Oct 10 2008 Friday, 2:00 pm
My new facial set…
ahah, ai purposely post this entry at 2pm on friday š
coz kang kalo kuor entry ni before lunch, ada lah pulak korang pi ambush aku kat Clinique Isetan huhuhuuuuu. clever mak merah.
well, ai feel so frustrated wt Biotherm, malas lah nak cerita, fyi aku ni bukannya ‘cleanser or mosturizer even toner’s person’ i wash my face wt air paip jer ….wah mak merah sudah bocorkan rahsia kejelitaanku…
well whatever lah, but still ai gotta do something wt my face, ai went to SKII tapi promoter tu macam muda belia sangat…cerita dia x gah lah. and service dia pun ala2 jer, ai kan diva š haktuihhh..nolah as a customer aku nak lah beli barang kalo orang tu jual air liur gempak2 ni gaya jual barang macam aku x de duit je nak membayo. so ai walk around sana sini, and stop at Clinique counter.
she congceng potpet like no ending story. she recommends me this and that, but all within my budget. aku cuma nak satu menda jer, harganya lam RM245 or is it RM285, but kalo aku add up to RM310 ai could get all the 6pcs free gift plus 2 add free gift lagik plus few sets of hapa2 jadah mak tak tau lah. it s still good and worth to me. well, the product could last for 5,6 months. n since aku pun basuh muka ngan air paip jer before, tot to get all those jugak, macam logik.
aku ada gak dpt from loreal, tp aku pakai sekali 2 pastu gua balingkan hiks…nana la selalu jadi mangsa aku buat harta dia plak.
she did the skin checking bla bla bla…my face ok smooth skin tp ada gak oily on the t zone. biasak lah tuh. n the best part bila dia buat demonstration on my left hand tuh…korang nampak tak lepas dia tempek segala bagai mak nenek sambil potpet, ha gitu, 2 tangan kanan kiri ku sangat berbeza kalernya. after using the clinique, on my left hand jadi putih bersih koooo. but on my right hand agak kelam kusam kan…
ai likeeeeeeeeee š
ni antara yang aku kena beli dari 4 things, yang lelain maknek bagai tu sume free gift (no picture yet)…aku x beli lagi lah, ai gave my details to the promoter, will have to come back to get all these stuff on friday lunch hour. pasal members day nya ari jemaat baru mula. rugilah kalau beli ari khamis semalam. ai hope ai wont change my mind, this gonna be my first time investing to this….
well, x yah lah aku cakap detaily napa kena pakai ni sume bagai, gatal2 dah pakai air paip tetiba je nak pakai nih pulakkan, well…ai haveĀ 2 answers for that question:
1. One good reason – ai m getting old, ai need supplement and back up. 33 taun tak pernah pakai hapa2, soon akan bertepek2 lak muka nih.
2. One rude reason – sukatik aku lah duit haku!
Anw, ai went back home wt 2 sets of these 3 steps skin care system….promoter tu insists gak suh akuĀ pakai. Not that ai wanna look young, menentang arus tua, tapi adalah sebabnya. Enaf said. Takkan aku nak bagi one rude reason lagik pulakkan?
Thanks for reading my new facial set on Friday noon gini. like ai have no other stories to tell you.
Oct 10, 2008 @ 14:09:22
caya la kak red…..
33thn cuci muka guna air paip tp tetap cun melecun….
nie kan pulak pakai facial set dr clinique harus la lagi nampak muda dari biasa kan….
jgn ada yg jeles sudah….
apa2 pun….kak red tetap cun di hati saya….(^;^)
Oct 10, 2008 @ 14:10:47
kak, perbanyakan lah post2 seperti ini..
suka sangat baca…
seperti pemenang mengapa suka blog kat red, ini lah antara salah satu post yg buat org nak datang baca…
Oct 10, 2008 @ 14:11:20
pasal facial set punyer story ok per kak..
tips tu untuk sesapa yg br nak try this & that.. u never know lah cz reader akak sangat ramai…
besides, sharing is caring, kan?
oh btw, i like ur no 2 reason.. “sukatik akak la.. duit akak!”
Oct 10, 2008 @ 14:12:57
ok tu kak RED..invest on women’s things semestinyer bagi perempuan esp mak2 pasal kulit cepat kering = berkedut..jgn berkira sangat, keje penat2 spend a bit on yourself..
eheh..memang ler SKII nye kaunter slack dari segi approach dan advise customer.. mmg sakit hati memaner pun approach kaunter SKII kat Mesia nie. .gamaknyer diorang lyn VVIP jer kot..kalu kita nie sepatah dia tanye sepatah dia jawab..tak guna tol..kalu tak p k ni je la product yg sesuai kat kita memang kita boikot diorang nie..
tp Clinique memang 1st class treatment nyer..free gift pun mmg generously given by them..try kak RED..dulu i pun pakai, 6 mth mmg kaw2 tp after that tak sesuai..terpaksa carik lain..
Oct 10, 2008 @ 14:13:34
I salute u………….walaupun mekap and foundation cuci ngan air paip tapi muka u flawless…..seriously, kulit u mmg cantik…
Umimia’s last blog post..Apa citer dengan plan aku
Oct 10, 2008 @ 14:16:50
kak red,sy pakai gak clinique ni.dr feb08 smpai la skg..tp ptg ni br nk p komplen kt booth drg..tensenla..ms memule pakai okay jek..tp start jun ari2 muke naik jerawat..smpaila ni…huhu…raye ke3 ari2,,br beli clinique yg blemish control plk..tp…mcm xde changes pon..sedey wooo…
Oct 11, 2008 @ 22:24:59
xseswai ngan kulit kot.. kadang2 ada org pakai produk murah ok jek.. tp pakai yg mahal xelok dan sebaliknya
Oct 10, 2008 @ 14:21:46
wahhh bagus nyee muka xde masalah…huhu….kan bes kalu muke saya macam k.red..huhu
Oct 10, 2008 @ 14:23:07
mase basuh pkai air paip je muke kak red ttp nmpk mude.
ni bile dh pkai menatang tuh sume lagi laaaaaaa nmpk mude kak oii..
āsukatik akak la.. duit akak!ā…
btoi. btoii.. btoiii!!
WawaNadwa’s last blog post..Eagle Eye
Oct 10, 2008 @ 14:26:26
kak red!
i’m a clinique user since 2005. I only used the 1-2-3 step only. Yang lain semua dpt free jer kalo time promo. eventho mahal but it lasts about 5-6 months. kira ok gakla kan. Paling best dia nyer Turnaround cream. Uish…smooth jer rasa muka. Have the beautician to check on ur skin first before beli. Dulu first beli pun kat KLCC, carik beautician nama Chloe. She’s very nice and knowledgeable!
Oct 10, 2008 @ 14:30:58
I tried Clinique for 6 years but the last 2 years I used it, no more effect. My skin became dry then ok, lepas tu dry lagi kopek2. Also, I cant use their toner at all coz my face felt a burning sensation everytime. After I read J Lo’s article pasal kena change skincare after 3rd onwards then I did so. You tolong tanyakan Tok Ti you, boleh?
A N N’s last blog post..Care to help me?
Oct 10, 2008 @ 14:58:48
i am a clinique user since 1999. mulanye nak ilangkan parut chick pox then i continue till 7 years. after that on the 6-7th year tu dah start kulit jd kering sgt. so i stop la guna clinique and continue with lancome..tapi lancome pun tak sesuwai with me. So right now i am a herbalife user and guna skincare Nourifusion.
Oct 10, 2008 @ 15:02:03
tapi memang kak red
clinique memang berbaloi ler kalau beli
saya pakai gak yang 1-2-3 step jer
memang xrugi pakai wooooo
kolakolakila’s last blog post..Menu raya v.1
Oct 10, 2008 @ 15:48:16
alamak…makin cun la…MAK MERAH kita ni nnt…set clinique ni ada tuk jerawat ark…???uish..tensen r…titba tumbuh jerawat ni..!!!ada sesape nk bagi petua x…????thank u..
Oct 10, 2008 @ 15:57:15
hy kakak..
really suka baca ur blog..(tetiba nk mengomen setelah update blog sendiri)
1st benda yg wajib dibuat bila bee’tenet’ nih..layan story u la kak..my hubby pon dah terikot2..hahaha..pasal ari2 aida dok cita kat dia cite kak merah..cian dia..
i amat kagom dgn u la kak..
dulu aida silent reader
skang nak jd ‘loud reader’ lak..
i have to learn from u how can a woman enjoy life even have family..
ok kakak..’vogeh’ selalu..daaa!!!
cikaida’s last blog post..2nd day Hari Raya AidilFitri
Oct 10, 2008 @ 15:57:57
wahhhh..makin cun melecun la kak red pasni…
errrr..x mampu pakai mende2 tuh.. manjakan muke ngan skin food n terbaru the face shop shj. lepas ni nak try body shop… saye berani pakai mende2 yg more to ekstrak semulajadi..hehehhehe…dan ditambah dgn masker tempek2 aje kulit lemon.. mmg kulit jd lembut
Oct 10, 2008 @ 16:05:58
I pun nak sharing komen gak.. hehehehhe…. i x guna kaunter punya product. x mampu lah… I cuma guna yg kat toko2 jamu aje. Mcm BML, Felisa dan skrg i guna LeRose. Not bad for muka yg x de masalah. Tp mcm u ckp betul la.. bila umur kita dah meningkat ni kena gak backup. I setuju sesangat..
Oct 10, 2008 @ 16:24:41
cLiNiQuE PuNyA pRoDuK HaRgA seBeNaRNya BeRPaTuTaN SeBaB TaHaN LaMa.
LaGiPoN Dah DaPat BeRMaCaM2 aWaRd eSPeCiaLLy DrAmAtiCaLLy DiFfErEnT MoiStuRiSiNg LoTiOn. TaPi SaYang DincH seSuAi DeNgAn KuLiT KaNdRyXx. HoPeFuLLy KuLiT KaK ReT LaGi MeNgAnCaM LePaS NiE aLa2 iKLaN SiLKy GiRL. GLoWiNg sKiN GiTtEw!
lily lotus
Oct 10, 2008 @ 16:34:30
yg skin tgn tu mmg nmpklah beza dia..
Oct 10, 2008 @ 16:46:05
eleh SKII kat isetan klcc tu mmg cengitu.. kalau nak tau kita pernah hantar surat komplen kat store mgr both store lot10 n klcc, flr mgr, hah boss SKII tu pun sekali…
mmg le produk derang tu bagus tp staff nya tu ada kureng sket…
so moral of the story kalau ada sape2 nak beli SKII belilah kat parkson klcc.. .very d baik tau…
eh ampun kak terlebih plak..
Oct 10, 2008 @ 16:47:48
perrghh… memang kena aa dgn red diva akak nie..
ader natural beauty gituhhhh….hihihihiksss
sib baik pakai air paip je kak kan… ader org pakai lumpur bagaiii…
Diana-k’s last blog post..Selamat Hari Raya!!!
Oct 10, 2008 @ 16:52:41
aduhaiii..tak sangka basuh dgn air paip pun menten je licin kulit, memang pernah nak tanya pakai apa muka, pasal selalu terjumpa kred after office hour tapi muka tak serebeh mcm muka i…
Oct 10, 2008 @ 20:02:05
e’eh…. i am an avid user of biotherm tau… ape kes kak??? meh story story…
alamak… tp builoe nye nak on ym nih yeh??? hehehehhe
tape tape
sile tinggalkan email pon buleyh…
Oct 11, 2008 @ 22:26:05
emm lg satu.. kalo ati ikhlas.. rupa pun nmpak berseri kan
Oct 13, 2008 @ 09:53:47
so far pakai clinique…ok jerk… cuma kalau tension ada lah naik jerawat seketul tuh… pakai anti blemish pebende ntah luper… (bout rm80 jer…) insya allah.. oreait balik….
kak red…semuga clinique akan menambahkan kemuda jelitaan akak…..
mayangkelapa’s last blog post..j.o.d.o.h part II
Oct 13, 2008 @ 09:55:37
err.. kak red… kalau yang free gift clinique tuh… kalau tak digunakan… bagik jer.. gift kat sesapa yang menang contest hehehehe… (mintak2 lah i menang..heheheh)…. yo lah ko mayang ooii..
mayangkelapa’s last blog post..j.o.d.o.h part II
Ummi Soraya
Feb 02, 2009 @ 20:36:53
Boleh saya tanya, saya pengguna baru produk lerose, boleh sesiapa boleh berkongsi pengalaman mengenai produk lerose?