Apr 1 2010 Thursday, 12:00 pm
Should try Sushi…
now u gotta see the owner of my new sponsored dress….i heard lots of you went shopping at her site!
me and my fren are so much on diet mood, so rasa macam nak try sushi plak. i think if i m not mistaken (havent asked my nutritionist yet) but this kind of food is good and healthy too for our dietary program. i love Sushi too, cuma sebab Sirman tak berapa suka nak makan, so aku pun x de sangatlah coz no gang gang lor. so dat s y we feel like to opt our food with something diff, so i guess we should try Sushi.
the price for the 1 packet of Sushi (small 16pcs) is around RM9 gitu.but itu bukan untuk sorang nya makanlah, we will share the packet. n bcos we dont really like to eat in our office, mbe jalan kedek2 pi naik food court, get some drinkds and eat it. hahahahaha sounds so not RM.
Yday i had a suku of nasi lemak as bfast. my fren bought for me, lagi 3 suku tuh aku bagi si hensem yet dia pun ada nasi lemak bought from downstairs. i skipped lunch but to accompany Diva Darling, i ate 3 pcs of cekodok and teh tarik. n coz i dont go for my MFB, i quickly took my suku nasi for dinner. lapik perut mar..last heavy meal was during breakfast jer.
So i guess the Sushi should help me a lot, lagipun ada gang yang sama nak membuang lemak. so can do lor kan…
Apr 01, 2010 @ 12:14:41
OMGGG…i love shushi so muchhh…ermm bestnyer neo kat umah mmg ade wasabi ngan soya souce siap2..kalu beli shushi kat jusco senang…ooohhh geng..bila nak p mkn kat shogunnnnnn…
Apr 01, 2010 @ 12:20:22
i love sushi kak!!! setapppp…
Apr 01, 2010 @ 12:40:28
tuna tuna!!! and also the unagi…oh so oishii!
.-= FTN´s last blog ..Kepuasan Blogging – Mampukah Capai Trafik 4 Digit buat Pertama Kali? =-.
Flo Alfera
Apr 01, 2010 @ 13:23:37
i LOve SUSHI too but to bad very hard to find a sushi in labuan :-[)
.-= Flo Alfera´s last blog ..My Sister’s Wedding Part 2 =-.
Apr 01, 2010 @ 14:50:43
not a big fan of sushi…
but still ok n i love caviar….
.-= syamelia´s last blog ..Earth Hour’s Organic Dinner =-.
Afra Yuri
Apr 01, 2010 @ 15:26:55
i love sushi!! yup its healthy
.-= Afra Yuri´s last blog ..Malaysia version of Rihanna. Ada Bran? =-.
Apr 01, 2010 @ 21:16:45
suka sushi juga, sushi makiiiiii.. =)
.-= nurulhuda´s last blog ..bad thing, bad! =-.
Apr 02, 2010 @ 13:49:53
suka suka. kalau nak try yg sedap cubalah kat Sushi Zanmai. rasa dekat skit ngan sushi kat jepun ..
tak mahal sgt macam kat restauran jepon betul..
Lyn Yusoff
Apr 05, 2010 @ 10:38:00
Lyn still boleh menelan lagi ler.. tapi taklah addicted sushi ni sgt.. tpi my niece n nephew suka btul mkn.. fav katanya… hehee
.-= Lyn Yusoff´s last blog ..Our Lunch Menu… =-.
Apr 05, 2010 @ 11:06:21
mmg tak boleh masuk lar sushi nie..
tapi ble tengok kwn2 mkn, cm sedap jerk..
.-= yaty´s last blog ..My Networkedblogs.. =-.
Awek Diet nak Kuruskan Badan
Jun 17, 2010 @ 17:26:39
aku pun same.. mcm xleh masuk la.. dah penah try.. xsmpt masuk mulut, bau je dah rase xleh. tgk org mkn mcm best je. ape rasenye tu?
Mar 28, 2011 @ 14:59:40
kak red..i kalo nk makan sushi ni mahu pikir 3..4..10 kali kot..lom darelah nak makan…huhu…
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