Rich and Famous…

Rich and Famous

kaler baju n necktie dia sedondon je ngan our kasut from the previous entry…


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Elo and Vincci…

one is from Bangsar and one is from Vincci

Comment: 10

Sibuk mengaco…

aku yang sibuk ada game, dia yang sibuk main chess tau…

so kalo aku kalah, ada modallah sapa yang jadi penyebab aku kalahkan….

Comment: 4


im struggling wt my chess games at the moment. gonna meet red and blue team tomorrow eve, tuesday. yes darling for new readers i m stucked in an Orange Team…not my call.

this is going to be round 3 and 4, individually count, i won for the first round got bye for the 2nd round.

aku ni kan esok nak lawan malam ni la baru hegeh2 nak main chess…

my pc is conqured by sirman, so i hv to use the bagak laptop from the hall..

ramai nak tau camne aku training kan, i play in yahoo chess, enter my yahoo id and get access to Social Lounge. beratus ribu manusia yang gilakan chess around the world are playing there. i open up a table wt 1 min timer, an opponent will sit and we click play. lepas tu lintang pukang la move as fast as we can since main seminit timer kan.

i choose to play wt 1 min timer, coz aku nak push hard my brain to move and think faster. though in my real game tomorrow, timer is 25min.

wish me luck! muahsss..

Comment: 8

SF is RED…

aku cukup x suka sket lah kalo ada mtg pagi buta kat menara tu, tercangak2 la aku nak carik bfast. lain la kat tower..all in one go.

so lg 10min mtg nak start, aku tapau these 2 and makan kejap kat meja SF..half way terus aku naik ngan mulut mengunyah.

yang x bfast menda ni hari2 ye. bila dah tak ckp masa je baru aku capai mana yang nampak di mata. lgpun kat menara lobby ni hanya ada SF, nak pi layan teh tarik ke ns lemak kena naik tingkat lain. koser ai.

anw im starting to like SF’s hot choc, provided aku kena remind them to pour less milk. kalo idok, kompem x sodap, cant beat sbucks.

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