Dec 10 2008 Wednesday, 10:00 am
Loreal, Foundation promotion…
kaki aku seret aku pi loreal boutique, the only butik loreal yang ado kat msia nih lah, yang lelain tu bukan butiknyor, kaunter je kan
ni foundation yang aku pakai dah bertaun2 lamanya, x berminat pun nak tuko yang brand lain so far so good jer..ari2 aku menempek pakai nih, pas berfoundation pakai compact powder
sekali amoi tu cakap, for code aku, buy one free one…till stock last. aku terus WAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! so korang nak beli tak, kat kaunter lain x dak, ada kat klcc jer, concourse level. kalo ada yang skin kaler sama, ha kautimlah ngan kawan korang, share2 beli, dapat percuma satu. tapi perlu diingat yer hanya code N7 jer yang ada buy 1 free 1, code kaler skin aku. code lelain than N7 tidak ado promotion. jangan ko tanya lak napa, itu ko tanya kat loreal lah. dah dia nak push sale on N7 gamaknya kot.
So aku borong sekali 2 botol, free 2 botols hikss….foundation nih expirenya 3 taun, sebotol aku pakai lam 3 bulan, so cukuplah untuk setaun x yah beli dah pasni. Loreal Paris N7 Nude Amber RM52.90 X 2 = RM105.80 (free 2 bottles jadik 4 bottles)
Loreal x suruh aku promote, tp lam blog aku ni kan sume aku share ngan korang, so sapa2 yang skin kaler macam aku, pi terjah amik N7 and free sebotol.
good luck gang bas merah 🙂
lily lotus
Dec 10, 2008 @ 10:41:59
mmg menarik dan tertarik the bomb! yg tersgtlah bagus..tq sis!
lily lotus´s last blog post..selamat bercuti n salam aidiladha 😉
Dec 10, 2008 @ 11:13:28
tapi kena tgk skin jugak kan kena ke tak code yg kak red pakai tu kan
ainbubuk´s last blog post..Long holiday and long story
Dec 10, 2008 @ 11:14:46
lupa nak ckp kak red ikat rambut dr tepi muka cam budak awal 20 an lah pulak kan…(kembang kempis idong) 🙂
ainbubuk´s last blog post..Long holiday and long story
MOmmy Lily
Dec 10, 2008 @ 11:16:01
hai sis
hari ni frust sgt bila found out that dah kena removed. (termasuk mami punya bisnes blog mami tk tahu knp dan mcmana blh jadi mcm tu.
sedih sgt coz semua perkara yg berlaku dalam 1 tahun hilang begitu saje. diari pembesaran lily dah tk ada lagi. cerita daripada lily kecil hingga dah pandai berlari skrg hilang sekelip mata. feel like crying but i’m at the office. very down today.
please sis tolong sebarkan e-mail di bawah yg mami jumpa kt blgger punya troubleshooting. e-mail ni org hantar dimana masalah dia sama dgn mami. Rupanya ramai sudah terkena.
sebarkan supaya org lain yg sayangkan blog masing2 berbuat sesuatu segera spt back up blog, save copy atau pindah ke free blog host lain atau dptkan sendiri.
belum tahu lagi sama ada mami akan teruskan blogging atau tidak. Thanks mami menumpang di sini.
kpd sesiapa yg masih ingin berhubung dgn mami bolehla e-mail me okey. i sayang semua
thewarblogger View profile
Dec 8, 3:52 am
Hi all,
I, like many of you, have had my blog locked and removed due to a
false spam accusation by Google’s flawed spiders/spambots. Having
invested a fair amount of time into my blog, I was alarmed, and
followed the steps they list to have it unlocked — almost a week
later, no progress.
I also did a search on the topic here (you should too), and found out
that thousands upon thousands of people have had this issue for the
past 6 months, with not one posting back to say their blog was
permanently unlocked. Some people have had their blogs locked for
months, with no response or action from Google. Others have had it
unlocked, just to have it locked again repeatedly. The long and short
of it is that many people have lost their blogs permanently, with no
recourse and no interest on the side of Google of putting it right.
I think the writing is on the wall — blogger is a broken product.
I’m not sure why Google is doing this, but I suspect they are clamping
down on any blogs not using their Adwords product, or who aren’t
turning a profit for them. Now that the economy is turning sour,
they’re doing whatever they can to chuck people who are using their
server space and free accounts without giving them some sort of profit
in return. I see no evidence that the spambot is doing anything to
reduce spam on their blogs, but I do see it pissing off a bunch of
real-life people with real-life blogs, people who invested a lot of
personal time and love into their blog, trusted Google with their
intellectual property, only to be screwed and locked out.
Even Google apologist nitecruzr has stopped responding to these
threads — I’m sure he knows it’s hopeless, that Google has
essentially screwed the pooch with this one but won’t put things
right. Just as it is wrong for just one innocent man to be convicted,
it is wrong for just one non-spam blog to be shut down in the name of
fairly harmless spam blogs, but apparently not to Google, who is
“convicting” thousands of us without appeal, without recourse, and
with no respect to our rights. This spam thing is a red herring,
there is some other reason why they are doing this, because otherwise
why piss off so many normal bloggers? I think they don’t want the bad
PR of revoking a free blog product that they can’t afford anymore, so
instead, they brand us as “spammers,” then use the excuse of “we’re so
very busy” to not ever reactivate us. Pure BS, and a very transparent
excuse I think we can all see through.
Don’t waste any more of your time on this — get a new blog somewhere
else, there are several free blog hosts out there, including Unfortunately they don’t have the bells, whistles, and
flexibility we love with Blogger, but what good is blogger if it just
keeps getting locked up and stealing your posts?
Spread the word, tell your friends, don’t let them suffer like we
have. Google reaps what it sows, and they’re killing the free blog
=( =( =( =( =( =( =( =( =( =( =(
Dec 10, 2008 @ 11:58:10
@MOmmy Lily, uilk…takottt nyerr..ader eh camnie…hurmmmmm.. =(
Diana-k´s last blog post..Bali Trip (Day2-Part3)
Dec 10, 2008 @ 11:21:14
cube sekali sekala promot brg2 utk laki gak
Dec 10, 2008 @ 12:00:54
@maelbest, pil kasih sayang tuh ko takleh makan ke mael??
Diana-k´s last blog post..Bali Trip (Day2-Part3)
Dec 10, 2008 @ 12:23:48
wah!! manyak untung mak merah hari nih. tahniah tahniah.
ummu_hanis´s last blog post..check out
mimie azimask
Dec 10, 2008 @ 13:31:31
syiokk kan shopping.. tak sabar nak g klcc gaks weekend nieh… dulu minat pakai lipstik loreal… pas nieh nak pakai foundation cam kak meyah laaaa
Dec 10, 2008 @ 19:02:49
red, thanks for sharing this info. good bargain ni.
kalau i pakai compact pun code Nude…rasanya foundation Nude kena la kot eh….
anne´s last blog post..Selamat Hari Raya Aidil Adha
Dec 10, 2008 @ 21:38:45
uhuu..untung gilerr kak red woo…
pRicesS_N´s last blog post..kaRoX aGaiN!!!
Dec 11, 2008 @ 14:57:33
oh foundation. lom penah try loreal. pakai yg maybelline jek tuh pun kengkadang.
saya nih muka bedak anakku hahaha
KUNO je kan hahaha
vagg´s last blog post..MATA DAH MEMBULAT!