Random stories…


michelle looks so pretty siot, camera ni from my own camera plak tuh…yet aku amik gambo yang sama for my face, rembang tak kelam pulak jadinya. hemm…

adakah sebab dia baru pas touch up, so she looks so fresh or what?


n this photo lagi worst, from David’s berry….im comparing the photos, it s a new berry, latest model but still not good compared than my old berry. wahahhahaha

anw, both are Nuffies, we had dinner together after my blogjob in Nuffnang’s office on last friday. thanks for the great traffic jam, was 40min late due to raining and heavy traffic jam. oh common reason untuk Friday’s life šŸ™‚


see told ya though it s an old version of berry, gambo ni lagi terang kan wpun muka aku berkusam huhuuuu….lepaking wt kids, tumpang tengok cartoon depa yang aku tengok sekali je aku dah bley tau ending cartoon tuh yek..

have u guys watched Batu Belah Batu Bertangkup ngan Belalang kat Astro? hehehhehehe, dengan mata kusam2 ngantuk waktu the kids tonton, aku pun terjebak sama…


sian lor bila kenang the old version of Batu Belah Batu Bertangkup..

mak nya merajuk tak dapat makanĀ  telur tembakul

abang tu sokmo gak makan tak tinggal mak nya, ikut tekak dia je nak belasah. ko jangan bang…kang mak ko pi carik Batu Belah kang…

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