My New Dell!!!


alright make it short, since 2 wks ago pc lama gua sudah buat hal kaputtt kong kalikong, ai made one big decision to roll back my nuffnang income for a new set of pc, we chose Dell…sebab ada good discounts from our good fren, sirman’s good buddy actually. He works with Dell 🙂 Tq lion….

the new pc set is supposedly to reach VA in 2 weeks time, but wt Lion’s help, it got delivered in the morning of Thursday…wah ai like the services from Dell’s people.

yang benornya kan aku cakap ‘Lion, kalau delivery lambat, aku nak blogkan that Dell is sooooooo slowwwwww in service, aku x kira, get it deliver to my VA by Thursday’

tu behind the scene lah…apa pun kami redha lah kalo x deliver on thursday, but being Dell personnel, haruslah Lion make sure Red Diva tak kuorkan cerita Dell slow service bagai kan 🙂

i really need a new set, was thinking to get a cpu jer since monitor and kibod ku canggih lagi, tp sirman said he will send the old cpu for repair…can be used by Abang later on. and better to get a new set for me, some more, heading to full time blogger, apa salahnya kukuorkan sedikit duit nuffnang yang ku dpt utk blogging gak.

pusing2 baliklah kan….roll over sana sini, ke blog gak perginya 🙂

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