Red in the house…


3 big items delivered in the afternoon. lepas pasang they left wt some of the boxes. but some boxes lak sirman ajer yang buat. abang was bz wt ps2, never care bout his surroundings. gegirl was the one yang paling kecoh mengaco. redmummy buat keje light2….


….abang and gegirl tolong the parents, anto buang to rubbish room. itupun lepas aku berkicau suh dia benti main n do something for the house.



it s not finished yet….we did some of the house decorations, since Fifin’s duty is to clean up the house, we let her do her task first, we will continue our red project tonite.

all out…

Excuse me, need to go to TTDI again…

Comment: 11

Red Commentators…


i guess my readers are not really keen to read my blog over the weekend.


the hit drops every weekend, the numbers of commentators also drop on the weekend.


and my mood to blog over the weekend also drop, even i have a story bout the TV3 thingy…


i will blew up when you gotta mood of reading my blog and leaving comments..


For Redmummy.


Comment: 15

Red Ikea…


these were what we bought from the IKEA and JJ. the 2nd trip will be delivered in the afternoon today…


i can show you ni je lah yeah…which i got from JJ. hiks…

lelebih kena lah tunggu episode selanjut kan, cerita kat tv pun ada iklan and part by part kan kan kan….


Comment: 3

Red vs Pink…




tengah2 asyik makan, i saw these 2 fells ngah lenggang kangkung cik kiah. they used to be appeared in my old blog long time ago, kali ni kuor lagi kan….berani gila blog akak letak muka dema tak de blur langsung…

if you are my follower since Bloggers Idol time, korang kenal la sapa dema ni. I dont want to link their blog coz kang korang tau sapa dema, coz kat blog dema pun muka gini x kuor ye, hanya di blog ni sajork. anak2 ikan gitu kan…

empunya badan ni sooner or later dia sergah la gak kat sini, mak x dulik nyahhhhhhhhh… 😛




and sebab mulut dia berkicau macam murai, satu badan bercakap gak, duduk pun sampai koyak patah kerusi tu dibuatnya…

dahlah kat lam plate jumpa helaian rambut, kerusi pun agak2 uzur jugak kesihatannya yer…

Comment: 7

Dome oh Dome…


serupa tak gambar atas 2 ni? catch up of the day from Dome depan IKEA tu…


the first photo was my first plate, ngah2 makan aku jumpa rambut baikkkkkkk punya bawah2 nasi tu..


aku panggil waiter, pointing to the hair, dia amik plate tu and blah


10 min later, dia bwk yang baru..tapi appetite makan aku dah habis, half plate pun x jalan…



bill sampai, charge me for 1 plate, berani nak charge sampai 2 plates? harus aku saman…





masa aku panggil waiter ni, encik sirman tanya gak kenapa, aku saje x nak ckp kat dia, coz he nanti cakap alah sket jer..buang jer la ke tepi..



ehwahhh… menda makan tu bang oiii…


Comment: 5