Korang nya email add


Email add tuh sume aku cilok from my comments board. korang kan anto email, anto komen, so apalah salahnya aku bagi korang postcard gitu. unfor, setelah lebih 2 weeks, baru sorang 2 je yang dapat postcard nih. if you receive, please alert me kay.

Ai submitted my postcard long time ago, n aku memilih kamu randomly sebagai penerima.

That s not a spam email!

Comment: 9

Your World. Your Classroom


ai am participating for the WOU Postcard Contest 🙂

Wawasan Open University (WOU), the first Malaysia’s private, not-for-profit, open learning institution, a lifelong learning community without borders. Funded by charitable trusts, corporations and the public, they aim to lower the personal cost of learning and make it more affordable and use flexible approaches to make higher education accessible to all – anytime, anywhere!

Hey RM’s readers – expect to get a postcard from me kay…  now go and check your inbox!

Comment: 17

WOU Postcard Contest

Please allow this entry as a sticky mode, as usual new entries at the bottom of this entry.

Zaman dah berubah, kalau dulu bila bercakap tentang kelas, yg kita bayangkan ada kerusi meja & papan hitam, kalau kat U lak, kerusija (kerusi yg ade meja sekali tu la), papan putih or probably projector. Tapi zaman sekarang dengan teknologi2 yg canggih manggih, kelas anda adalah dunia anda sendiri, kelas anda boleh berada di mana sahaja, dengan siapa yg anda suka & bila2 masa. Di bawah pokok, di atas katil, di tepi pantai, pagi petang ataupun malam, anda cipta dunia kelas anda sendiri.

Sy juga jika inginkan kelas saya seperti ini… di mana sahaja yang sempat as long as ada masa terluang…

On the other hand, kadang2 ilmu itu bukan sahaja dari apa yg kita baca dari buku or internet, tetapi juga dari perjalanan dan pemerhatian anda ke semua aspek kehidupan begitu juga kepada apa sahaja yg menjadi inspirasi along the journey.

Dan dengan apa yg ditawarkan buat masa sekarang or revolutionary form of education is now, tak kira tua atau muda, kita boleh senantiasa belajar, belajar & belajar. As long as ada kemahuan, tiada rintangan yg dapat menghalang or kata orang takde alasan lagi la utk tak nak belajar.

Apa yg saya ingin katakan adalah tentang Wawasan Open University (WOU), the first Malaysia’s private, not-for-profit, open learning institution, a lifelong learning community without borders. Funded by charitable trusts, corporations and the public, they aim to lower the personal cost of learning and make it more affordable.


They use flexible approaches to make higher education accessible to all – anytime, anywhere. Their self-paced learning environment is specially designed for the convenience and accessibility of adult learners of any umur, gender, etnik dan background.

So kalau korang nak study for acredited qualifications atau for personal enrichment tanpa meninggalkan rumah kau, dan pekerjaan kau (they do offer Open Distance Learning) atau juga pada sesiapa yang ketinggalan with the  tertiary education then WOU is for you since WOU again doesnt focus on age, gender or race in allowing entry.
Sempat tak kalo aku nak enroll belajar lagik kat WOU? Apa course aku nak amik ek?

The best part is currently they are having a “WOU Post A Postcard Contest” with a cool set of prizes to be won including Macbook White, iPod Touch, iPod Shuffles Canon 450D DSLR

So apa lagi, start your engine to participate in. As simple as 1,2,3 you too can join this contest & claim those prizes:
Link to Nuffnang entry – http://www.nuffnang.com.my/blog/2009/02/16/post-postcard-to-win-a-macbook-air/
so hangpa nak menang itu sume adiah yang hebat2 belaka? Meh aku ajar yer…

Step 1
amik camera, snap gambo hangpa sorang or kawan ko yang ngah belajar baca buku ke with laptop ke ikut idea hangpa lah kan, so that will be your base of your postcard lah nanti.

Step 2
Udah siap amik gambo, pi plak kat site nih http://contest.wou.edu.my/ and click ‘Play’ tab. Ko jangan lupa click itu Stamps in the middle to download them. Pakai lah apa cara pun, paste je stamps tu kat postcard ko.

Step 3
Guna idea bernas hangpa, digitally caption your photograph with no more than 10 words, yang relate to the theme contohnya “Your World, Your Classroom”. Jangan korang tulih spanish plak, contest ni hanya accept English and Malay’s languages jer.

Step 4
Siap sudah, post your postcard lam blog ko immediately.

Step 5
Pastuh post pulak postcard yang ko dah blogkan tuh to your frens families by visiting http://contest.wou.edu.my/ and clicling the ‘Submit’ tab. Korang isi particulars, upload hangpa nya postcard and email addresses kawan2 ko yang korang nak dia terima postcard hangpa and tekan ‘Submit’. Adoi senang laaaa…abang and gegirl pun leh buat.


Gegirl can be my postcard model, even she is too young, she still can enter the contest BUT BUT BUT, she s too young to enroll in the university. Jangan korang kompius kay! Anw, ni contoh postcard je weih!

Paham sudah? So kalau sudah paham, meh kita ramai2 meriahkan majlis participating this contest. Tak nak kalu, rugi kowang. Adiah menawan the bomb tuh. Aku pun nak masuk, tp kalo aku nak masuk aku kena buat entry lain…..depa tak nak kira entry aku yang nih.


I will participate, so tengok lah, ai have like less than 15 days to submit my postcard to WOU! 2 link yang wajib hangpa visit is Nuffnang’s blog and WOU’s contest nih.

Khidmat pesanan masyarakat WOU Postcard Contest is brought by redmummy.com

Comment: 6