The whities…


by coincidence la pulak sekali tetiga pakai white top…

pagik2 aku sampai laju je dema suh snap gambo..

Comment: 3


since i started this dotcom, aku selalu berangan2 nak buat surprise this surprise that. how i wish sometimes my beloved will come to my office, asking out for lunch, or just purposely take leave to take me out somewhere and force me to apply impromptu leave. yadayayeii..whatever, never comes true…

alright i m not getting the surprises moment, so i decide to give some surprises to my readers. kalau dah namanya surprise buat hapa nak bagitau before the actual event kan.

i told myself that i wanna have a date wt someone who can be the 1000 commentators… 

merasa la keja ngan menteri kan, huhu


siapa yang rasa itu komen dari dia, pls come forward, make an entry bout yr excitement for being the 1000 commentators. to be fair, im hiding the menteri’s entry, kang pecah lubang lak kan..


the lucky blogger doesnt know bout this, yet…


what’s the next surprise, u guess???


Comment: 15

Pregnant Mom!


malu-malu seorang ibu

moga kandungannya sihat sejahtera



Comment: 18





at least twice a week, aku mesti breakfast wt my son at his sekolah agama. wpun nasi lemak kat kantinnya agak kurang memberangsangkan tp aku telan gak lah even separuh jer. teh tarik is a must. 

and biasanya aku peratikan aku sorang je mak yang nyibuk bfast kat kantin ngan anak, lelain tu ada lah nenek2 budak2 ni lam 4,5 orang. everytime aku datang, i will sit at the same spot and order the same menu….


….wt the same black scarf 🙂


Comment: 14

Vienna Bagels



i was walking up to kino when i saw this new donut’s shop…emm kedai baru seyyy….located at 3rd floor of KLCC.


so turun je dari Kino, aku beli these 6 pcs..semuanya ada kaitan kacang. aku gila kacang, kalo makan coklat pun mesti carik yang berisi kacang…


i stop taking dinner since few days ago, so makan sekeping for malam sekeping for breakfast and berlapik2 perut ngan donuts. yang 3 org lagi tu agak kurang minat wt this type of donuts…

btw, buku kawin ning x kuor lagi jual kat kino…


Comment: 17