May 8 2010 Saturday, 12:00 pm
Peacock dress for the last day…
i m wearing a new dress, peacock design
my last day with the honeybossy….
so i purposely wear it, and he likes my new purple dress too…
then i went down for lunch with my gf…
she s buying the Aunty C
n i tried the red leather sukey, pre fall season
our lunch was then joined by KY yang 10kali aku borak, 10 kali nak je aku lempang! yelah he s so famous with the Project Alpha Season 2!
got help from Jac Jac to snap my full dress….KY is the bzbody fren, orang masuk sana sini sumer dia ngekor!
You can wear the dress to work, cover with the cardigan or shawl, if malam2 nak pi meronggeng ha korang bukak je cardigan/shawl yang hangpa nak pakai.
The nice purple peacock dress is brought by Diva Darling .
Tweets that mention Peacock dress for the last day… --
May 08, 2010 @ 12:07:48
[…] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Redmummy. Redmummy said: Peacock dress for the last day… […]
May 08, 2010 @ 12:45:10
suka sngt color purple….n kak u look sweet….
.-= Qiefly´s last blog ..Syukurlah RAKAN arwah (Aminulrasyid Amzah), Azamudin Omar menceritakan kejadian sebenar =-.
May 08, 2010 @ 14:49:34
kak red cntikla…comel sungguh kak res pakai…
May 08, 2010 @ 15:00:47
wow..dan wow..dan wow lagi..hehe..kak ungu nmpk lawa..
May 08, 2010 @ 15:56:57
memang cantik dress ni.. kena plak org yg cantik pakainya.. bertambah2 cantik la jwbnye..
Mi Segera Bukan Penyebab Kanser ?
Haizal Ramdzan
May 08, 2010 @ 16:41:04
Hope someday i can be a full time blogger like u…enjoy sangat tgk ur life…
.-= Haizal Ramdzan´s last blog ..JUTAWAN pengutip tin kosong : Curt Degerman =-.
May 08, 2010 @ 22:22:29
@Haizal Ramdzan, tlg jwb bg pihak kak red…. she’s not a full time blogger la my dear… kak red diva ada keje full time kat KLCC laaaa… iskk iskkk… (tumpang geram.. hehe..sowwy)
.-= cikcloudy´s last blog ..Nuffnang ku… =-.
May 11, 2010 @ 19:41:59
@cikcloudy, biasalah..maner ada org akan buat satu jerk keje….kita kena la gak cari pendapatan len….idup kita..kadang tueh mcm kak red mestilah bosan asik dok mengadap jerk laptop…kalau saya pun bosan gak.hahah
May 09, 2010 @ 01:35:15
u r humble by stylish sis.. m so adore wif ur style.. peacee..!!
.-= darkbatman´s last blog ..Kenapa Aku berbloggingl Sekadar Renungan =-.
May 09, 2010 @ 02:24:15
wow! nice dress kak
.-= kyuubi_85´s last blog ..Lindsay Lohan Berlakon Filem Lucah? =-.
May 09, 2010 @ 14:52:13
wow nice dress.
.-= Huzaiba´s last blog ..Ibu =-.
May 10, 2010 @ 09:39:26
Aww. Pretty dress kak red.. Love it..
Oh, and the dress on the mannequin to pun sama.. Hehehe.. Bubbye honeybossy.. 
.-= Bella´s last blog ..Double Dosage =-.
Lyn Yusoff
May 10, 2010 @ 14:52:34
nice dress…
Lyn tingin gak nak beli satu nnti..
tgh survey2 kt diva darling… hehehe
.-= Lyn Yusoff´s last blog ..Hectic Saturday =-.
May 10, 2010 @ 15:19:41
cantik dress kak red pakai tue..
.-= yaty´s last blog ..Mau Lari Umah!! =-.
May 10, 2010 @ 17:46:21
.-= JaCJaC´s last blog ..Fish Galore at Lucky Loke, SS3 =-.
May 11, 2010 @ 19:43:11
sapa2 leh tolong ajar saya x nak mencantikkan blog macam maner…..nak letak add on ker. apa2 ker…animasi ker