Jun 11 2013 Tuesday, 10:00 am
It s all about @SuriSaradotcom
badan aku memang jap yummy bambam
jap ada le keringnya sket
Miu Miu ada sale, aku pun pergilah on the first day, tapi sayang clutch yang aku nak sebat dah awal2 pagi buyer lain kebas.
No rezeki but better lah jugak, just broke from the Milan trip, dengan kat KL borong Ferragamo shoes, so baguslah takde stock. eh the sale was up to 40% on the first day tu yer, jadi memang melepaslah ai
so when i was in JB for the day trip, to cover the launch of Little Red Cube….
perkh kurus kau kan
eh takper, i m going to another round of sessi pembersihan badan
hahahahhaa, tak caya?
we ll see soon
Pair it with the red tiny belt also from the SuriSara
So so so kan
berkenan ngan apa yang ai pakai, or anything from SuriSara’s site?
Ke SuriSara.com terus yuk
Jun 11, 2013 @ 12:12:54
Dress hijau tu mengancam sangat! Berkenan warnanya.
Terjah sekaranglah kat SuriSara.
Aina recently posted..Nasi Lemak Sambal Tumis Ikan Bilis
Jun 11, 2013 @ 13:36:56
Sis..blazer merah tu lawa aaa..berkenan lak nengoknyeee..
Jun 11, 2013 @ 14:00:07
Lola skirt tu boleh buat main dam ni…hihihihi…
Jun 11, 2013 @ 20:39:49
emerald green for syawal is sooo cun! love love!
pinkbubblegumprincess recently posted..Gambar baby Irine Nadia Marcello : iee comel!!
Jun 11, 2013 @ 20:40:30
akak pakai baju hijau tu nampak kurusssssss
Anil recently posted..bizi wat pe la ye
Lyn Yusoff
Jun 12, 2013 @ 11:44:03
baju hijau tu cantik sangat..
Lyn Yusoff recently posted..After a Long Time
Jun 12, 2013 @ 12:36:45
lawa lah kak bag dior tu kan
RozlanRose recently posted..Farid Kamil dan Ibu Diana Danielle Ibarat filem Ibu Mertuaku?
Jun 13, 2013 @ 14:51:51
nice one but there are so many online boutique nowadays
jack87_tan recently posted..Bunny Smiles While Taking A Shower in the SINK!
Jun 16, 2013 @ 16:50:36
Memang cun lah kalau buat beraya nanti..hehe
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