Nuffnang Income and Contest Clue…

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for the free ticketsssssssssssssssss (sorry hanya bloggers yang layak je boleh dapat, x kisah ko ada nuffnang ke x dak, janji ko ada blog)…the red love atas tu as one hint, one clue for you. keep coming to my blog for more updates. ai will give you more clue. you are not winning the free tickets sahaja yer but u have a chance to win ……… hah ni lain entry keluar.

to my other readers yang x ada blog, dont worry, another contest..emm 2 contests openly for bloggers and non bloggers will be up soon (one is related to nuffnang, one is related to Tokey Mia Satay)…moneymoney maaar adiahnya 🙂

N to bloggers saya mintak kerjasama anda…..pls allow me to get to know you, janganlah memalu jer kang susah nak jadi ‘the chosen one (or is it the chosen X0 🙂 )’ ha…gitu. you paham kan?

ni bukan aku sengaja blurkan tp memang bila close up pun jadi gitu. SO ANW, this will be my last post on my nuffnang income yang akan aku tunjuk kat blog nih. pasni kalo dapat berpuluh ribu pun ai will keep it to myself, not for the show. y? coz kang kata riak, pastu kang korang sakit hati (not you but mbe lalats who knows lah kan)….

that income x include the special dedicated ads of course, so to all of you, insyallah semua orang boleh berjaya, usaha gigih jer. ramai yang tanya pasal nuffnang to me, but those yang email semuanya aku cckan kat sirman, he will assist you. as ai said again, aku x jaga account admin blog aku, it s all under him. aku hanya artist, aku hanya blogger yang buat keje letak entry post entry moderate comments. aku yang bekerja as blogger for my readers, but sirman is the one yang buat ground work, kejer2 belakang. got it?

through this red blog, you stand a chance to win something, you gotta figures you gotta the free items, stay for more clues …

happy to blog for …..

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