Dec 3 2008 Wednesday, 9:00 am
5 Malaysian Bloggers to Singapore…
ops..just the 4 of us, sorang lagi dok tpt lain plak…
we are the 5 malaysian bloggers for the Brand’s Blogger Challenge in Singapore. The 5 of us are Sultan Muzaffar, KY, Suani , KK and Redmummy.
Pendekkan citer lah yer, like a month ago, ai got an email from Selena from Brands Essence Singapore, being chosen for the Brand’s Blogger Challenge on 3 December, so make the story short, the challenge will take place at Geek Terminal (55 Market Street #01-01) around 1130am today! But the day of 3rd will start with breakfast briefing at the hotel that we stay, which is also sponsored and fully paid by Brands Singapore – at the Grand Copthorne Waterfront Hotel.
If you are around our area, do drop by to see the challenge between us the msian bloggers with the sporean bloggers.
frankly speaking, ai dont give much hope on the game lah, ai dont have a good brain. ai may good in chess but ai m so bloody stupid using my brain hiks…
so either we win or we loose, hopefully it s a fun game lah kan…
we got in the hotel around 10ish am, airport transferred was arranged by Brands itself, but since the room is not ready yet, kitorg melepak je lah kat tepi river hotel nih, got the welcome drinks, and ai did my last nite’s entry. Eh chop! ai pakai itu mini dell in spore nih, senang kecik dibawak kulu kilir huhuuuu
after taking our lunch, kami pi bilik memasing, badan aku dah berlengas mar…ai need to leave hotel to orchard road, but let s take a peek apa bilik yang depa bagi. it s standard room, with free internet access, single room, oklah utk ai sorang2 dok kan. the other 4 pun dok bilik lebih kurang sama lah kot, ai dont visit their room.
my window view….
the 7 bags of souvenirs from Langkawi, for my 7 lovely frens in Singapore.
lepas mandi, it s time for me to callo, cabut naik cab pi orchard road…
SD30 for our meal on the arrival day, courtesy by Brands, tq
that s about it….the next entries dah siap uploaded, x yah lah korang nak riso the time u r reading this entry, aku ngah terkial2 nak mengasah bakat my brain.
hey, thanks for the wishes, but pls pls pls dont give too much hope. yang penting, kalo Brands x sponsor, idaklah teman dpt jejak ke spore, coz may aritu baru pi kan….
sirman, tq for the 160km, lain kali meh kita bangun lelambat lagik yer . abang n gegirl, mommy gi kejap jer….blogging pun kira kerja mar.
so now, meh memecah otak kepala sesama….yihaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!
For those in spore may listen to radio warna for an interview session wt SM and Redmummy at 130pm today.
Dec 03, 2008 @ 09:16:31
saye rindu bagi pihak abg dan gegirl kak..
on behalf sirman xyah ah sbb dia salu tinggalkan akak (smbil gelak guling kat sirman haha).
ala.. yg pnting enjoy game tuh kan. menang ke x ke gua tetap sapot lu
vagg´s last blog post..MY NEW BABE
Dec 03, 2008 @ 10:33:15
uiiii ko ni suka menyakat leh tahan yer….
casper´s last blog post..Minyak turun lagi weiiii
Dec 03, 2008 @ 11:34:03
@casper, ahahahaha
vagg´s last blog post..NAPE ROTI KO MCM NIH???
Dec 03, 2008 @ 09:16:50
wish u all the best in the challenge red

moralle´s last blog post..…MY VISITOR…
Dec 03, 2008 @ 09:31:33
good luck sis..!
baca bismillah byk2 sebelum menjawab soalan…
Putubambu´s last blog post..Frendly Match..
Dec 03, 2008 @ 09:33:15
good luck kakak!
mya´s last blog post..Bye-Bye Teluk Intan…
Dec 03, 2008 @ 09:40:09
chaiyookk kak red!!
zizilala´s last blog post..Sepetang @ Pantai Remis, Kuala Selangor
Dec 03, 2008 @ 09:43:37
All the best kak…
Wahhh… SM pun pegi gaks erk?? Kim salam sama dia….
Ntah dia ingat lg ker idak… huhu..
Erna´s last blog post..Human Capital Operations Teambuilding ~Day 3~
lily lotus
Dec 03, 2008 @ 09:50:48
yg penting enjoy the moment!
lily lotus´s last blog post..pasar malam yg masih petang
Dec 03, 2008 @ 09:52:41
good luck kak red…
ellyn´s last blog post..
Dec 03, 2008 @ 09:56:44
kak red..gud luck lohh….
zuera´s last blog post..Sticky Mode Entry
Dec 03, 2008 @ 10:29:18
good luck diknon! nak key-chain btk singa bleh?
ajami´s last blog post..MASKARA BALAK MALAYA ~ 13.12.08
Dec 03, 2008 @ 10:32:23
gud luck kak red and other bloggers…..
cuba sehabis daya jgn mengalah…..
casper´s last blog post..Minyak turun lagi weiiii
Dec 03, 2008 @ 11:18:05
kak reddddd…gudluk yehhh
aja2 fighting
aan´s last blog post..sepi
Dec 03, 2008 @ 11:30:57
All the best Kak Red! You can do it!
blushwax´s last blog post..Aussie Goodies
Dec 03, 2008 @ 11:33:51
since i ni rojak kan so kena la wish luck to both groups ..hihi
kena neutral …tarak kisah la babe sape monang janji fighting spirit mesti ada …
Dec 03, 2008 @ 12:35:17
kak Red..anda bolehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh~~!!
xD´s last blog post..tinggalkan semuanya..
Dec 03, 2008 @ 12:36:22
kak red…..chaiyok2…..moga menang besaq kem salam kat singa2 di singapura
Ayuarjuna´s last blog post..Anaqi vs Jem Roti Bom
Dec 03, 2008 @ 13:32:51
saya ckp ni bukan nak kipas akak tau… ini hanya pandangan saya yang ntah2 hape2 ni ajer… saya rasa akak ni jenis yg very serious in what u doing… nak kata nak carik side income duit tak cukup, i think keje akak dah best dah, tp dek serious blogging, akak dpt memacam benefit kan, duit dah tentu, invited to event2, masuk paper, mags & latest masuk radio, singapore lagik tu…wah, kagum tol saya… trend skang ni mmg org seme ada blog, so dorang (pengeluar produk2 nih) target bloggers yg aktip cam akak walaupun letih nak qada’ baca blog kalo takde tenet kat umah (ai ler tuh… =( )
anyway kak, saya pasan akak sll stress out nak jadik full time blogger, i wish ur dream come true yeah… i noe u can.. best of luck k…
Dec 03, 2008 @ 13:49:24
have fun k red, tunjuk tau semua purchases made!
Liza´s last blog post..Work in Progress
Dec 03, 2008 @ 14:55:35
I think artis pun takde diaorang greeting camni. Dear red diva! Cayalah redmummy. menang ke tak itu adat tapi part yang terpilih tu! Wakil Malaysia lak tuh! Kudos redmummy!