Message From Nadh…

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My heartfelt sympathy for those readers who are left in a “blur” state for not knowing or understanding what is happening in this blog. I was one of you too.

Kak Red messaged me on YM as soon as I got online last night and I guess, something must be wrong somewhere as she is not someone who has so much time to spare to be ‘chit-chatting’ around.

Firstly I would like to apologize to a fellow Singaporean for my sudden “attack” at her tag board last night. I was in rage. Anyone who hears the same news will definitely be in rage. I wanted to find the main “culprit” but it seems that she had her blog removed. So whomever is related or was part of the “family” is definitely gonna get the blow.

Anyway, I did mention something about visiting my country, that, well okay I apologize too. What was I thinking? Cit cit. Singaporeans ni actually semua bebaik orangnya. [Anyone to second me?]

And after much thought, I will say that both parties are wrong. I don’t take sides. But as much as I’m concerned about being a fellow blogger, kak red’s avid reader and your silent reader, I guess I have to do something to keep the blogging community ‘clean’.

I am no blog inspector, neither am I a god-sent advisor so I don’t really expect you people to listen to me. [Lu sapa, gua sapa lah kan.]

You being a photographer who loves to eat, you being the friendly neighbor who loves to cook and travel, you being a bubbly and cheerful person, you being a Singaporean who doesn’t even know Singapore’s birth date [Chet.], you the guy with no name and to whom it may concern [I only visit these bloggers mentioned], I am sure and very sure that during the period you have known Kak Red, there is something that she has done good to/for you. Am I right?

Once hated, no matter what that person do, you will only have negative thoughts and in your eyes, that person is always bad. I have been in such state and I am not shy or ‘paiseh’ to tell the whole world about it. I had my fair share once too, and that is with the person whom I’ve been friends with for over 10 odd years. People change and well, no one is perfect after all and that includes me.

Semua orang pun buat kesilapan jugak, tapi mengata dan menghina sipolan dan sipolan di blog memasing adalah satu perkara that can really and will tarnish your image as a blogger. And worst, you leave readers in a “???” state. Do you think its fair to them? You may have the power to write and of course it’s your own blog, but do not misuse it. FYI, there are things like “plagiarism”, “intellectual property” and etc. Oh, did I mention about the possibility of facing a legal lawsuit for defaming someone? Oops.

I hope this will end. Easy said than done. And trust me, this blog “war” will never end unless YOU YOURSELF put an end to it. If you don’t even like that person, do not even visit their blogs, what not worshipping it (Our dear Kak Red has stopped visiting your blog, but people keep on coming to send news to her, the price that she has to pay!). And those being the “two-faces” who will tell stories to the mentioned parties, you whole lot is actually the mastermind in this. Happy eh to see people dissing each other? Stop your act at once and stop ruining other people’s lives. I am sure you have better things to do, no?

So please, keep it clean and start a fresh. I will not say, “Forgive and forget” as it is never easy to forgive and what not forget. Please forgive me, her, she, him and he but never forget, cos when you forget, you’re giving up the experience too.

I apologize again if whatever I wrote may seem rude but I ensure you I take no sides and only wanted what’s best for fellow netizens and the blogging community.

To my dear Kak Red, your has a promising future in years to come. I hope you will start doing it before others take lead. It’s okay if they’re not bothered to cos this will mean something. At least you made a difference. =) I am so sorry if this seems hard on you, but I can ensure that this is the best for you. *hugs* Please stay strong.

To LL, on a lighter note, I can accept the fact that you called me names. “Babi”, “Gemok”, “Pendek”, [Someone mentioned that I am taller than you of course!] and one more which I cannot tolerate lah, “Hitam”.

HITAM rambut kepala itu dijunjung, PUTIH tapak kaki itu dipijak.

Know where you stand my dear, know where you stand.


Thank you all.


Redmummy said: this will be the last entry bout this issue, i want to remain silence if it comes to my page again n again. Do respect my decision, saya x nak lagi terlibat dengan sesiapa yang berkenaan, saya x nak lagi membuka aib sesiapa. Enaf is enaf. Just leave me wt my own red world, my red blog my red family and my red life. Thankies.

Comment: 14

Red Private Meeting…

i met someone secretly at my parking, when i was about to move my car, balik umah lah….

she took something from my bonet, left wt smile….

stimes better dont put ppl’s face in my blog, so orang tu akan freely walk in my blog tanpa dapat tempias sumpah seranah and makian from other parties yang x sukakan saya pastu depa pun dapat nama…

even she doesnt has a blog, i know sooner or later ppl can recognize her kalau pernah kuor lam blog ni….kesian, u guys are not my enemies, tp saya yang menjadi musuh mereka makanya wajah2 kesayangan pun berkurangan….

next week cuti sekolah…

saya sukaaaaaaaaaaa 🙂

macam aku lah pulak yang pi sekolah kan….

huhuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu! boleh saya turun ke Labuan?

Comment: 6

Mana bisa aku menangis…


pagi tadi masa bukak blog akak kan…nada suara tu cam tenang je saya pun pelik apakah sudah terjadi..nak marah pun cam ala2 tahan diri je…cam bukan akak la he he

dah tu petang ni tukar jadi agresif plak…

saya kesian ngan akak…emosi selalu terganggu..tido mlm lena ke


ish akak ni saya benci ngan akak ke…

ok ni saya buat ikut firasat saya lah ye..saya cuba baca hati pikiran diorg..cewah..tapi bukan saya ye (kene paham konsep he he)

1) akak outspoken..mgkn sesapa yg pernah kenal ngan akak kureng berkenan & cam akan rasa akak ni bagus sgt (ive known you for 11 years kan kak?)

2) pastu mgkn akak suka show off w/pun akak tak berniat..biasalah org mmg tak bleh tgk kita senang

3) cemana lah akak ni bnyk duit sgt ye..duit gaji buat shopping, jenjalan makan angin pastu ada laki tanggung lagi..konsep nye diorg tak sesenang akak

4) cemburu kan akak yg ramai kenalan & famous sampai tv3 & paper boleh terjah akak

tu je lah kot…apa lagi ek, tatau la…di ulang sekali lagi…segala yg di atas adalah pemerhatian secara rambang…bukan saya ye…

akak kene sabar je lah…saya yakin akak ada motivasi yg tggi…segala dugaan yg datang samaada Allah nak uji kita atau balasan dosa2 kita yg tak di ampun kan lagi..

bnyk2 lah bertaubat mintak ngan Allah semoga di permudah kan urusan & semoga kita sentiasa tabah…ni pun peringatan tok saya jugak ni


tu lah kan..bila pk2 balik apa sgt la yg diorg tak puas hati kan…yg backstabbers pun ramai ye, memula nak sgt kawan  ngan akak pastu takmo..konsep nye…diorg nak  merasa kawan ngan diva kot, pastu takleh tahan coz aura diva mengatasi segalanye
kalau akak bg tau akak nye plan sure menyumpah seranah diorg..tak puas hati la kata kan
boleh blah ngan diorg kak…jalan ke depan jgn toleh belakang
aku disukai dan dikhianti.
tapi aku tetap disayangi.

Comment: 6


aku sebenornya mencarik keratan akhbar ‘Berpantang Di Pagi Syawal’ last year, kuor on first day of Syawal, tp mana lah haik poinya.

but anw ni antara gambo nana yang kuor lam Berita Harian last year, she was the respondent, coz mmg masa tu dia ngah raya dalam pantang, mak aku lak kat umrah..x yah teka lah sapa yang kena jadi chef of the house.

**saya pun sedang berpantang, buat pekak jer…biar je depa meroyan. kita kan ada class 🙂 . Sudah kubilang kan, jangan ribut-ribut sih, enggak related to my rijiki.

Comment: 2

Famous entry of the day :)…

n suddenly this link is so famous today….

y meh?

u all ni suka tau gemerkan ai 🙂

**Mael, demi engko mintak kurangkan entry over the weekend kan, sket je akak published kan. Dah khatam?

Comment: 3