jeans, saya akan gi cari kat levi’s outlet…
mmg sirman nampak muda erkk…wah..bergaya sakan sirman ni..baik2 jatuh tangga kang
mummysyafie’s last blog post..Raya Yang Tak Jadi
Aug 02, 2008 @ 20:17:08
kak.. saiz giant ada ke suor gituh?
Aug 02, 2008 @ 21:48:41 laki kak red hhehehhee..anyway ada gaya
Aug 03, 2008 @ 10:16:14
aiyoh… mana tang unbutton tu? *LARRRIIIIIIII
kekekekekek hamponn kakkkk hamponnnnnnnnn!!!
Aug 03, 2008 @ 12:07:32
hmm i read this khidmat masyarakat kat blog org lain
hehehe tak yah ler kak suruh sirman unbutton kan the top button, nanti tetiba ada org “kedua, ketiga and kempat” haaa mengamuk nanti
budlee’s last blog post..Invasion
Aug 03, 2008 @ 18:04:30
kangkang … jgn tak kangkang …
TJ’s last blog post..An Unforgetable Night That I Want To Forget
Aug 04, 2008 @ 08:36:14
wah.. ada gaya model la abg sirman… kakred, levis mmg senantiasa menjadi jeans pilihan sy..
mya’s last blog post..Sandal Teva Mahal OK! Jadi Beli Sandal Pallas Sahaja..
Aug 04, 2008 @ 10:26:55
ekekekekeke…aduhhhai…tergelak-gelak aku nengok sirman jadik model ni…boleh jual lah….
saya pakai cap ayam jer….tak paham lah jeans memahal nih…
umimia’s last blog post..Aku dan kawan-kawanku itu
mama belian & cengal
Aug 04, 2008 @ 11:36:40
kesian en sirman kena posing kat tangga!
tak pernah ada sehelai lagi sbb ….. huhuhu…saiznya enggak ada…
mama belian & cengal’s last blog post..It’s August !!
Aug 04, 2008 @ 12:05:59
waaa..sirman jadi model levi’s gittew!
Aug 04, 2008 @ 12:06:25
wahh..saya kasi 4 out of 5 bintang! ..tang posing yg kaki angkat sebelah letak atas railing tu yg mahal slack la kak..backgraound/lokasi photoshoot ni tak menarik lerrrr,…di tepian tangga gitu…!
liitle lisakimi
Aug 04, 2008 @ 15:59:18
Waa kak reds, dis is the best entries on advert so far, that pair of jeans only for the guys ajer ker..anyway u deserve a good credits for this one..
i’m sure wanna check this out kat outlet nanti..
cHiQuE CoMeL
Aug 04, 2008 @ 16:15:05
perghhh ada ghupa ada gaya…
bukan slalu dpt tgk sirman dok bergaya sakan chengginih
posing maut tuh!!!
cHiQuE CoMeL’s last blog post..Kawan baru saya
Aug 04, 2008 @ 16:30:17
bergaya betoll… ada gaya model tu..
Dookie’s last blog post..The Rock Feat Cinta Laura – Umbrella (Live version)
Aug 04, 2008 @ 19:24:54
inilah yang akak cite hari tu yer…
ceh ceh ceh… bergaya sungguh le…
menjeles saya menengokkan post yang ini!
nurul’s last blog post..DHANI THE CILIK PHOTOGRAPHER
Aug 05, 2008 @ 10:33:56
sgt2 ceria ok model nih! haha..
areleez’s last blog post..BaJu RaYe
Oct 23, 2008 @ 11:47:23
comei deh…… :choler: