Rustic Fantastic!

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When I was approached by Rustic, first thing aku tengok web nya. Not bad.
2nd aku tengok cookies and cake nya, hishhh…gambo2 ni yang tak tahan nih. Sib baiklah bukan bulan puasa.
3rd terus aku ngap makan! Hahahahah
Well ok, semua tu datang dari virtual terus ke spiritual.

Napa le ramai nau suka bagi aku makan nih? Makan berempat tapi yang gemuk mak nya jer. Apa kes nih. Yang lagi 3 tu kedemping jugak badan depa.

Rustic – why is the shop is named as Rustic?

Unfancy, Rustic adalah home made cookies yang simple kerna itu harganya murah dan berpatutan.

Rustic was born few years ago, asalnya dari rumah sahaja home made business, belongs to a malay boy. I feel so proud, a young boy, sudah ada kedai cookies sendiri. Me yang dah 34 years old, apa ada? Haiyahhh…

Malu jugak lah orang ke main makin hebat ke depan, aku masih lagi di sini. No, i m not complaining, I love my stage now cuma mestilah aku nak jadi macam Rustic’s owner, makin maju and maju.Bukannya makin menjadi lama ke tarikh luput.

Btw, Rustic has Cookies, Brownies and Cakes. Can be eaten there at the mini shop or u can also order online. Any package yang korang nak, boleh click2 jer. Apa ke malas bonar korang nih. Skang ni sume main ujung jari je yer. bukan ujung talian. Nampak nau lah kita ni terlalu manja dengan teknologi terkini.

Sampai makan pun pakai click click 🙂

Cookies have plain, candy, white choc chip etcs. The price is very reasonable untuk kita2 ni, untuk orang kaya pejam mata je lah bayo. Kira boleh lagi lah dibeli dengan harga tak yah korang nak ikat perut sebulan pung. Price range starts from 90sen. Sen jerrrr..bukan hinggit. But for the rest of the flavours, RM1.20 per pc. For any combination yang korang nak main campur2 pulak, ada special price.

Mau makan cake as a dessert or minum petang? Try Rustic’s famous Coffee & Hazelnut Praline,or mbe boleh try jugak Plum Crumble,or banyak pulak aku kena cakap kat korang,pi site Rustic sendiri yer kalau nak pilih flavours apa yang sesuai ngan tekak memasing. Amboi hangpa sume nak akak merah sogokkan yek.

Simple price give, per slice is RM4.20 the lowest and for the whole cake as 900g starting price at RM32.00. tak mahal lah dok? Ok ler kan kan kan?

Anw, some people tak suka cake, depa suka brownies aje kan, so there u go the choc and blonde blonde? Waa ingat rambut je ada blonde2, kek pun ado ok!

Semua cookies, cakes all home made by professional Rustic Team. The receipe turun temurun from the family members of Rustic, dipadankan to commercial line. As I said before, not many young boys or girls willing to quit from their permanent job an be the full time homemaker of cookies. Rustic has proven it!

Once u touch yourself to Rustic, mesti korang tak rasa galad amik the collect stamps card. How I wish Rustic ada branch di merata2 Cheras or mbe KLCC. Insyallah,one day one time, Rustic will be placing its shop in KLCC yeah. Manalah kita tau kan kan.


They just launched the new actual shop in Wangsa Maju. Visit them and give some supports to our Bumiputera’s entrepreneur.

Unit G13A, Ground Floor
Wangsa Walk Mall
53300 Wangsa Maju
Kuala Lumpur

Contact Rustic official line at +603 4142 6270



Did u notice, the cake that we use to celebrate Sirman’s birthday this year was accidentally from Rustic?  ahhahahah…….Mak gagau2 carik kek, last2 pakai Rustic nya. Back up plan gitu.

Thank you Rustic and it s a pleasure having you in!

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