Jul 5 2008 Saturday, 6:00 pm
Charles & Keith, Pavillion (3)
The only red hbag from CnK yang aku nampak, but it s more to sling bag, nak pakai for casual pun macam x nice..the price is about RM60 ke RM70 aku lupa lah plak…
dah memang aku nak ngamik bila Ms Pretty Tall memujuk rayuku jangan ngamik, the shape is so biasa2 ajer gitu kan..tol gak ye dak.
then aku x ngamik lah, left CnK wt one pair of shoes only, will visit again, mbe next month
masalahnya kat pavillion gitu, tu yang kuasa weii nak pergi, kalo lam klcc tarak lah kisah jugak
Ms Pretty Tall is so excited to get her CnK in KL, kalo idak asal turun spore je berkotak2 lah dia kena beli
n we got crazy idea to snap few photos at the lobby of pavillion while waiting for Mr Bachelor beli air…
Red, when is this post will be published in your blog? we wanna see us in your blog!
Probably on Saturday girls
see…i ve set it up to Saturday, kalau korang nak belek on the CnK’s collections, check out to the first 2 posts before this entry ye…
Enough wt CnK’s posting then…the shoes price range here is between RM80 to RM200. i will post my cnk’s shoes bila aku pakai.
Jul 05, 2008 @ 19:08:07
cantek berkilat beg merah tuu…bestnyer CnK nii..
Jul 05, 2008 @ 19:13:11
Ms Pretty Tall cun la sis. mcm pelakon huhuh… dia keje model ke.. ade rupa model..
Dookie’s last blog post..Danity Kane Feat Fabolous – Damaged Official..Remix
Jul 05, 2008 @ 20:29:56
ya Allah……chantiknye miss tall nih….kak….sementara abg g TTDI……buleyh singgah CnK sunway!!! dekat sgt dah tu….kire paling dekat la kan….cube nengok2 die ade bukak kat curve tak
Jul 05, 2008 @ 21:45:39
cam best jerk cnk boutiqe nie..
taknah gi lak before this…..
arituh lalu je..tak bukak lagik…
Diana-k’s last blog post..Is it cool being cool to your X??
mrs safwan
Jul 06, 2008 @ 07:43:40
Cantik je bag tu. Tali dia boleh bukak? Kalau boleh bukak, I bawak je pi ofis. 60/70 hengget, MURAH! Nyways, semlm dah pi dah Pavilion tu, dah pi pun Tkt 5, tp terlupa langsung pasal CnK ni.
mrs safwan’s last blog post..Si Biskut
Jul 07, 2008 @ 07:50:42
CNK never fails to please..!!!!!!!! but sometimes ade jugak yang tak comfortable but generally once you dah start beli, boleh addicted jugak
pearl’s last blog post..Philly to DC
Jul 07, 2008 @ 12:33:32
ooo.. harus pergi ni!!!! hehe.. hari tu lalu je.. (alamak which floor?hehe..) tak bukak lagi..
bila nak pegi yek.. i love wedges.. wedges ada tak kak red?
YusVogue’s last blog post..Schedule for Personal Make Up Class (May – Aug 2008)
Oct 19, 2008 @ 14:01:02
ms pretty tall nih lawa la