
we went back from Levi’s Launch Party, when the DJ took over the stage

some of the frens still having their fun, tapi kami callo calitbut 🙂

kerja ku sudah usai…

pulang ngangkut anak2, depa rombak all the harta benda Levi’s from the party

one of the gift, 501’s mouse pad…sekali 3 plak aku dapat

almost 24hours after the party, Epi and Sirman are doing this project related to Levi’s Launch @ Ruums

Ai m not involved, aku dah kepenatannnnnn……to pasal entry arini kuor lambat gila, i didnt even set any auto publish mar.. as i said, weekend x ramai orang ngendap for blogging pun, ada memang ada tapi x ramai, kira blogger cam aku ni cuti rehat sket lah kalau nak memblog over the weekend. at least ai did 4-6 entries jer on wekeend, unlike wkdays, 8 entries tu memang dah kompem lah…

so now, ai ngah pukul balun for next days entries… 🙂

ai have one special contest for you, from one advertorial….watch out for my regular update yeah…

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