Red Cheeky

from Zara (aku x berani pegang coz kat kasut yang ujung dia kata ada pig skin) so x tau lah yang tinggi lampai tu pun ada pig skin idak, tapi cantikkkkkkkkkkkkkk!

emm Top Shop


Gap gak

Kelabu asap from Mango

Mango gak


Googles ke Goodies ek brand tuh hiks…lupa mak



pagi2 dah post entry pasal shopping, sesapa nak merasa carik pakai baju baru bolehlah melayan. kalo x pun berangan, cam aku berangan je satu lai pun aku x hamik.

ai need a new top, for my saturday’s project.

project sabtu sangat gemilang lah kononnya kannnnnnnn

just imagine, 7 hot chic, single, sexy, tinggi2, from the most msian girls (ai think 2,3,4 org from there 🙂 ), cun cantik, again SINGLE, and kompem below 27 yrs old, and aku sorang je 33 yrs old, petite, mak hoghang, gemuk, buruk, not even in mak msian girl hahahahahahhaha…so that s the project we are talking about.

u find out about it next week paling cepat on sunday, coz my super duper 8 girls day out will be on this saturday!!!


cop2… good thing, it s all fully funded and sponsored by the organizer.

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