Doll for DollyGirl…

Gegirl’s birthday is next week 9th Sept

but this makwe had been bugging for her birthday present like emm since a week ago

all the kain baju kasut selipar bag from Bangkok for her, she said that s not birthday present

(engko dok umah ngan makcik engko, banyak lak songeh ko skang kan..very the demanding)

so ai got her this Doll from this entry

yes she surfed the toys r us web, to look for her birthday present

n me yang kerja kat KLCC had to go down to get the one that dia dah pilih telek

life is very simple huh?

the kids surfed googled, and parents kena pi beli


abang monyok bengang coz he didnt get his birthday present

we bought one for him from Hero, not so expensive macam yang birhtday girl dapatlah kan..

tapi tetapppppppp gak muncung

tunggu your birthday lah bang

gonna get too

siap lah mandi ngan doll nya set bagai wuihaiiiiii!

siang sabtu, she bangun mandi ngan doll and all the maknek toys bagai…

sampai bapaknya halau, daddy nak mandi lah, get outttttttttttttt!

gambo gegirl of course ai have to censor!

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