Levi’s Launch Party at Ruums…

levi’s 501 jeans courtesy from Levi’s Malaysia and levi’s jacket, red shirt from Norway

i got the special invite of course lah from Nuffnang and Levi’s Malaysia

VIP pass

Epi came later and we took him for dinner kat TGIF (actually pass masuk dia x de kat aku, ada kat memember aku dah terberi lebih kat orang plak, hangin je Epi, so we had to wait for our frens yang agak kelembatan)

sirman and i went up and down, coz the frens are not able to go up, so tak pelah kami join depa turun lepak kat bawah….dok atas lagi more clearer, ada show macam2 bagai but again dah kawan2 ada kat bawah…

can u recognize some of these ppl?

actually ada 10 orang invited lists aku, tapi the 6 are behind the camera of course, not to publish their photos in my red blog…

sirman’s fren and epi, yes sirman is wearing the 501 courtesy from Levi’s Malaysia too

i didnt plan to go for this event at all, supposedly sirman and frens will go and my other readers lah yang dah selected. but last minute sirman ngan muka muncung ajaklah pi, lgpun ai got my Levi’s Jeans from Levi’s Malaysia already kan…hemm, ok lor…poi lah jugak…

hujan youtube ade kat sini

Thank you Levi’s Malaysia for inviting me from redmummy.com, wt the great party and show, VIP passes, doorgift, and of course Levi’s 501 Jeans for both sirman and Ai 🙂

The launching of Live Unbuttoned Levis 501 dilakukan serentak di seluruh dunia…ada show by Hujan and some guest artists, lucky draw, the announcement of the Live Musical winners etcs.

ai said again, ai gotta blog, ai gotta product, ai gotta pay, ai gotta special invite…all from redmummy.com

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