Birthday closing…

Gegirl said thank you so muchhhhhhhhhhhh wt muahssssssssssssss for all the birthday wishes from redmummy’s readers

ramai tol peminat gegirl ye, compared than mak apak and abangnya hikss….

ini gambar gegirl ngah makan….sambil melayan barney from mom’s room, photo to be exact taken at 930pm  on

9 September 2008.

Pecah record today, sekali jee dia sentap arini coz itu pun sbb abang menyakat. Her mood today is so good, maklumlah kan birthday girl. Bestnya plak mood baik, dia kemas licin meja makan dia tu, siap angkut mangkuk makan ke kitchen lap sapu2 bagai…wah. ‘Gegirl dah 4 years mommy, kena pandai help Mommy’

Love you daughter.

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