Wednesday, 10:30 am
24 hours sticky mode for the creater and designer of RM’s new template, scroll down for new entries.
Setelah beberapa minggu bersiaran dengan template baru, sure korang tertanya2 sapakah designer & programmer dia.takkan aku pulak, ada gak coding tu beranak kalau aku tenung jer. adakah sirman? ooooo tidak sama sekali
dia tolong installkan jer, tu pun makan berminggu2 jugak.
actually projek tukar template ni start awal October rasanya, dari initial design sampai la apa yg korang tgk ni skrg. ding dong ding dong emails masuk keluar antara kami berempat. berempat tu aku, sirman, designer & programmer tu. pastu ngan aku nyer pangai lak yg byk nak tukar itu dan ini ehhehee
so meh kita berkenalan dgn depa jeng jeng jeng, drum rollllllllllllllllllllllll!

tgk website depa tu ceria jer
the designer is Raihana & the programmer is Alif. Diorang ni kerja mmg professional, siap bagi time line semua bila mock up ready, bila code ready. pastu kena edit buat balik, sirman yg install pulak jadik senget benget, btulkan balik. susah jugak ek tukar template ni ek, pening aku tgk coding2 diorang tu.
Raihana & Alif are attached with Creative Bytes. So kalau korang looking for website ke blog design services, Creative Bytes offer skills to create a beautiful and stylish website.

macam2 designs yg menarik kalo korang view depa punya porfolio
Untuk korang bloggers or website owner who need a new blog design/redesign, they offered blog design package at only RM600. Kalo nak customize ikut design korang pun boleh, kalo nak depa designkan lagi la boleh. cakap jer la theme camna korang nak 
janji siapkan saja fulusmulus tu…

Their services are ideal for people who has busy lifestyle. Macam aku ni la, nak suh Sirman pun, dia pun busy semedang, lagi satu alasan dia “i’m not a designer” ha boleh? nak suh aku hahahahaha….Reddy and Kemek senget pala kalo aku buat gamaknya. anw template lama RM was created and designed by Sirman sendiri, tu pasal ramai yang kutuk dia hikss. mementang tangan tak prof buat kan…yang template baru RM ni lain lah…very the expert yang bikin. tu bezanya.
You can contact them through email and they will definitely reply your email within 24 hours, kadang2 aku rasa diorg ni dok depan pc gamaknya 24jam, sebab sepantas kilat je jawab email.
so far kami happy lah deal ngan Creative Bytes, tak tau lah diorang kalau rasa kitorg ni payah nau nak deal but depa cakap senang jer cos jawab email cepat dan pantas.

Tell the truth, bukan satu company ni jer yang offered the new design of RM when i bising2 pasal template lama RM tuh, ramaiiiiiiiiii yang offer menghulurkan tangan. Tapi out of ramai2 yang offer the new design, kami sebulat sehati sejiwa sekapel put a trust to Creative Bytes. Besar tanggungjawab depa pikul dah lah aku ni boleh tahan ke main cerewet. eh ai cerewet ke Raihana?
To Raihana & Alif, thanks a lot on your beautifullly touch on the new look of You guys mmg creative!
N korang…bolehlah make appointment by email them at for your new websites/blog design or get a free website/blog consultation.
Visit them at
Ha boleh baca kat blog depa the process of the making –
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