Stalker or Watcher…


2 pompuan giler happy2 dalam toilet 2 hinggit!


pun dalam toilet 2 hinggit gakkkkk!

mak merah muka pucat yoep, koser nak make up…


namanya pun toilet 2 inggit kan, so meriah la kitorg dok lelama lam tuh. it s my fren’s first time entering to the most expensive toilet in KLCC. so cam beruk mak nyek lah jap mak merah hahahahaha. sumer lotion body mist tu pun kitorg bedal pakai. tak menahan bedak pun aku sauk kat muka. namanya nak masuk sampai 2 inggit sorang, so apa lagik!


if you are my long long loyal readers since years ago, u should have known Pearl. My sweet fren from Singapore, dari kawan through blog till lah skang nih, bape taun dah. oh reminds me to all my girls in Singapore. Kak Ann tu akak x rindu sangat coz satu hari kitorg beremails for sejuta kali hahahaha it will be weird if satu hari tak dak email dari dia. apa kelas hari ni ek ngan Kak Ann gamaknya…


Next to our table was Juliza Adlizan, aku leh dengo dia bercerita pasal kes FB dia yang ‘suka seks’ tuh. beria dia cerita kat kawan2 dia pasal which site yang dok panjang2kan and besarkan isu tuh. hahahaha oh nak bukti, ha tu ha pompuan badan cantik tu yek. Juliza ni aku jumpa dia banyak kali gak, tiap kali jumpa tak pernahnya sememeh or selekeh, always vogue from top to toe. celebrity you…haruslah gitu, kang fans tengok tak cun x semenggah wah susah hati lah pulak kang. or dia pun memang jenis yang suka melawa bergaya. rumah dia lawa ek……tengok majalah lah yang kalo nak tau umah dia. very the modern style sungguh.

dah mall KLCC beso gini, either you ve been watched or you ve been stalked ehehhehehehe 🙂

Comment: 31

I got full marks, i got toys!


Our gegirl is claiming her 2 set of toys. she got full mark on her spelling and ejaan. kencanglah ko! the friday she called me at work nak spread the hot news. coz aku janji kalau full mark dapat on each ejaan and spelling means dapatlah 2 sets of toy.

So on Saturday pas abang pi sekolah ganti, tinggal aku berdua ngan dia. Sirman pas anto abang terus lenjan bawak Sparkle Grey for servicing. wa sambung tidur balik. lam mamai2 kol bape tah dia kejut aku nak tunjuk her 2 books. n ok udahlah kan. tapi jap2 tuh dia kejut aku lagi suh tengok hadiah yang dia nak. dia memang ada buku toys yang aku bawak balik from toy’s shop, dari taun lepas lagi dia simpan, just in case this moment datang. ha memang buku tu lah dia kendong bawak kulu kilir.


terang bijik mata  jap bila aku tengok harga toy yang dia mintak tuh is RM259!!   wohohooo ko jangan nak, meloncat mak terus. so after her violin class,   Sirman and Gegirl went to the shop…pusing satu kedai x de banyak choice and tak berkenan di mata. banyak songeh tol, bapaknya ikut jer lah vontot si anak. then headed to Hero…wah rambang mata, baru best banyak yang berkenan di hati.


she settled wt 1 tiny camera, ini aku rasa camera toy yang ke bape puluh dah dia beli. n one hula hoop ring, red colour lagik. full marks for spelling and ejaan dapatlah 2 toys. this week pun dia dah dapat hafal all the 5 english words for her spelling and starting today too aku kena trained ejaan pulak ngan dia. She learnt all the spelling class with me, sambil buat keje umah sambil blogging aku bertest2 ngan dia. memang motivation betul coz she knows kalau full marks kompem dapat adiah.

nothing for abang as promised, if he gets blue in his mandarin subject, he will get his own toy too, x kisah the price coz abang nya session memang hardest sket lah. lgpun wpun abang tak dpt toys, dia sket pun x menjeles coz he still can tumpang bergelek goyang pinggang main hula hoop ni sama adiknya.

The spelling ejaan is her weekly assessment till end of the year. skang anak2 exam dah 2 weekends aku x pat nak kuor ke mana even to the park coz they need to concentrate on their studies, specially abang lah. aku ada video dia ngah bergelek with the hula hoop ring nih, kalau smyx tak buat hal, laju lah aku uploadkan yek.

Comment: 15

So not rempit…


zaman rempit mu sudah berlalu………


kerojer depa pas semayang jemaat…gini romannya!

Comment: 15

Red Family’s Day…


Sunday is our…

1. sleeping day

2. studying day

3. resting day

Good day all 🙂

Comment: 31

CIMB_Assists yang superbest service!

few weeks ago, aku ada bising2 lam twitter to CIMB bout their bad service in KLCC. i twitted generally without mentioning the situation, i got a DM from CIMB twitter and yes he is very frenly twitter. i mean diorg yang kat belakang nama twitter CIMB nih memang very fast in their action when we have complaints. so they got someone from the KLCC’s branch to get in touch wt me and i explained to the manager on the situation.

i tell you, within 24 hours my prob sudah solved. not only that, their officer followed up ngan aku banyak kali. kira mmg puas hati lah. comparing my streamyx problem, udahlah helpdesk 1300 mengiciwakan, twitter pun x pernah berjawab. itulah masalahnya bila tiada competitor for TM. competitors lain tak sekuat and sehandal TM gamaknya. i tell you, streamyx line aku bukan hok jenis murah2 alang, but for this 1 month the service is getting bad and bad.



This week too, i got a parcel from CIMB. pelik lah aku. aku memang ler kaki bag tapi idak ler pulak aku order mana2 bags online. The sender dari CIMB …. aik. i twitted bout it and CIMB twitter yang superbest the fastest terus anto my questions to their CRU unit. in a minute the officer called me saying that s a token from CIMB to me. great!

wahahahha! i complaint bukan sebab nak dapat token. aku pun tak tau depa memang pandai amik hati customers. That s the good thing bila banks di Malaysia ni terlampau banyak so to compete to each other, the service memang depa jaga. Thanks to CIMB_Assists. Korang in twitter, do add them if you have the CIMB account.

On another note, i have issues on DiGi, also bout twitter, the feedback is not as good as CIMB. quite disappointed gak lah. Satu lagi issue, aku ada masalah with my atm card, not CIMB, but one of my local banks. I called and asked for a replacement card, they promised the new card to be ready by 2 weeks!!

hallu 2 weeks???

Not going to mention the bank’s name, but member aku sume dok suh gertak je suh tutup account dari bank tuh so that diorg sedor in banking service if for a simple thing takes you for 2 weeks, customers boleh lari wooooooooooo. btw, sudah menjadi adat di twitter skarang, even banks pun dah maju ke depan menggunakan twitter sebagai part of their service line. Aku cakap kat korang, dari korang tepon baik korang tweet jer, sekejapan CIMB ppl will msg you and DM you and followed by getting your mobile number and divert you the CRU unit.

Thanks CIMB!

Comment: 26