Veto Power for Redmummy’s Car…

sebenarnya smlm balik kerja je aku terus singgah kedai accessories car nih…ai ve been wanting something to be installed in my sparkle grey, not sirman’s RED WRM.

ai tok tok wt the chinese tokey man and called sirman n macam biasalah sirman use his suami veto power!

oh masa visit this shop aku rasa macam dah sihat sket dari memerut, rupanya it s only a break, malam semalaman aku masih lagi bersinggahan di dalam toilet 🙁

n so after buka puasa kat Pappa Rich, we had to visit the shop again, katanya kereta aku tapi kuasa mutlak tetap kat tangan suami kan. alah u….most husbands are like that lah…

either dia x nak kita belakangkan dia

or dia lagi expert hal2 gini dari bininya

oh tang ni nak kena tunggu approval restu ye kan..tapi tang lain, u buat sendiri ye, u kan independent wife

so make it short, we got the figures oredi and gonna go to our usual accessories car shop to compare prices

ai hope that thing can be installed into my sparkle grey before raya… 🙂

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