Nov 11 2008 Tuesday, 12:00 am
U Mobile
U Mobile is a sticky mode, pls scroll down for the latest entries of
hello my loyal readers of
U call the shot – that’s what U Mobile stands for . Customer always comes first… hehehe.. ni baru betul kan?
Seperti yang korang semua dah tau… there’s a new kid on the block dalam arena perkhidmatan telefon mudah alih ni. Known as the U Mobile , this latest tel-company comes with the aim to give the customer exactly what they need. Sbb tu la nama company ni U Mobile. U Mobile ni utk u…. it’s for u, u pilih ape yang u nak , lepas tu u bayar utk u gune jer la… xder lebih2.. simple kan?
Being new doesn’t means that U Mobile isn’t up to par with other telco company. Yang baru ni la ade idea fresh dan menarik.
Dalam keadaan ekonomi dunia yang x berapa nak stabil skarang ni, kite sebagai pengguna hendaklah berhemah dalam perbelanjaan harian kan? X gitu cik kiah? Hehe… So, kepada sesiapa yang mahukan penjimatan tetapi perkhidmatan yang terbaik… U Mobile adalah jawapan nya! Betul ni x tipu!
U Mobile ni, semua mende ade! Korang nak wide coverage utk voice call ngan SMS, U mobile ade!!! . Nak 3G utk videocall ngan surf tenet? U Mobile provide! Nak roaming biler gi oversea… pon U Mobile sediakan!… x nak bil mahal2 tiap2 bulan? U Mobile sediakn pelbagai juadah plan utk korang !!! Ape lagi? … Korang nak kawin? Gi jumpe tok kadi!
Ok, Jom kite check out the hottest U Mobile plan….
Plan U38
Well, ai rase ni la plan yang semua orang impikan
The U38 postpaid , ni plan postpaid TERMURAH at the market for the time being!
Xder yuran ape2 , no access fee…FREE beb! ( cukup la bayar yuran anak sekolah kan? ) … semua RM38 tuh korang bole gunakan utk voicecall, videocall, SMS, MMS … so memang x rugi ape- ape tau!
Lagi best, kat U Mobile ni , charge utk voicecall ngan videocall sama saje! So , korang bole la gunakan fungsi 3G kat phone masing2 tu. So, lepas ni, kamera 3G kat phone tu bukan lagi hiasan semata2…
Tak abisss lagi.. ni part paling best!
Kalau korang daftar ngan plan U38 ni, korang dpt gune tenet FREE selama 2 bulan. Tu, U Mobile kasi BONUS. Bukan tenet gune WAP or GPRS… FREE internet 3G dari U Mobile ni boleh sampai speed 3.6Mbps! tu dah kire terlebih laju dah tu…
U38 postpaid plan tu salah satu jer daripada banyak2 plan yang U Mobile offer utk para pengguna seluruh Malaysia. Ade lagi Plan U68, Plan U98 … masing2 ade kelebihan tersendiri dan bergantung kepada kehendak para pengguna.
Yang tu utk postpaid, kalau utk prepaid pulak, ade special2 pakej jugak… U Mobile gune Prepaid Plan 018
Amende tu 018? Tu bukan sahaja no kod utk U Mobile. ) 018 tu ialah…
0 . 0 sen a.k.a free starter pack! Siap ade rm1 dlm tu , valid selama 7 hari!
1 . Setiap panggilan video atau panggilan suara , U Mobile charge per saat! Untung tu!
8. SMS 8 sen utk ke semua mobile…. Cantek la tu kan?
Utk keterangan lanjut pasal charge ngan rate U Mobile ni, korang kene check out la website U Mobile kat !
Ai tau korang sure maleh nak check out kan… OK la ai habaq mai sini.
Here some of the benefits of U Mobile:
1. Call your U Mobile friends and family for free. Pay only 1 sen per SMS each time when you SMS to U Mobile users.
Calling all U Mobile users! Get your friends and family to subscribe to U Mobile and make calls to them for free from now till 31st March 2009! It doesn’t matter if you are a U Mobile Prepaid or Postpaid user, new or current subscriber. As long as you are using U Mobile, you qualify!Best of all, U Mobile users are now able to SMS another U Mobile number at a low, low price of only 1 sen per SMS.
Also applicable if you switch and bring your existing mobile number from any other telco!
2. Unlimited Mobile Ring Back Tone Downloads, Unlimited Mobile Live TV and 5 Free Game Downloads.
All U Mobile users get Unlimited Mobile Ring Back Tone downloads, and Unlimited Mobile Live TV viewing and 5 Free Game downloads. Now, friends and family calling you will enjoy music while waiting to get connected. Enjoy playing games or watch Mobile LiveTV™ * shows on your mobile phone while running your errands or waiting for a friend! Isn’t that cool! This promotion is valid till 31st December 2008.
U Mobile is proud to offer you 10 FREE SMS for every RM10 you use within a 30 day period. On top of this, once your usage hits RM 100 within a month, you’ll get an additional 10 SMS as a bonus. With our promotion valid only till the 31st December 2008, you’ve got to hurry and start topping up now!
How do I start?
You don’t have to do anything! We automatically reward you with 10 free SMS for each RM 10 you use within a month. Best of all when you hit your 10th RM10 usage within 30 days, we’ll present you with 20 SMS for FREE!It’s that easy!
Occay, cukup la tu kan? Eh.. x cukup lagi ker? Kepada sesiapa yang ade soalan2 pasal U Mobile ni, bole la letak soalan2 anda tu kat comment kat bawah tu. Soalan2 anda akan dijawab oleh saya dan juga staff U Mobile So, jangan malu2… kami amat mengalu2kan soalan2 kreatif dan inovatif daripada para pembaca sekalian.
U Mobile , u pilih u nak aper , u gune, pastu u bayar ape yg u gune jer… Simple kan? Macam makan nasi kandar jer
Lepas ni I rase, I pon nak kene tukar ke U Mobile la kot…. Tukar angin sket kan
Welcome U Mobile… we’ve been waiting for u for so long!
Rasenya x lengkap entry ni kalau xder free gifts utk readers kan? Heheheh.. Bersesuaian dengan motto dan tema U Mobile – u call the shot! Kite ade peraduan utk para pembaca2 sekalian. Sape menang dapat hadiah. So, u call the shot la nak masuk peraduan ke x? Usaha la sket kan.. xkan nak hadiah free jer kot 😛
First Question
Please count how many U in the below photo:
Second Question
Please complete this sentence not more than 20 words,
U Mobile is my mobile because ………………………………………………………
Prizes for five winners:
1. U Mobile 018 Prepaid Starter Pack
2. U Mobile 018 Prepaid Top-up voucher worth RM50 each
3. U Mobile goody bag
Both questions for U Mobile contest shall be submitted to via Contact Red. Closing date of U Mobile contest is on 31.12.2008.
Judging will be done by Redmummy and representative from U Mobile.
The winner will be decided on the correct U count and the most creative sentence.
Khidmat masyarakat U Mobile is brought by
(sila scroll down untuk entries terbaharu)
Nov 10, 2008 @ 08:21:32
i am on of the first batch user. kalau di U Mobile saya pengguna U Mobile Early Bird Plan. saya dapat free package bersekali semasa membeli nokia n77 yang ada tv dan perlukan simcard. U Mobile ada promotion ketika itu. nombor saya pun sangat best! my birthday. sememangnya U bagus. coverage yang sangat ok. me like!!!
marilah pakai beramai2 :love: :love: :love:
ahkon´s last blog post..kenapa takda tajuk?
Nov 10, 2008 @ 08:24:52
ayu´s last blog post..Monday morning…
Nov 10, 2008 @ 08:26:08
yay yay ada contest!!!!!!!!
kengkawan!!! contest lagik ni ha!!!
ayu´s last blog post..Monday morning…
Nov 10, 2008 @ 08:30:12
iklan u mobile ni sy paling suker yg nak teh tarik setengah gelas tuh..
ayu´s last blog post..Monday morning…
Nov 10, 2008 @ 08:53:25
@ayu, somei kan mamat tu..?
xnk berebut ke?hikhikk..gatai…
Nov 10, 2008 @ 09:02:18
tak nak lah kak..
cam rendang jer…
ayu´s last blog post..Monday morning…
Nov 10, 2008 @ 13:45:39
@ayu, rendang?ayam?dgg?kerang?
Nov 10, 2008 @ 08:41:21
yey yey ada contest yabedabedu!!!!
sabrina´s last blog post..Programme ari nih..
Nov 10, 2008 @ 09:00:41
tp geng…member akak keje kt cinun kate,U-mobile ni mcm nk bankrap jer…
tp akak mmg ade satu nmbor ni…hehehee….koling2 dgn hubby…free 60min everyday..
Nov 10, 2008 @ 09:02:40
sejam tu freeee….
ayu´s last blog post..Monday morning…
Nov 10, 2008 @ 13:48:45
@ayu, kebas telinga ,ye dak?
kena lak kalo ko rajin bebenor bgayut…pastu garu kepala…
Nov 10, 2008 @ 09:21:37
aik com-pany baru pun bankrupt ke?rasanya sebab baru sangat kot pahtu other telecommunications punya company skrang macam dah tarak lain promotions..kan kan kan..
well honestly ai mmg benci bila semua nombor sekarang leh pakai memana com..borink jek..
sabrina´s last blog post..Programme ari nih..
Nov 10, 2008 @ 13:47:47
@sabrina, agknye telampau byk beno benefit…every top-up rm10,free 20%..
jadinya rm12 coverage x berape ok..sbb dia supplement dr celcom kalo x silap..
alaa…kita cri yg murah dan bg kebaikan..nk bankrup ke,hape ke,lantak ler…
Nov 10, 2008 @ 10:28:24
haiyak…. :bloody:
Nov 10, 2008 @ 13:31:10
kak red…kalo kita pakai berry kan, ader tak package u mobile bg..hehehe…takper2 nnt kita gi tgk dkt website tu..sajerk jerkk…:P
ayusolo´s last blog post..Potraiture perasan di bulan pose…:P
Nov 10, 2008 @ 13:36:12
nak kena baca banyak kali baru faham lah..erks..
Nov 10, 2008 @ 15:04:07
oh…kakak diva ber U Mobile pulak… saya pun user U Mobile.. U Plan 38… dah 5 bulan saya jadi pengguna U.. setakat nih… puas hati jugak..pasal sebelum nih saya pakai prepaid… sebulan dekat RM300 top-up.. tapi dgn U Mobile..bil bulanan saya roughly antara RM 40-50 je… pastu yang paling best tu masa saya register..tak perlu bayar ape2 then yg black listed pun dia orang accept.. 🙂
Aliah´s last blog post..-Sticky Mode –
Nov 10, 2008 @ 17:53:06
hai redmummy….biasalah provider baru mesti tawaran hebat punya…pada awal2 kemunculan…malangnya coveragenya…lum sampai ke angkasa dan bulan hehe…
p/s tetap setia pada yang satu…hehe.he apapun nice article lah…Peace be upon u…sis! 😉
Nov 11, 2008 @ 15:25:59
*mintak maap awal2 sbb komen xde kaitan dgn entry*
kak red, saye baru perasan nuffnang add promote Clinique… wah mcm tau2 je kak red skrang dh jadi “brand ambassador tak terlantik” Clinique… 🙂
prepaid legal scam
Jul 19, 2010 @ 19:20:45
Nice read, thank you. Often hunting out for weird and great things to read 🙂