3rd Birthday celebration…

aku x tau lah napa berry sirman ni gambonya x clear. asal dia amik gambo je x cantik tau….

so anw, he went to tesco and got a pc of cake for our little diva. 3rd celebration for her, this time kat sekolah dia pulak lah….

we didnt taste the cake pun, only gegirl and her schoolamates yang perabihkan the cake and enjoy the party. one thing sekolah gegirl x leh sesuka hati ko lah nak buat bday party, every month ada ditetapkan bape hb utk buat bday party, no hanky panky skirt dress suor baju raya, everyone has to wear the school uniform. party starts at 930am, parents can join….bang boom bang! masuk kelas balik. tapi parents gegirl x de pun masa party ni, orang keje la nak, len kali lah, lgpun bape banyak bday ko nak celebrate. abang ko satu pun blom ko dah lebih kuota.

simple as it can be…

N she enjoys her birthday wt her frens (kira berlagak lah sket kat kenkwan cino dia ‘now is my turn to blow the candles’ ) hahahahhahaha….

**balik sekolah gegirl siap buat laporan 3 karangan… 🙂

**happy birthday to my special gf BabyG (of course lah ai remember your birthday) ….how s Momo 🙂 

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