
Presents from Singapore…

hamper dari Brands yang aku dapat banyak gila, bertingkat2 tp

x leh nak carry camtulah, so aku n semua gang pun bukak hamper memasing and campak lam bag (anw we just have less than 15 min to pack up and check out, so kowang leh imaginelah kan bapaklah laju charlie chaplin aku mengemas. tapi saya memang dah sesiap pack up most of my barang before we leave to the challenge

got 5, but 1 put into the office

5 botol merahhhhhhhhhhhh! ni kalo x silap aku birds punya spit hah gitu

yang ni semua lam paperbag, bercampak je senang mar nak kautim masuk luggage nya pasal kan, ada lebih 20 botols gitu, aku pi sana bwk 7, pulang bertambah2. ingat nak campak je kat member sporean tp kang marah lak ahkak Brands aku 🙂

left and right are from Kak Ann, the red diva’s pressie lak from Kak Moralle

cokla moklat for kiddies dari ahkak moralle

kak saya cabar akak pasni bagi saya coklat merah, nak isi yang merah tau, x nak kaler plastik. ha boleh?

amboi budak kecik 2 orang nih, dpt toyyyyyyyyyy kemain sakan. mentang2 makpaknya kemut nak belikan toys gitu kan….

sebab tu lah aku x belikan apa2 pun untuk kenit 2 orang nih, dahlah siksa nak bawak balik wooo. mekasih ye aunty ann, aunty ni suka bagik menda2 yang mak abang and gegil x suka belikan tau….

pasnih nak ke mana pulak yer. awak nak invite saya, anto lah email kat saya boleh? awak nak saya review ke blog pasal hapa2 insyallah boleh. melainkan isu2 membazir yang sengaja nak dptkan perhatian orang, tu x kuasalah aku nak melayan kan, kat sini iye iye angguk, kat sana geleng teleng.

aku layan 5 min jer, n tutup citer. skang kita belek 2 assignments lagi molek. my bz life nak suh entertain pasal menda remeh2 gitu, aku rasa baik korang lah buat apa2 yang patut, you know my perangai oredi kan. lantak mu lah.

alo alo, mehlah jemput saya to your event. you nak ai cover your story dok?

kalo ko nak suruh aku cover story yang x patut2 tuh, pun boleh gak, mas kahwin je jangan lupa.

Comment: 25

TQ Brands and Singapore!

pas abih Brand’s Blogger Challenge, our transport anto all 5 of us back to the hotel, our check out time is at 2pm, so balik je kemas2 barang and in less than 15 min semua the 5 dah ada kat lobby. simpan the luggage, n kami berempat (except KK coz dia nak pi town kejap) kami the 4 pi Great World Mall, just 5 min walk from the hotel.

ai was soooooooooooooo hungry (due to was2 nak makan during the Brand’s session, tu pasal ai x makan the lunch) n aku terus masuk MCD. KY, SM and Suani pi jalan2 pusing mall (wah patut aku yang pusing mall mengadah kaki nak soping kan) but ai was soooooooooo not in the mood though aku masih ada lagi sin dollars, x masuk ngan yang baru dapat dari Brand’s SD120.

penat lorr…..almost an hour later, the 3 joined makan sama. ler korang2 pun lapo lagik ker?

n tetiba kami rasa macam nak balik KL awal huwaaaaaaaaaaaaaa……it was not even 4pm yet, our confirmed flight is at 8pm, so hapa lagik, we asked for airport transfer to send us quickly to the airport. see whether we can get a seat for 645pm’s flight.

tq KK for taking our penat’s photo, KK ni cam abang kitorg lah coz dia paling tua. pandai sangat cakap melayu than KY and Suani hiksss!

kat spore’s airport, it was sooooooooooo annoying, yes memanglah kami gatal nak pi tukar flight ticket kami to an early flight than 8pm kan, but our flight was via SQ, ingatkan senang x de hassle, sekalik all 5 of us kena pi counter 8 and was asked to go to SQ office. pastuh kena patahhhhhhhh balik to the main counter, ngan Q lagik sekali. bondong2 lah kami berlima with the 2 trolleys.

me and Suani took charged on changing our flight, the boys dok bergosip, potpettttttttt! n after almost an hour kot pusing satu airport spore, we finally confirmed 5 seats on 645pm’s flight. yihaaaaaaaaaaa! though we were so looking forward to stay in spore a bit longer, but since our project (mental challenge and shopping and mtg frens) dah on tracked, not in the mood to stay spore  lelama lagi lah. tau nak balik cepattttttt jer.

boarding area, semua dah x de mood nak bergambo

the 5 of us dok jejauh, dek kerana seat kami kan sumenya main terjah jer

n there sirman jemput red diva redmummy at the klia, aku kalo dah semput muka pun cam hampeh je gitu kan. sirman is wearing red shirt, and my pant pun kaler merah, what s the prob then? hem…sorry ai will not entertain that kind of issue, my frens, my other loyal readers, you guys buat forum la diskas benda isu pakai merah tuh. ai have other things to do!

sampai umah mom, aku terus makan nasi lauk asam pedas, sodappppppppp. lauk mak gak kurindu. n kids berkepit, actually kepit nak adiah lah tuh kannnnn

sorry to ms informer, akak x leh nak dptkan ko nye CnK’s shoes, should have told me  earlier, since my first day kat spore, masa ko sms akak tuh akak dah nak balik ke hotel to the airport lgpun luggage dah santak, hand carry plak dah tak cukup kakitangan. fridge magnet ke key chain pun aku x beli. no time lah…masuk airport spore je terus jalan2 nak pi boarding area

but wopsssssssssss….tetiba aku nampak Victoria’s Secret.


nak tengok?

Comment: 23

Brand’s Blogger Challenge in Singapore…

my cheap yellow shirt from spore, SD5 only !

sweet wednesday, ai woke up pretty early, had bfast at the hotel wt my msian team. datang spore, makan roti lorrrr 🙂

finally, ado gak gambo berlima!

KK, Suani , Redmummy, Sultan Muzaffar and KY,

with KK (our team leader for the challenge) and Selena, lady yang ‘menjaga’ kami from a to z, very2 soft and penyabar. bape kali kitorg tukar flight, tukar airport transfer hiks…layan saje lah kerenah kami kan.

So pas bfast, naik van pi Geek Terminal (55 Market Street #01-01), salam2 hallo2 kenal2 with the Brand’s Team, the MC, the judge, the sporean team, the press….

the 5 msian team

the sporean team

Aaron Ng,


Wilfrid Wong,

Mr Endoh,


the press and audience

blue and red, iye, the sporean team pakai red shirt mar

From the eyes of Wildfrid on the game. tq man for allowing me linking and pasting this over my blog.

Round 1 – a game of arranging random alphabets into a word – our team was having one point lead against Team Malaysia.  Round 2 – a set of mathematics puzzles – was a draw.  Round 3 required us to watch a BRANDS commercial and memorized the key frames.  And we lost a gazillion number of points to the Malaysians on that one game.  Oh no!

Round 4 was yet another one-on-one challenge to guess the missing words in one sentence (like ‘the 12 S of the Z’ … what are the S and Z?).  I did a mental calculation that we needed five straight wins from the five of us in order to marginally reverse the trend.  I tried to steady our team; we did our best in that round but that didn’t happen; we were still behind.

Onto round 5 of 7 and things were not looking good to the Singapore team.  It was yet another group challenge and if we were to lose this round, we would have little chance to win the competition.  Immediately, I practiced what I preached when the host asked about our strategy: I popped another BRANDS Chicken Essence on the spot.

In round 5,  We had to form as many words as possible with the letters given (believe it or not I actually formed the word “porn” and someone asked if there was such a word … they must be shocked).  We gave it all that we have, filled the entire board with as many words as we could humanly think.  I have to give it to the Malaysians that some of their words formed are pretty original.  The judge summed up the words and we had more!


Round 6 was bizarre.  It was some sort of computer game that we have to focus on the movements on the screen.  We won some, we lost some, and onto the final round, Team Singapore had the lead but anything could happen.

Another video was played, questions were asked, before we arrived at the final question, we knew we did just enough to clinch onto the title.  Nevertheless, Sheylara took the last question, which I thought was kind of very tough (a faint banner in the video background with the words “Robot Soccer Club” or something like that). She did observe the details and got that right.

7 points gap

47 for msian

happy2 everyone


ini press dari mana nih but definitely from spore lah, aisay….nanti aku check n edit this yeah

Razor TV Spore

interview with Warna Radio, Spore was held over the phone, so ai x dengo, x tau pun kol bape depa on air kan, not 130pm yday actually.News in Kosmo Msia, Razor TV and yang satu lagik press baju biru tuh will be on aired by this or next week. korang check2 lah sendiri yer…let me know. aku pun tunggu korang roger baru aku pi check.

Ai think for the first few rounds, msian team lead the session unfor sampai kat last few linal rounds, spore beat us, so there u go, Spore menanglah, we kalah by 7 points. Anw, target mencapailah by Brand’s, since this is the first time for Brand’s Blogger Challenge, to have 2 countries, 10 bloggers participate in this mental challenge.

from time to me, pls come back to this entry, bila ai have my energy back, ai will update this column. Need to write more but ai m totally tired, mlm nih dah pancit 🙁

All in all, TQ so much to Brand’s Singapore and Malaysia.

Comment: 11

Brands Blogger Challenge


KK, Suani, Redmummy, KY and SM

Msian Team kalah by 7 points, tough luck! Congratulations to Sporean team and well done to my team members.

each one of us got SD120 plus Brands hampers, details of the story later kay.

rasa nak pengsan dah ni, nak demam pun ado gak

Comment: 12

Redmummy in Singapore…

jam2 tangan dan gelang orang kaya spore

kayndrx and kak moralle

jam2 orang kaya lagik

kak ann and kak moralle

ai m such a crazy redmummy in spore, ater…kawan2 aku kat spore pun sama weng galid sama galak ngan ai gak tau…

closing photo of this entry. the shoes….

aku dah x mampu nak berselipar kasut bagai dah lah, itu selipar baru yang terpaksa dibeli dek kecapitan.

saya gembira di spore wpun letih nya toksah cakap lah.

lepas spore trip, saya a bit relax….rasanyalah kot 🙂

Comment: 14