Apr 23 2009 Thursday, 1:00 pm
1 Ribu Ringgit…
sekian lama Abang Fesyen adiahkan aku hbag nih, from H&M dia beli masa dia kat mana ek, UK ke US, whahahaha sudah lupa aa….tp mmg lama lah dia bagi baru 2 ari aku pakai daaa…..kekdahnya bag ni main colour is white, so susah nak jaga woo…aku terpaksalah bawak ngan berhati2 udahlah aku ni ganas melampau2 gak kalo ngan hbag.
bukan hbag jer, pursepun aku tukar. after almost a year pakai purse yang kak ann spore adiahkan, skang aku pakai yang mr reporter belikan from mana ek nih, dia pi mana ek dulu. vietnam kot. wuiii pun ni lagilah bape lama baru nak pakai. aku la ni gilakan bag yang bebeso, senang nak campak barang bagai…
btw, ni cendol from The Little Penang Cafe, KLCC…ai had an appointment with the people yang working closely with me for few ads, not nnang kot2 lah korang ingat gitu kan. ads lam RM dari banyak cabang, dari Nnang is the priority, yang lelain tu goes direct to us personally…
char kuey tiaw tarak taugeh, wuiiii separuh pun tak jalan aku makan kan…berminyak!! tak tau chef arini terlebih minyak gamaknya, tak lalu tol aku makan kalau penuh ngan minyak nih. so lunch aku hanyalah the cendol yang bape ek calory tuh, tetiba cendol dah lupa daratan.
1 thousand ringgit malaysia – a little token plus A, B, C….
that s not RM’s price, as ai said again, that s a very little token, part of my blogging job.
Please contact Sirman the Manager of RM, he handles all advertorial related matters. After the discussion between the client and Sirman goes to final stage, RM will then interfere.
You think ai can simply enjoy that 1k? that is for the blogging project, well the one that they asked me to do lah!
Apr 23, 2009 @ 13:28:59
menariknya la hai…
zuhaini´s last blog post..Tag: Desktop Picture
Apr 23, 2009 @ 13:35:24
as’kum kak red. alhamdulillah~~
Apr 23, 2009 @ 13:38:04
syaz´s last blog post..Iman bucuk mama!!
Apr 23, 2009 @ 14:00:04
wahhhhh gua suka yg merah putih itu.
vote for putihhhhhhhhhhhhh
tp betul la kena berhati hati.. cepat je kotor. huh
kak..nak cendol hahaha
vagg´s last blog post..WILL YOU DATING ME?? (wakakaka tetibe)
Apr 23, 2009 @ 14:16:55
rasa2 aper project tu erk????
momguess´s last blog post..ferrero rocher 30pcs = RM37.00
Apr 23, 2009 @ 14:57:33
sy suka beg besar! mcm2 boleh sumbat..
mya´s last blog post..Tag Wajib Jawab Kata Aida..
ina jamal
Apr 23, 2009 @ 15:46:23
kak red, bestnyaaaaa dpt duit.. cuba la citer sikit rahsia kak red menjana income thru internet…
ayu the sun
Apr 23, 2009 @ 17:38:03
@ina jamal,
rahsia yg telah dibongkar…
ayu the sun´s last blog post..BMW Sauber F1 Team
Apr 23, 2009 @ 15:48:15
Amboiiii…tahniahhhhh lagi dapat projek…… (bila lah kita nak jadi mcm red ni :bloody: )
cathj´s last blog post..My Boy update after the operation
Apr 23, 2009 @ 16:12:15
uR H&M BeG iTtEw MeManG GoRgEoUs!
LaWa GiLa SeYy…
MeManG SaYanG KaLau BuAt LeNJaN.
BuT LaGi SaYanG KaLaU TaK PaKai.
KaNdRyXx´s last blog post..Goodbye My Beloved Mr.Brown
lily lotus
Apr 24, 2009 @ 16:14:36
lily lotus´s last blog post..terbang yukk..!