Jan 25 2010 Monday, 10:40 am
RM’s experience with HP Pavilion DM3 Notebook!
48hours sticky post yek….
lots of entries at the bottom of this page 🙂
Last 9th December 2009, i was selected by HP to be their Future Is forum speaker, something yang jarang2 saya involvekan diri sesangat. Because market now memang tuju to the bloggers, they heard our voice, they know the power of bloggers. Cos we have our own followers and loyal readers too. Same as Redmummy.com. You choose to read mine, coz u believe on my platform.
I was so happy to work with HP and Nuffnang closely for this project, together with Kenny, Jojo, Cynthia and Joyce.
Hi Tracy, how r u doing today?
I m good and excited to tell you that this is the HP Pavilion DM3 Notebook that u are getting Redmummy!
this small tiny thing? wa so thinnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn and light and pretty ahhahahaa thanks HP! You mean this is an appreciation token from HP to us the 5 forum speakers?
Yes Redmummy!! The HP Pavilion DM3 Notebook is yours 🙂
7 days after getting the HP Pavilion DM3 Notebook, i got a chance to use it for the first time. Not that i m not excited to use it immediately but Sirman @ RedDaddy was busy installing this and that for my new gadget. Yippi!!!
On the 16th December 2009 was the day that marked in the calendar, part of my blogging life, I was appeared in the Online Chat by HP. As u can see, i m chatting from my bed. Cos it s too light, i can just put it on my lap hohooooooooooo!
Day after day…i started using the HP Pavilion DM3 Notebook, i can blog from anywhere. Katanya notebook kan. Kalau biasa aku blog from my PC, not anymore. Aku boleh monitor the kids buat homework, while i m doing my entries from the dining hall too.
In fact, Abang and Gegirl pun dah addicted pakai HP Pavilion DM3 Notebook mak nya nih. Amboi…take over nampakkk!
Look at on the size, it s just one inch thin dan beratnya hanyalah dari 1.91 kgs. Dengan 13.3 inch diagonal HD display, HP LED Brightview widescreen memang puas hati lah. Sangat2 tak menyesal mengletting go my previous mini notebook to my fren!
Not only that, for blogger yang aku ni kadang2 harus ke sana ke mari, kuor masuk KL, pi carik rezeki, the notebook offers up to 10 jam battery life.
Anything yang kita nak dari sekeping atau sebuah notebook ada di HP Pavilion DMC3! It s worth of money, the price offered to all of you is RM3,299 🙂
Seperti yang saya cakapkan dalam panel forum speaker HP Future Is jugak, kepentingan keyboard adalah yang paling aku concernkan. I did blogged bout bisingnya keyboard dari current PC yang aku pakai skang nih. With my 100-120 wpm of typing speed, memang bisinglah kalau buat entries. Sangat2 lah Sirman sokmo bagi jelingan mata tajamnya. Sebab tu lah keyboard is my main target when getting a new laptop.
i love the keyboard, it s very soft! N tengok the cursor tu siap ada cermin boleh buat aku touch up make up ahahhaha! Nak jugak tuh, sempat gak leh applikasi to my personal desire.
But yes seriously, the keyboard is something i found unique and comfort for me as a hardcore blogger. Setiap urupnya agak jarang2 and tak cramp for me to type.
Dulu pun aku ada dapat sponsor pinjam pakai satu product punya netbook, haiyoh….naik cramp sakit tol jari jemari ni bila urupnya ke main rapat. N the keyboards tak standardize with the hurup yang sepatutnya ada dalam the normal keyboard. Ok not to complaint more on that but thank God with the new HP!
As 2009 is shutting down, i received a xmas gift from HP’s management too, so cute specially the bear, Gegirl dah buat harta dia pung! Hoping 2010 is a good year for me, hoping for 2010, my blogging line is getting to the high coz all entries and my blogging life will be typed and uploaded from the new HP Pavilion DM3 Notebook.
It s a good start for my 2010, at least with HP for now.
Oh btw, since i m a chess player, first thing that i tried too was playing the chess over yahoo games. Syok kak oi. Kamu mungkin bukan pencinta chess, but u can try other games from the HP gak and dapat merasai apa yang kurasai.
This means, for my travel project too, i m gonna bring HP Pavilion DM3 Notebook along with me, ater dah slim gini bukan susah nak carry pun. FYI, it has built-in WWAN for wireless connectivity and ada jugak HP Webcam with digital microphone, so bolehlah i’m in touch wt my family kotlah kena terbang ke Paris kan. Wah gitu….
While RM is using the latest HP Pavilion DM3 Notebook, Gegirl is using the old version of HP too. Sometimes the other way round. Sometimes, the boys are using our notebook. So gituler bertukar2 tangan. I guess it s time HP to come out with 1 notebook yang very the user frenly to young kids, specialized for the age of 10 and below.
Bukan yang macam hok jual kat kedai2 mainan tu yer, the real laptop but with cartoon version. Mbe for girls, ada dora, barbie nya skin laptop lah something like that, or for boys ada ben10, transformer ke hehehehe….
Hey katanya Future Is kan…
Dah alang2 Future Is with HP, i demand for the latest model and version of laptop for the young children. As i speak to this entry, I believe HP’s engineers in US is researching on this kut 🙂
Khidmat pesanan masyarakat HP is brought by redmummy.com
Jan 25, 2010 @ 10:55:40
oh wow! very alluring! and tiny too! Nanti kalau ada duit lebih, saya harus beli ini… 🙂
Jan 25, 2010 @ 10:56:03
mcm bezt laa rebia kat red. orang tunggu pC fair laa baru angkat
Jan 25, 2010 @ 10:57:47
@matjoe, rebia la plaks. rebiu la org maksudkan. actually hp mmg design lagi chun compare to other manufacturer
Jan 25, 2010 @ 11:16:12
hehehe,baruje beli notebeook HP pink untuk isteri this week
.-= eyriqazz´s last blog ..Pink Oh Pink =-.
Azhar Ramli
Jan 25, 2010 @ 11:27:26
Wah..cantik..nampak gaya silap2 terjebak beli mini gak nie..
Jan 25, 2010 @ 12:10:07
bertuah badan 😉
Flo Alfera
Jan 25, 2010 @ 12:15:42
hmmm bila lah dapat merasa lappy sendiri nie :((
.-= Flo Alfera´s last blog ..Office Alone…. =-.
Jan 25, 2010 @ 12:18:47
free stuff lagik.. huk.. beshnyeee!
Jan 25, 2010 @ 12:56:15
mau itu satuuuu!!!!
.-= Niniefairuz´s last blog ..Bukan mudah.. =-.
Aidil FS
Jan 25, 2010 @ 13:11:52
For me, another ‘tool’ for blogger worth mentioning is the X netbook. Yang version baru. Ok jugak lah, been using it for more than 2 weeks now. Kecik,ringan,batt until 8 hours and keyboard die fit to hand nicely.
or maybe its just me yang suke laptop kecik,kecik ni.hehe
p/s: function ‘cermin makeup’ takde.hehe
.-= Aidil FS´s last blog ..Here are 5 Crucial Steps That Are Helping Couples to Save Their Dying Relationship =-.
Afra Yuri
Jan 25, 2010 @ 13:56:24
hoho RM is using the gift she gets masa event ini. lucky u RM! jeless mak ;P
haha no lah. u deserve it. u kan Redmummy uyeh!
.-= Afra Yuri´s last blog ..Party anyone? =-.
Jan 25, 2010 @ 14:31:32
kengkadang keyboard pc memang bising skit..ngalahkan mesin taip ja..HP memang best dan tahan lama..like my laptop..dah 3 tahun lebih ^_^
.-= F I T´s last blog ..Jom Bebaskan Nafas Kita! =-.
Jan 25, 2010 @ 15:00:40
Macam best jer. Tapi aku nak cari yang kurang 12″ punya. Mesti lagi best jugak huhuhu
.-= CL´s last blog ..Trip ke Kuantan =-.
Jan 25, 2010 @ 15:05:12
cantik lar lappy nye..
bertuah badan lar dpt free lappy gitu..
.-= yaty´s last blog ..Normal ke kalo gugur macam nie?? =-.
Jan 25, 2010 @ 15:52:55
bertuah jadi redmummy..selalu dapat free n sponsor..agak2 ada brp la laptop kak red ek kat umah?tak nak jual ke kat saya ke?
Jan 25, 2010 @ 16:28:26
Memang best kalau pakai HP ni.. Penah pakai laptop HP jabatan je..
Dah tu je mampu..
Nak beli alamat tak cukup le duit simpanan nak kawin.. huhuhuhhu
.-= zool´s last blog ..Keputusan akhir Terbuka Malaysia 2010 =-.
Lyn Yusoff
Jan 25, 2010 @ 17:15:59
dr akak nyer review mmg nampak menarik…
klu ade rezeki leh lah beli yg baru..
tp lappie ni paling lyn syg.. byk tul jasanya..
eermmm beruntung bdn.. dpt lappie free….:)
.-= Lyn Yusoff´s last blog ..Niza’s Wedding : Telur Oh Telur!! =-.
Jan 26, 2010 @ 01:24:35
Saya pun mahu laptop tu..!! Argh..mesti jimat cukup wang untuk BELI..!!!
.-= Eriku´s last blog ..What is the future of the phone? =-.
Jan 26, 2010 @ 10:35:17
Mesti beli.. mesti beli..
.-= syah´s last blog ..Panduan Membuat Borang Tempahan Jualan Mudah =-.
Jan 26, 2010 @ 14:43:43
mmg wish list nk beli laptop thun ni la kak red..
.-= lieza´s last blog ..~budak itu kayoooo~ =-.
Jan 26, 2010 @ 15:50:45
This is a awesome machine! Good that u got to test it out 🙂 I want one toooo :S
Jan 27, 2010 @ 09:36:47
uih. lama tak singgah tengok mummy kita. busy sakan nampak? apa best lai kat situ?
.-= hBz´s last blog ..BANNER WISH CONTEST! =-.
Jan 27, 2010 @ 12:13:32
bestnyer dapat free lappy! is the lappy heavy tak? or bulky? boleh di heret ke mana2?
.-= ::Ida::´s last blog ..Parenthood Expo 2010 =-.
Jan 30, 2010 @ 19:39:09
rezeki kak red murah betul dapat laptop baru! 🙂
.-= ninyUK´s last blog ..Kau Yang Bernama Stonehenge =-.
Amiene Rev
Sep 18, 2010 @ 18:34:31
I’m playing chess too but stopped for a while since chasing my career is something fun to do.
.-= Amiene Rev´s last blog ..Surat Pembaca – Cinta Budak-Budak dan Mencari Kolej Kulinari =-.