Setenang Kolam…

hi red, 1st time post a comment here. What really made me feel like post is simply because i think this is really a very good example and the right way to handle rough situation. As a mother, a wife, a daughter and a indepedent women we should handle all situation with pride and honour. Honestly, i couldnt agree with Sirman more, utterring those #%!!**?? words only will made you looked and appear “ugly”. Lots of young readers read your blog and i believe some of them looked up at you as their role be as tough as you. So, i really hope you can keep this positive attitude and can at least inspire some of your readers

Life is full with other beautiful things, dont make a big fuss of a small things.

Panjang pulak comment i…anyway red, ingat talking bad about other people kekadang make you look bad too…senjata yang paling berkesan melawan kejahatan is kebaikan and hati yang suci jauh dari hasad dengki…dan ingat sejahat sejahat manusia itu mesti ada sekelumit kebaikan and vice versa…sapa la kita to judge other people betul tak…manusia tak pernah sempurna dan tak lari dari kesilapan..

all the best and good luck in everything red!

Setenang air di kolam

Dibaling batu berkocak juga kan

Berkocak je lah, x delah nak jadi tsunami bagai….mereka kan suka mengusik saya, dan ramai pula yang menyokong x kira pangkat umur. Takmau lah riuh2 lagi, saya memang setenang air, wpun saya boleh nampak mereka hidup dalam bayangan ‘’

After all, saya kan ada suami dan anak2 yang menjadi penguat kasih, mengapa sik harus ribut-ribut? Adakah saya big competitor for them?


Comment: 4