Red Guy Laroche…

semua hadiah2 aku dapat kat umah, budak2 ni yang over excited nak bukak dulu, lelebih lah kan…

gosh!!! Guy Laroche??

it is Red hbag of GL!!!

it s not the red sling bag from my wish list but gila x suka, mak melonjak hokeyyyyyy dapat red bag ni. gonna wear it on friday, immediately! dah orang bagi mestilah pakai, that s how we value the pressies! terima kasih ye si pemberi hadiah, tq tq tqqqqqqq!

btw, should i mention the giver of the red hbag?

as usual, she yes SHE, mahu dirinya tidak dikenali but setelah kupujuk2 barulah dia setuju itupun dia suh korang teka siapa dia itu.

So apa kata korang teka je siapa yang bagi, make a guess, ai donno whether there s a present of not kalau betul teka, coz i m a birthday girl, during birthday i dont give gifts but i collect presents ye darling 🙂

clue for this lady is she s a blogger. she does has a blog.

2nd clue is she s a emm…she s fair.

3rd clue is she s my blogger’s buddy hikss…gila kedekut hints aku bagi.

boleh agak2 tak?

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