The Dark Knight – Batman!

Last nite, I got an invite from Nuffnang for the premiere of The Dark Knight, Batman! The show was at The Garden, Gold Class…kalau x de invite ni sampai sudah aku x tau there s a cinema on top of it! even they did mentioned the venue is at The Gardens, but your gila kak red, still parked her car at Midvalley. Which answers a question, kenapa aku menghilang memalam of Tuesday 🙂

I came alone, no extra ticket for my readers, but Nokia gave extra tickets to invited bloggers, but kenapa aku x de deal wt nokia yet? sirman, you need to push up harder on this, i need to bring my 2 readers for my next movie preview. Pasni kalau ai dpt invite lagi, ai really hope they can give me 2 extra tickets for my readers. You guys want to join me kan?

I got here around 8pm straight away from office, menapak jalan dari MV je dah bapak le lama gila, since aku mixed up pi GSC, MV. hiks….and dinner is provided for all guests at the Paradiso. They had a buffet session, since i was alone, quite ok for me so that i can observe ppl. Ada ramai bloggers but hanya sorang je yang aku kenal….

Joe KK, luckily i have a fren here! but sebab dia jadi Joker, semua org kerumun ngan dia, being bloggers x sahlah kalau x amik gambo ngan dia kan. Oh he won N95 from Nokia, that s becoz he wore the Joker costumes, related to Batman lah for sure, something like that lah. Joe – Happy Birthday for tomorrow yeah, 17th! since Nuffnang is not asking me to review so much on the film, can do but up to me, i would recommend you to watch the movie. I m not sure bila dia nak kuor to public, but check out your nearest online cinemas booking yer..

The security check up is very tight, no cameras n fons even laptops are allowed into the cinema. they wrapped and packed up your stuff, so no photos inside the cinema, dah abih movie baru dapat amik balik harta. I met Alvern my new fren, sat next to me but i lost him after picking up my gadgets. Yo Alvern, if you happened to read this message, email me via contact red pls. Forgot to ask your blog lah, adoii!

Tapi lama betullah movie ni, dari 850pm kot dia starts, sampai 11 lebih baru habih. plus campo tolak aku sesat carik parking, menapak jauh balik dr TG to MV, kol 1210am baru sampai umah.

Emm…negative part on this movie kan, Batman tu cam lembik sket lah, Joker tu macam aduh terer le sangat gila sampai sume org dia leh beat, sampai dia ada banyakkkkk sgt plan, back up plans, pokpak plan segala. so much! ok ok..u just go and watch the movie, enjoy yrself. Get to know the Darknight.

i want to correct something here related to parking issue:

1. i do remember where i parked

2. aku ingat jalan masuk kedai semua

3. but at one time, korang mesti akan tetiba blank! so here it goes. i was walking alone at 1115pm from TG to MV…..ikut laluan crossover tu ye, sampai kat Little Penang Cafe, the jalan quite dark, sapa yang sergah aku kat situ kompem lah aku pengsan. U know masa tu emotion aku dah tak tentu arah, in fact dr TG lagi aku dah pucat lesi ngan sunyi sepi sana sini. yang ada orang2 indon bangla yang bekerja. tapi aku jalan gak.

4. ingat tak aku ada cakap yang aku ni parked kat MV and tot the event held kat GSC, MV, so actually i went up there straight from my parking., amik escalator amik lift terus ke GSC. since aku dah stucked kat penang cafe, aku cam bengong, turn left or right. that was at 1st floor. aku datang dari 3rd floor awal2 masuk MV. not from 1st floor. kedai dah tutup, again it s almost 1120pm. and again alone!

5. i turned left, coz aku ikut follow suara oarng yang bekerja. if i turn right, aku x dengo suara org yang ngah bekerja dok buat renovation hapa2 lam MV tu…

6. i cant think so much lah that time, my kepala tingtong, my left eye sakit…sampai lift aku turun bawah at P1 and bayo my parking. i know that s not my parking area, aku tau aku patutnya pi turn right on the no 5. point. so i had to walkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk macam dari ujung A, MV to ujung Z, MV. gitu.

7. but dalam keadaan panic aku mulalah gelabah x hengat, that s when i was about to cry, carik laki, laki lak tido. security sorang pun x de. sebab tulah bila couple tu tolong pun, lepas x jumpa gak aku blah gak coz i know where the car was just that aku masa awal2 tu ngah blank. i remember kat mana aku naik tembung kedai mana, but dengan macam2 symtoms yang dok jadi kat aku, i couldnt lah act normal.

sebab tulah aku tinggalkan couple tu, aku jalan sorang2, yes ada orang2 bekerja indon bangla tu, tp at that time, aku tau nak balik cepat jer. n that time gak i was on the phone wt sirman. pastu lak tawakal ajelah. terima kasih lah atas tips anda semua. aku ni nye style kalo pi MV, aku x kan park jejauh dr pintu escalator tu, kalau pusing 2 kali x dpt gak parking, aku tunggu tepi, agak2 ada org lalu nak amik keter, ai follow lah. tu biasa amalan aku lah, mesti nak carik parking yang dekat2 ngan main entrance.

huh, what a horror nite!

n again, thank you to this lady n her fren, yang tlg aku carik my parking last nite:

ive met the famous lady in red last nite,enexpectedly..citenye going to mid with pali to catch a muvie.and waktu pakcik tu tgh cari tempat nak park..we’ve passed thru a woman.i think ive seen her.lambat plak nak tangkap..hahah..its kred la..~wah..time tu cam da excited2..pali tak paham knape aku xcited terserempak ng die.aku buat tak layan je..wahahah..tapi not to the extend nak tego la..ive been her silent reader for quite sumtime.i know her,but she didnt know me..takkan tbe2 nak freak out kan org pegi tego die tanye die kred or not kan..da la tetengah malam plak tue.and kitorang pon jalan towards the escalator..and gues what?she went asking for help to teman die pegi parking.wah..parkinson aku kejap okeh!and instead of anything else i can said,i went asking”u ni kred kan?”duhhh~sgt laaaaaa unreasonable.tapi consider as 1st timer jumpe kan..forgiven la kot erk kred?sorry kred,i culd be more helpier i know.thank god i know at last u are safe and sound..

kalo jadi pe2 le kat aku mlm td, ha that lady n her fren are the only witness! coi coi coiiii 🙂

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