Oct 8 2009 Thursday, 2:00 pm
What say you on Project Alpha?
they are so addicted to Project Alpha
tapi macam biasalah kan, Gegirl boleeh tengok ulang2 tayang replay utube tuh, tp for Abang, tengok sekali udah. he bolayan lah menda2 gini. so like his dad.
oh this week tarak sekolah agama, cuti seminggu, itu sikolah ada UPSA mar…so pagi2 adalah waktu santai depa sblm Gegirl off to school. abang tu dah mandi ngah nak pakai baju tp sambil layan Project Alpha
Semua episodes the Promo and 7 episodes dah out already. even the one bonus pun ada keluar jugak at the last part of Epi 7. The issue was becos Abang and Gegirl should be bin and binti to Sirman’s name lah of cos, not the late father to Sirman pulak.
so far camne korang layan Project Alpha? think for the Season 2, market akan lebih besarrrrrrrrr-besaran. mbe akan bertambah bloggers wanita melayu yang terpilih. Coz for Season 1, hanya Redmummy yang dimahukan oleh client. One tip, yes Nuffnang is the one yang berhak berkuasa to choose me, tapi kalau sponsor tak nak tak jalan jugak.Thank you Adidas Action 3!
I dont want to be bias
coz ramai bloggers wanita melayu yang nak ikut jejak langkah saya, tapi the contents of your blog, is very much important for you to review back, if u need to be chosen, what s the story of your blog yang ada X Factor??
for eg, dalam RM korang leh tengok i m a traveler, i m a shopaholic, i m a mother, i m envy super queen of red diva (giler kuasa kaler merah), i m the make up, shoes, perfumes, handbags collector, i talk bout parenting, i talk bout artists too, i blog like thousands of entries … ok max dulu 8 entries per day, i m a model too, i show my good relationship with my 1Malaysia readers, i have the good relationship with the advertisers and clients, i have thousands of followers, i have GBM, i have the package yang i m all in in at one shelter of Redmummy.com.
I m the one and only Redmummy.
think bout that again…
Katalah aku diminta untuk recommend or nominate kamu kamu kamu dan kamu, but why should i choose you, not her or her or her blog?
Remember, back to basic – the contents of your blog.
Oct 08, 2009 @ 14:14:41
ohhh…kre mencari keunikan blog masing2 utk menarik org baca la ek…hurmm…okok…sy akan mengkaji…ape ek yg unik blog sy nih…hurmmmmmmmm…..
.-= sofia´s last blog ..Fasha Dah Nak Kahwin? =-.
Oct 08, 2009 @ 14:17:09
Yup,u r rite redmummy.Ur blog is unique and u update ur blog regularly.Furthermore,u r not afraid to speak ur mine.Really enjoy reading ur blog
.-= eyriqazz´s last blog ..Tips untuk Lelaki Ketika Isteri Membeli-Belah =-.
Oct 08, 2009 @ 15:03:53
sukaaaaaa sangat tengok projek alpha…semua episodes pun best….
.-= Rose´s last blog ..Review: Brokeback Mountain =-.
Oct 08, 2009 @ 15:11:04
tak puas la kak tengok episod project alpha akak nie. sekejap sgt. kasi la 1 episod 30 minit ker, kan best. hehe.
.-= afeeqa´s last blog ..Penjagaan rambut ketak-ketak dengan Sunsilk Smooth & Manageable =-.
Lyn Yusoff
Oct 08, 2009 @ 15:49:58
1st of all, Im proud of u kak..
one of the top blogger melayu perempuan yg layak ke Project Alpha session 1. I like all the episodes especially the last one…
yeah.. thx for the tips kak.. bkn senang nak senang.. bkn susah nak susah..
anyway, i enjoy reading ur blog.
ceria sentiasa..
congrats kak..
.-= Lyn Yusoff´s last blog ..Redmummy @ Project Alpha – Episode 7 =-.
Oct 08, 2009 @ 16:20:47
great job on Project Alpha!
I paling suka your episode because it really tells us about your life.
that’s what Project Alpha is all about; ‘Uncovering Malaysia’s Top Bloggers’.
All the best to you redmummy!
Have a nice day!
.-= Dylan´s last blog ..Project Alpha Week 3: redmummy.com =-.
Oct 08, 2009 @ 16:29:47
i’m watching dat project alpha everyday…vangga gn kak red..
.-= pRincEsS_N´s last blog ..seSi manJe~manJe… =-.
Oct 09, 2009 @ 08:07:59
project alpha bestttttt..
tengok berulang pn x bosan…
all the best kak red..
.-= yaty´s last blog ..parcel from redmummydotcom! =-.
lily lotus
Oct 09, 2009 @ 11:58:32
for every season appear kak red takleh ke..hehe..as a bonus gitu