Mister Potato

Mister Potato Manchester United


48hours sponsored post.


Kalau saya RM = Ringgit Malaysia, RD pulak = Red Devils hehehehe šŸ™‚

Iā€™m sure korang semua have heard berita sukan yang gempak baru-baru ni di mana our local Malaysian snack brand which is Mister Potato, produk dari Mamee-Double Decker Bhd, telah menandatangan official contract sebagai the Global Snack Partner of Manchester United. Manchester United tu, bukan alang-alang kecik-kecik anak punya kelab bola sepak! Well, aku bukanlah tau sangat pasal English football ni, tapi kalau nama Manchester United tu sapa yang tak kenal.

TheĀ  deal with Manchester United adalah langkah yang bijak untuk melebarkan lagi sayap pasaran mereka khususnya di SE Asia dan ke seluruh dunia umumnya. Di Malaysia kini, Mister Potato juga memang menjadi the leading snack brand selama beberapa tahun. Dan kini denganĀ  pek barunya iaitu pek edisi Mister Potato Man Utd, semakin lajulah dia punya leading šŸ™‚

Seperti gambar kat atas nun, pek edisi Mister Potato Man Utd dikhiasi oleh pemain-pemain Manchester United yang hebat.


Sedap budak berdua ni mengunyah Mister Potato yang rangup sambil buat homework diorang.

So korang the Red Devils fans out there dah pergi serbu carik the new Mister Potato Crisps featuring pemain-pemain Manchester United kesayangan korang tu ke? Dan jangan lupa pulak untuk try salah satu perisa terbaru mereka yang sudah berada di pasaran iaitu the Fiery Hot & Spicy.


Tapi bukan sahaja Mister Potato Crisps 160g sahaja yang ada featuring Manchester United players, tetapi juga the Mister Potato Mexican Wave Chips. Barulah kena kan, makan Mister Potato Mexican Wave sambil buat mexican wave masa tengok Manchester United main bola hiks.

Ala Kak Red setakat buat mexican wave kat depan TV buat apa? Nak la jugak layan kat Old Trafford tu…

Ha ni aku nak war-warkanlah kat korang yang korang juga berpeluang untuk pergi ke Old Trafford tengok live Manchester United main. Bukan sahaja layan tengok bola live sahaja tetapi termasuklah:

  • * Tiket VIP tuanrumah
  • * Penginapan disediakan
  • * Tiket penerbangan pergi dan balik
  • * Melawat Stadium Old Trafford
  • * Sesi pertemuan (POSSIBLE chance to meet & greet the players)
  • * Duduk di atas kerusi pemain bola yang anda minati di bilikpersalinan

The Ultimate Man Utd Expericene Contest 2011 menawarkan 2 x hadiah bulanan di atas. Ha confirm korang dah teruja dok.

So macam mana nak join contest ni?

Ok dengan setiap pembelian Mister Potato Crisps 160g, Rice Crisps daripada Mister Potato 130g ataupun Mister Potato Mexican Wave 70g, korang akan memperolehi Kad Kod SMS macam gambar kat bawah ni.


And then ikut arahan yang mudah berikut:

Langkah 1 ā€“ Jawab satu soalan ringkas dalam Bahasa Malaysia sahaja (seperti yang dinyatakan pada pek) dan hantar penyertaan menerusi SMS dan/atau secara online (FREE) bersama kod SMS tersebut.

Cara hantar SMS untuk Langkah 1:

MPC<jarak>KOD SMS<jarak>NO. K.P.<jarak>NAMA PENUH (seperti K/P)<jarak> JAWAPAN

Contoh: MPC 12345678Ā  860723141121 ALI BIN AHMAD BETUL

Dan hantar ke 36660

Langkah 2 ā€“ Tunggu respons dan ikut arahan seterusnya.

Selain SMS korang juga boleh sertai contest ini secara online (FREE):

  1. Layari www.mister-potato.com dan pilih negara anda untuk menyertai.
  2. Daftarkan diri jika korang menyertai buat pertama kali ATAU just log masuk jika korang telah pun berdaftar sebelumnya menggunakan nama user dan kata laluan yang sah.
  3. Masukkan Kod SMS dan jawapan yang betul untuk soalan yang dinyatakan pada pek dalam Bahasa Malaysia sahaja apabila diminta oleh sistem.

Senang jer kan.

Aku sendiri pun dah submit jawapan via online, senang dan cepat!!!

Tempoh peraduan adalah seperti di bawah ni di mana 2 orang pemenang akan dipilih pada setiap bulan. Sapa lah yang bertuah menang untuk bulan September lepas tu ya?


Mister Potato and Manchester United already United. Now, this is your chance to be United too! Takkan layan mexican wave kat kedai mamak jer kan hiksā€¦

Khidmat pesanan masyarakat Mister Potato Manchester UnitedĀ is brought by Redmummy.com

Comment: 10

Mister Potato – Olaaaaa!


i did an advertorial on Mister Potato few weeks ago ….ingat dok. so i got an invite from Mister Potato to attend their biggest event collaboration with Nuffnang, think paling ramai event yang malay hadhir. good one.

aku ni kalau advertiser jemput, memang tak sampai hati nak tolak. i did their adv, they are happy with my promo so mestilah saya datang. itupun kalau tak clash dengan blog job yang lain….


my Mexican dress is not sponsored by anyone, from my personal collection which i think after 1-2 kali pakai will be selling under the flag of Shop@RM.


kalau korang biasa baca nama eyriqazz dalam RM…this is the one. most of the bloggers for event ni yang saya tak tahu link or nama saya refer from his entry jer.

oh he antara blogger baru yang sangat rajin untuk menjana blognya dengan income, biar bermula dari sedikit, lama2 mendaki tinggi.

kak ina and her son too pun ada, lots of SR to RM memang ramai ada but i couldnt put the link if you dont give me the highlight.

Azhar Ramli pun ada….one thing aku nya pangai boleh ingat sesiapa yang rajin mengomen di sini, tapi kalo sesenyap so bila jumpa acik parah sket lah nak ngingat nama yang oi…


Izzah Farhana kan?


Leng chai..yang tinggi…


oh i forgot her sweet name. Angel? i like her red top, very the rambu ramba. the fiance is truly malay, mati2 ku sangkakan orangnya mualaf šŸ™‚

anw, welcome to the blogging world adik yang suka merah jugak, eh ye kot dia suka merah hahahaaa, ater pakai merah!


pose for NST, tak pasal2 the couple had to join too coz Kim asked me to tag them along šŸ™‚


adik manis, she didnt make up at all but she has a pretty face…

can someone give me her link pls..


Zaid i guess…?

can someone give me her link pls..


Kim and Aud…


Aud and I being gediks, Tim is like ‘bilakah pompuan merah ini mahu maintain diva ahahhahahaha’


the crowd, outside of the club…


eh mascot ni aku nak amik gambo ngan ko, ke main ko poluk2 den plak yek…laki den dopan ko je hah


for our little kids…

the Miss Potatos r all engaged by Nuffies, i know one of them Vivian šŸ™‚


the crowd in the Mist Club…


my cronies….BN and gf, Helmi and wife


the farmers of Mist Club – bukan ai cakap yer,si MC Liang ni yang propah…


Nuffnang’s founders – Tim and Ming mengapit Phang


us from the top view


finalist for Mister Potato dancing…


this boy is jumping dah macam buat breakdance je aku tengok….


this his name is Syed donnnowhatsomethingbuttoolongtoremember…congratulations boy!


hujan performed…giler tol band nih, but memang happening lah…


i ve been asked by Sirman to record a video waktu Hujan nyanyi.eii letih ok.

btw,that s no my original hair, that s a wig more to red burgundy colour, bought in MV berbulan2 yang lampau, baru dipakai bila aku malas nak mendandan rambut….


for the best dress Mr Potato. Abang Azmi won for 3rd prize but he also won for the lucky draw menang 2 GSC tickets. bertuahnya orang rumah ko bang…

can someone give me his link pls..


the lucky girl won for 2nd prize on the best dress too

can someone give me her link pls..


Siti is the main winner for the Number 1 Mister Potato’s best dress – RM5 ribu yang oi dia menang….

coz she won this, she and her husband sangat baik hati dermakan all the bling bling lampu to us…eh hidup lagi lampu tu, handed over to our kids ody. congrates pengantin baru….


for the blog contest, sweet girl got the 3rd prize

can someone give me her link pls..


adik hensem won with 2nd prize

can someone give me his link pls..


adik manis sudah bertunang, won for the main prize on blogging contest….

can someone give me her link pls..


all of the winners wt Mr Phang


final game for bloggers…


Aud and Bob

Bob loves red too, aku ada jumpa blog dia,pastu aku carik balik dah tak jumpa iskk…can someone give me his link pls..


the winners and the organizers…


the busiest Nuffies at the back of the room – Karen, Rina, RM, Jes and David – they are like my bro n sis ody…


our first meeting after the HK DIsney’s trip – Ming and Estee came all the way from Singapore


aku sering ditinggalkan kesepian cos he s damn busy snapping photos, berpusing satu kelab…nyampahss


my real Mister and Mister Potatoes…

ok enaf…. my simple entry for the sponsor Mr Potato,Ā  Nuffnang and those turned up for the event. see me in my next event, Friso Gold šŸ™‚

we have lots of games and fun for you and your kids! yeyyy!

anybody can help me with the rest of the bloggers link, i mean for this entry lah? thanks

Comment: 32

My No Compromise Experience!!!

Contest contest!! 48hours sticky mode, pls scroll down for my latest entries šŸ™‚

Lately ni kan I m a bit sad & down dgn a few things that happening around me šŸ™ . So to cheer me up, Sirman introduce me to this online games cum contest some more šŸ™‚

Sambil main games, masuk contest kalo ada rezeki menang hadiah lagi. Ai likeeeeā€¦

Aku pun terjebak la jugak, mana tak nya hadiah dia CASH totaling RM10 ribuuuuuu!!!


Ha korang pun sure exited nak join sama. So mari ikut aku menyahut cabaran The #1 Mister Potato contest.

Basically the challenge senang jer. There will be 8 different challenges in the #1 Mister Potato Contest and along the way its actually will give you a brief idea how the crispy chips of Mister Potato are made.


Termasuk mencabut potatoes, memotong, chip crunchiness and macam2 lagi. Semua proses ni nak make sure yang every chip has to be tasty, crunchy and nice gituā€¦ NO COMPROMISE!


The best part is at the end of the challenge; youā€™ll be given a chance to upload a picture of yourself dressed up as Mister Potato!

Redmummy dress up as Mister Potato??? Wait and see yaa

Aku pun bagai nak rak la buat all those challenges. Siap dapat Well Done lagi tu šŸ™‚


Level 2 challenge ni korang kena la baca sket pasal Mister Potato ni kalo nak jawap soalan tu.Ā  Jangan tak rajin plak, kalau nak menang contest, perjalanannya tak sesingkat yang kita sangka, lagipun ni 10ribu ringgit tau imbuhannya yerā€¦


Contohnya Mister Potato ni 100% quality imported potatoes from the best, and healthiest Atlantic, Dakota Pearl and Hermes Potatoes and the new pack size for Potato Crisps is 160g

Mister Potato ni ada banyak flavors tapi yg menjadi pujaan hatiku ialah yang Original and Hot & Spicy. Eh bukan pujaan aku sorang, budak 3 org tu pun sama, especially the kids suka sangat yg Original flavor. Sirman of cos yg Hot & Spicy!

Sedap tu memanglah sedap & rangup lak tu. Tapi lagi sedap kalau ko makan ngan air kopi pekat hitam sambil laying down atas sofa layan tgk dvd. Wahaiiiiiiiii!!


Dalam byk2 challenge tu, slicing potatoes yg aku syok sekali, apa tak nya rasa macam potong btul2 lak. Choppp choppp chopppp. Choping pun bukan sebarang chop ya, kena betul2 nipis & cepat2 sbb ni ade timer. Kalo lambat or salah potong, fail lorrrr


And good news for bloggers pulak, blogging contest! Yes Mister Potato is giving out an additional 100 invites along with another RM10,000 cash prize total to Nuffnangers who wish to come and join the Mister Potato Fiesta 2009. All you have to do is;

1.Ā Ā Ā  Blog about the #1 Mister Potato Contest and title it ā€˜No Compromise for Mister Potato Fiesta 2009ā€™

2.Ā Ā Ā  Tell us why you do not compromise quality in your potato chips.

3.Ā Ā Ā  Send an email to misterpotato@nuffnang.com with your Full Name, IC number, and permalink of your written post.

The 3 most creative blog posts written (Pictures, music and videos will all help!) will win the following prizes;
ā€¢Ā Ā Ā  Grand Prize ā€“ RM5,000
ā€¢Ā Ā Ā  1st Runner Up ā€“ RM3,000
ā€¢Ā Ā Ā  2nd Runner Up ā€“ RM2,000

Apa lagi korang, start your engines writing!


And the final stage like ai said, you kena snap photo of you dress up like Mister Potato like ai did belowā€¦



Tadaaaaa ni la gambar ai dress up like with Mister Potato šŸ˜›


Well actually Sirman yg dressed up like Mister Potato šŸ™‚


Tapi ni Mister Potato version malas, tepek2 photoshop. For sure tak menang punya! Korang jgn ikut cara Sirman ni! Korang kena la betul2 dress up sebijik macam Mister Potato tu, barulah ada higher chances nak menang.Ā  means hangpa kena carik topi baju misai panjang bagai, jadikan badan korang mampat macam Mister Potato.

But no matter how you dress up, itā€™s up to you. The main point is being creative and do it your own style. Donā€™t forget to ask your friends to vote for you. At the end your pocket will be full of cash and you get a chance to attend Mister Potato Fiesta of the year, end of this December!

So if you think you have what it takes to be the #1 Mister Potato, we strongly suggest you head on to here right now!

So are you the #1 Mister Potato? If so, remember to dress up as Mister Potato!

Khidmat pesanan masyarakat Mister Potato is brought by redmummy.com

Comment: 15