Red Poison…

aku tak de lah nak suka kat sesatu perfume tu specific…agak2 sedap kat hidung aku mmg aku x kisah. but i change my perfumes everyday, i dont like to stick to one. asal bau sedap mak pakai. but for these 2 mmg aku x suka ye. it comes in miniatures set that i bought so x leh nak wat apa lah.

actually the left one tu Bvlgari, i bought last year kat Beijing’s Airport, dalam box tu 3 for men, 4 for ladies. tapi aku campo kan sume lam my blue perfumes bag. aku rasa cam pomp punya, so sekali aku pakai bau the hampeh!! terus aku bg sirman. gamaknya men punya tp i tot it s for ladies. x dap!

the right one is Beautiful of Estee…pun mak x suka. aku kdg2 buat spray bilik, satu umah kalo perfumes yang aku x suka baunya…hiks !


when i was very young, umur belasan2 taun gitu, my cousin from my dad’s side has this perfume. aku cuba sekali dua masyallah sedapnya bau. i was 16 years old that time. setiap taun ai wish ai could have one. Make the story short, i managed to get this 30ml Poison, only after 15 years later!!! itupun i bought kat Amsterdam, when i was visiting Sirman.

Pasal harganya bapak lah mahal, throughout 15 years, when i wanted to buy, i think i need to use the money for something else. Now alhamdulillah, i can afford to get any perfumes but the Poison will remain in my sweet memory (ada separuh lagi isinya x abih lg tu).

….beli kat amsterdam mughah gila, aku beli berbotol2 perfumes, geram gitu kan!

Comment: 7

New Friend…

she is my colleague in Menara’s office. but soon she ll be moved to JB…gonna miss her.

her nick name is Ms Gomen, pandai2 je budak2 opis ni panggil dia nama gitu. The shoes yang dia beli ni, bought from Subang Parade, kalau beli 10 pasang, penuhkan cop dapat free shoes. Eclipse kalau buat promotion gitu, cepat kaya kasut lah jawabnya aku.

amacam hensem tak? he s my new fren in menara’s office. since aku kena dok kat opis menara sehari suntuk, i was thinking to grab my lunch wt adik reporter..again, time x match plak. so this fella ajak aku lunch. he s not working wt my company but he is involved wt some of our projects. yang penting……… menara’s colleagues said, kalau aku x datang….Adik Panjang lah ‘bunga’ mereka.

tu diah!!! lenggok dia peweittttttttttttt!!! very the hadek2 tau…Lea Laurelle, he knows you!

Adik Panjang is very the kaki panjang ye…badan dia kalau jalan melentik2, aku lunch ngan dia..ppl yang makan kat gerais menara terteleng2 menengok dia. hiks…wpun aku pakai DV Adik Panjang jugak orang pandang. mulut boleh tahan ye…ater hadek2 kan!

he is not attached wt someone, he is lone ranger. Adik Panjang suka berkawan dengan wanita sejati, tapi kadang2 kenapa kita boleh get along wt ppl like him, and these ppl selesa berkawan wt us. Susah dia nak makan or berjalan wt straight guy, takut the straight guy kena he prefers to be wt ladies fren.


Comment: 13

Red’s perfumes…

selain drpd kasut, mengumpul perfumes ialah antara hobby gila aku!

miniatures yang aku beli ke dapat ke, semua aku cabut kotak2 and put it in one blue bag. beg merah takde coz blue bag ni foc. aku letak 3 bottles lam handbag, bila habis satu, aku amik satu bottle from here and ganti yang dah abih lam hbag. pusing2 gitu lah… ai hv most of branded and famous brands.

Remember Sirman bought the VS set for me from Texas? VS’s body splash, 2 bottles ai gave away to my 2 sis and one gegirl buat harta dia. lagi 3 x tau lg bila nak pakai coz semua bag2 aku mmg dah ada miniatures, kalo abih baru aku ganti.

yang VS ni paling aku sayang. i tried the red bottle tu, sirman ada beli extra, sedap seiii bau dia. so for this set, i save for the last hikss…. dah abih sume perfumes baru aku bukak yang ni. ada banyak lagi bersepah2 in both cars, at my workstation in tower’s office, lam handbags lain pun ada satu each..

i should blog bout the empty bottles of these perfumes, starting end of last year kot aku start collect, usually aku buang jer. i will post that entry separately.

If nak tau, for your kak red’s birthday, perfume is a must to give!

Comment: 24

I m loud!

i m so truly tired…

i was supposed to be in Menara for at least an hour, but stranded for 1 whole day.

Bloody parking services, they shut down all parkings due to big mtg, when i said big…it s VERY BIG!!! my fans in Menara..ngape le korang x ckp kat aku ada BIG meeting tu..halahai.

3 kali aku pusing menara carik parking….nan ado. terpaksa aku parked tepi jalan jer. jauhhhhhhhhhhhh masyallah. jauh sesangatttttt….duh.

di dalam perjalanan kaki ku melangkah from the parking tu ke menara, siap jumpa sungai lagi.

aku takde mood la nak blogging right now. but i ve posted few entries for tomorrow, and now, i want to lie down and have a good sleep.

Sorry gang, skang is not a good time for you to make fun of the serious thing. Ada gak aku campak engko lam sungai atas tu.

Aku fed up kan apa pun aku x tau, there s a reason but i cant tell you. Looking forward for my sweet memories, remember bout my happy mood last week, lambatnya aku leh revealkan kat korang…

Comment: 9

Ekau nak kono libas?

penat tau sekolah petang ni..kalo pagi sek agama, ptg sek kebangsaan, lagi la balik mmg landing terus la budak bujang ni yer…

penat ye bang, peksa ok ke bang?

comotnya makcik ni, tak mandi petang lagi lah ni kan…

oh gegirl dah comei..gambo abang aku nak snap dia lari…budak tu kan malas nak bergambo.

anw kayu garpu tu khas untuk garuk belakang badan, tp kadang2 kalo aku x de modal, suh makan tidur mandi x jalan, aku gertak la pakai mende tu. nak libas budak2 ni? ai x sanggup u, nangis aku tidur memalam pukul anak yer… tidak tidak…!

Comment: 6