Virtual Shopping Hub (Vshub) & Contest!

VSHUB entry is back! ini adalah sticky mode terakhir sebelum tarikh contest ditutup pada 24 May 2009! Let s roll it!!!

latest entries in RM, do scroll down 😉

Pernah dak korang shopping online? I’m sure korang pernah punya especially kalau online shopping stores tu in Malaysia. Selain daripada method of payment yang senang, ye lah boleh bayar pakai Maybank2u atau CimbClicks, online shopping stores yg based in Malaysia ni of cos covered the delivery to your house. Btul dak? So basically one of the main factors for you to shopping online is the merchant itself mestilah boleh buat delivery to your area kan.

But how about online shopping sites especially in US like Gap, Amazon, Coach, eBay, Victoria’s Secrets etc? I don’t think you all pernah online shopping kat situ. Well lain la kalau korang dok US tu. But I’m talking about kitorang yang duk Malaysia ni. Sure tak pernah. Sebab apa? Sebab most of these online shopping sites tidak, diulangi sekali lagi TIDAK membuat delivery ke Malaysia. Ha cth bawah ni bila I nak beli beg Coach  ni.


Sekali time nak shipping langsung takde Malaysia kat country tu. Only Canada & of cos US. Iskkk iskkk, so melepas la nak beli beg Coach  ni  🙁   Memang la boleh beli kat KLCC, tp bila kita convertkan actually beli online adalah lagi murah, lgpun yg latest design lambat sampai KL

So this is where Virtual Shopping Hub (vshub) becomes my rescuer 🙂
Vshub menawarkan your own U.S. shipping address when you register as member. Registration pulak FREE. Once korang registered automatic korang akan dapat US address, so bila you all bershopping online just put the US address for the shipment. Then bila your parcel sampai ke US address tu, vshub akan deliver to your Malaysia address. Senang dak? Lepas ni I shopping online jer la hehehehe


The other advantages pulak ialah korang boleh:

•  Consolidate multiple purchases
ni let say hari ni korang beli barang & hantar ke US address tu, u don’t have to ask vshub to immediately send to your Malaysia address (nak send immediately pun boleh) tapi korang boleh kumpul2 lagi. Next week shopping lagi & lagi. Bagusnya you all can kumpul until 30days sebelum hantar semua barang2 tadi ke Malaysia address sekaligus.

•  from vshub website tu you can also track your shipments and receive your items at your doorstep 🙂
So tak de la tertunggu2 bila la nak sampai barang aku tu. Just login to their website & see the shipments track. Bila cukup time, sampai la barang tu kat depan rumah.

Kalo nak lebih paham camana process dia leh baca sini –
After you have completed your online purchases, all you have to do is to email your purchase invoice(s) to us at This simple but important step is to enable us to start tracking the delivery for you.

When your purchased item arrives at vsHub’s U.S. address, you will receive a notification by email from vsHub.

But of cos the shipment from US ke Malaysia tu akan dikenakan caj. Kalau tak bukan  bisnes namanya. Tapi bila ditimbal balik, dikira darab bahagi semua, still murah kalo dibanding kan shopping kat sini. And especially for those barang2 yang tak dijual di Malaysia. Puas hati la  🙂  kira gerek abis la hehehehe

Here is the shipping charges Its starts from RM 76.55 for Standard Shipment where the items will be delivered within 6 – 8 working days from the time payment is received. Kalo nak express shipment pun ada, tapi slightly mahal sket which is Express Shipment where the items will be delivered within 1 – 2 working days from the time payment is received and mostly barang2 tu akan sampai ke rumah korang within 2weeks from the shipment date.

So kalau korang still tak paham or was-was leh la baca depa punya FAQ ni or leave a comment & we’ll forward your questions to them. Tapi mostly all the basic questions dah terjawab kat FAQ tu.

The best part yet to come. Apa lagi contest la. There are 2 prizes for this contest.
1 x CSL Mobile Phone Model M70 Leaf (Dual SIM Dual Standby, Touch Screen, Islamic Features (Azan, Kiblat, Al-Quran), Integrated TV)

1 x RM200 voucher of shipping. This more less about 4kg of shipping weight.

Senang jer nak participate:
1.    register as a vshub member (please see below step by step to register)
2.    jawab soalan2 berikut:

a.    How long can you consolidate your purchases?
b.    How much the shipping cost starts from?
c.    Once you registered, which US state is your US address?

then submit your Member Reference No (HMXXXXX) & the 3 answers at contact red (choose subject VShub Contest). Contest will close within 30days from today!

Steps to register:
Step 1: go to & click Register


Step 2a: fill in the necessary infos


Step 2b: in the same page choose your username & password, agree to the T&C and click Register


Step 3: u will redirect to THANK YOU! page after you click Register. Then check your email to validate this registration by click the link provided in the email.


Then you’ll get ACCOUNT VERIFICATION message. Voilaaa done.

Pastu leh la login ke account you tu. You’ll get like below pic.


So don’t forget to submit your Member Reference No (HMXXXXX) & the 3 answers at contact red (choose subject VShub Contest) to grab the prizes

And happy online shopping too. I pun nak gi shopping kat Victoria’s Secret ni hehehehe

U shop. We

Oh by the way, vshub also is online retailer for mobile phones brand CSL, Nokia & Sony Ericsson & their prices are slightly cheap too & of cos free delivery!

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