Jul 11 2008 Friday, 10:30 am
From Pearl With Love…
pinkish purple card?
luckily the font is red for the left side lah
dates from dubai
the kids have to share lah yang ni yer…
Wooden comb from Nigeria (they dont hv red kaler so redmummy u shut up!)
red red redddddddddddd~~~~!!!
Red O Spray Colognes, unisex version, ai asked sirman to put in his Red WRM, so aku leh tumpang pakai bila naik keter sirman, sirman ingat dia punya sorang, manyak cantik, i m the birthday girl not u yeah!
Tommy Hilfiger Dreaming Limited Edition
lip gloss on top, Rollerball miniatures
ai love ittttttttttttt so muchhhhhhhhhh!!!!
Birthday presents from Singapore, a blogger.
Pearl is a MrsPato, Pearl jarang bagi komen dalam ni, coz we communicate via private messanger. i ve known her for few years already. Rasanya kekerapan dia bagi hadiah lagi banyak dari aku yang baru bagi dia 2 kali je kot Pearl? tq tq tq, terima kasih from redmummy.com, blogging mengeratkan ukhwah.
oh not to worry, i do accept belated birthday presents all……..
not in red kaler pun, not a big deal
Jul 11, 2008 @ 11:00:55
eceewah kak red..sukenyer die, i pun tumpang gumbira juge.. sonok dpt adiah byk2 nih.
Jul 11, 2008 @ 11:27:32
ahkon’s last blog post..RED DAY!!!!HAPPY BIRTHDAY KAK RED
Jul 11, 2008 @ 12:55:49
Jul 11, 2008 @ 19:11:55
The manufacturer of that dates company very good marketing skills. Got red, white, green, black boxes. Good for people yang betul crazy on a certain colour ;)))) Tapikan purple dia tak da……
Jul 11, 2008 @ 23:35:42
wahhh…cam best jerkk TH nyer barang tuh…………
Diana-k’s last blog post..Makan-makan
Oct 19, 2008 @ 22:40:41
syok kan terima presents, tp lg best kalo time kita bg kat org.. dan org happy terimanya