Red Mango…

i work again in the morning of friday, but off for half day leave in the afternoon 🙂

before leaving office, i joined my frens to have lunch kat depan BSN, lama gak x dtg sini..dari makan sardin 7 hinggit klcc tu, makan asam pedas pari bagai segala baru 5 inggit. sedap pun yer…

decided to tengok jenguk, apa ada dalam Mango, lama gak tak jengah, lama x lama adalah lam seminggu lebih kan, this week memang totally aku out, no time to go down since i have to settle my kids tuition class kan…but for friday, i dont have to go to ttdi, sirman is taking the shift coz kelas nya pagi.

waktu nak pergi kelas tu lah, makanya come out this entry

Mango’s new arrival

comes wt black too

i settled the bill and left to isetan…apa aku beli, drpd takde intention to buy, i grab gak something, my therapy for the tired Friday kot?

X yah tengoklah apa yang aku beli bagai, kang ada yang makan hati kata aku show off, berpoyo2, remember one thing lah if you are not happy wt my shopping thingy, i m also not happy to show it off to you. masalahnya i do have other readers yang nak tengok apa aku shop kan, x gitu. They will then make a comparison, pi pergi kedai tu carik and buy…

I do help them in terms of their shopping too, tp kalau dah ko sakit hati busuk menyampah ngan orang nya shopping, what the hell are you doing here sending harsh comments. You want me to donate you some ringgits? We do have garage sales kan, napa ko x beli from that column jer, bising macam aku dah pinjam duit engko 8 juta ringgit!

Oh nak bagi ko sakit ati, ai m gonna meet nuffnang ppl tonite, so do come back again for my new update wokey? People! x pernah puas dengan apa yang ada, x cukup buat community sendiri, carik geng2 nak hancurkan hidup blog aku, x cukup makan ke? I dont give a damn on what you wanna talk and say about me, but kenapa nak dengki khianat dengan rezeki blog aku?

yes this blog has thousands of readers, n u are one of the contributors for the famousity of my blog, so apa bising lagik?

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